Materfamilias: the association of mother’s work on children’s absolute income mobility, Southern Sweden (1947–2015) Gabriel Brea-Martinez
From Sweden to America: migrant selection in the transatlantic migration, 1890–1910 Martin Dribe ; Björn Eriksson; Jonas Helgertz
Smooth sailing: market integration, agglomeration, and productivity growth in interwar Brazil Marc Badia-Miró; Anna Carreras-MarÍn ; Michael Huberman
Local multipliers and the growth of services: evidence from late nineteenth century USA, Great Britain, and Sweden Vinzent Ostermeyer
Terms of trade during the first globalization: new evidence, new results David Chilosi ; Giovanni Federico; Antonio Tena-Junguito
Foreign investments and tariff protection revisited: correcting the trade balance of the Russian Empire, 1880–1913 Marina Chuchko