Founded in October of 1898, Slavonic Review is a pivotal historical journal published in the Czech Republic and focusing on the history of the nations of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe. It initially presented a wide spectrum of information on contemporary political and cultural events in the Slavonic world. It has been a scientific historical journal since the 1960s, with a comprehensive peer review system established in the beginning of the 1990s. In addition to specialized analytical studies, the journal publishes material (source) texts, expert discussions, reviews, reports, and compendia on domestic and foreign historiographic output as well as important information from scientific life. The mission of Slavonic Review is to present the historical evolution of the Czech nation and other lands within the studied region in broad international-political and cultural contexts while at the same time serving as a platform for historians of different generations and methodologies to meet and exchange opinions. The journal is open to researchers from the Czech Republic and abroad. Contributions are published in Czech, Slovak, and English.
At present, Slavonic Review is published on a biannual basis.
DRAGNEA Mihai Mobility, settlement and colonization on Rügen in the second half of the twelfth century pp. 227–249 This study is about group migration to Rügen as a social, cultural, and political phenomenon in the second half of the 12th century. Migration refers to the mobility of people in a broader sense, that is their settlement in a new territory and the colonization of small distinct groups. Based on the information from the narrative sources, the political context in which the migration took place was analyzed. Records of migration in general, and colonization in particular, have been highlighted and discussed in connection to the Danish conquest. The categories of migrants and colonists, the length of stay, the settlement diversity and the causes of migration were identified. Keywords: Human mobility, settlement, migration, colonization, Rügen, Denmark.
KREJČÍ PREISSOVÁ Andrea – KOČÍ Jana Válka v Chorvatsku očima dětí. Kvalitativní analýza dětského časopisu Náš koutek z let 1991–1993 The war in Croatia through children’s eyes: a qualitative analysis of the children’s magazine Náš koutek from the years 1991–1993 pp. 251–273 This study reflects on the historical experience of the war in Croatia in the beginning of the 1990s through the eyes of children, using a qualitative analysis of their contributions published in the contemporary periodical Náš koutek in the years 1991–1993. The oldest children’s magazine published in the territory of the former Yugoslavia by Czech compatriots in the Czech language became a unique historical source that mediated testimonies about the horrors of war authentically and directly. More than a thousand children from the Daruvar area were separated from their parents and evacuated to accommodation facilities in the Czech Republic, where they remained for a period of nearly five months, and this influenced a significant percent of their contributions. On the basis of analysis of the children’s contributions, it was determined that their experiences from the war can be named through categories of emotions such as fear, love, longing, hope, and pain, which relate to the central phenomenon of change that took place in many aspects of their lives because of the war. Key words: war, Croatia, Czech minority, refugee children, Náš koutek
KREISINGER Pavel – PERUTKA Lukáš Eduard Preiss: The Forgotten Czech Globetrotter, His Mindsets and His Impact on the Czech Society pp. 275–296 This study focuses on the intriguing and idiosyncratic personality of Eduard Preiss (1823–1883), who was one of the first Czech globetrotters. Today he is almost forgotten, and therefore this article aims to present him to a broader audience and analyse his mindsets. His two travels to both shores of the Pacific: Mexico in America and Australia are the principal focus because they present most of his unique and original opinions. He visited both continents during the most opportune times when the emperor Maximilian of Habsburg ruled in Mexico. Australia, on the other hand, was experiencing the gold rush that impacted the Aboriginal society. Both events Preiss described in his obscure articles and memoirs. By the application of the critical content and discourse analyses of his writings, this paper finds out how a man from Central Europe viewed these “exotic” lands and their people. Key words: Eduard Preiss (1823–1883); Australia; Aboriginals; Mexico; Maximilian of Habsburg (1832–1867)
VYDRA Zbyněk Beautiful and Difficult Years of Adolescence. Aristocratic Education in Late Imperial Russia pp. 297–340 The article focuses on the education and upbringing of aristocrats in late imperial Russia (the 1850s–1917). It is based primarily on sources of a personal nature (non-published and published memoirs and diaries). Their analysis shows the main elements, continuity and discontinuity in the education of boys and girls from aristocratic families during their adolescence, i. e. from the age of twelve/thirteen to sixteen/eighteen. Unlike childhood, for which homeschooling was typical, the period of adolescence was significantly more dynamic. The aristocratic education was more influenced by state educational reforms, growing civic awareness, and various ideas about the best preparation for future life and a career. Aristocratic families chose from among elite noble schools, private lycées, or state public schools (gymnasiums). The nobility’s approach to education was slowly being democratised. More and more aristocrats studied at state public schools (gymnasiums). At the same time, criticism of the conservative conditions of the education system was heard from the ranks of the aristocracy. Keywords: imperial Russia, aristocracy, history of education, history of everyday life
JAKOUBEK Marek Czoernigova „Etnografie rakouské monarchie“ – (čím dál více opomíjený) pramen k dějinám českého osídlení Banátu Czoernig’s “Ethnography of the Austrian Monarchy” – an (increasingly neglected) source for the history of the Czech settlement of Banat pp. 341–357 The core of this contribution is an annotated translation for the Czech settlement of Banat – or, more precisely, for the settlement of Banat from the Czech lands – key chapters in the book Ethnographie der oesterreichischen Monarchie (1857) authored by Karl Czoernig, Baron of Černousy (Karl Czoernig Freiherr von Czernhausen). This concerns chapter § 53. Böhmische (cechische) Colonien in der Militärgränze, which deals with the very beginnings of the corresponding colonization processes. The translation is preceded by a biographical sketch of K. Czoernig, which recapitulates the most important moments in the life of this remarkable personality, and it’s supplemented with his selected bibliography and an outline of the development of the study of the Czech settlement of Banat, taking into account the impact of the disappearing linguistic competences of the researchers. The publication of an annotated translation of this source aims to contribute to the long-term interest in the Czech settlement of Banat by providing a Czech version of this key source to those to whom it would otherwise remain inaccessible. Key words: Karl Czoernig, Baron of Černousy; Banat; Czech compatriots; Ethnographie der oesterreichischen Monarchie
KAUCKÁ Kristýna – PAVLÍČEK Tomáš W. Szkoła speleologiczna: „Později na Školy začali zvát špičkový vědce ze Západu.“ Československo-polské vědecké kontakty po roce 1968 (materiálová studie a rozhovor s geologem prof. Pavlem Bosákem) The Polish Speleological School: “Later, experts from the West started to be invited to the schools.” Czechoslovak-Polish Entanglements after 1968 (article based on documents and an interview with the geologist Prof. Pavel Bosák) pp. 359–380 This material study dedicated to scientific contacts of researchers in the natural sciences in the postwar period mediates the memories the geologist Pavel Bosák had of his contacts in Poland in the 1970s and 1980s. It focuses on the significance of cooperation created from below, which historiographies of scientific institutions generally don’t reflect. The purpose is to show similar processes in the scientific networks of mathematicians, astronomers, geographers, and geologists, which the histories of the individual disciplines overlook. The central theme is the Speleological School (Speleologická škola in Czech; Szkoła Speleologiczna in Polish), a regularly-convened symposium organized in Poland since 1975. This study recapitulates the contacts that Pavel Bosák established at the annual symposium and their significance for his professional activities in Czechoslovakia. The analysis of an interview conducted using the oral history method shows how the geologists resisted the reduction of the significance of their expert culture to the tasks provided in the state-planned economy and how, starting in the 1970s, they transformed the transfer of knowledge and the establishing of international contacts, the implementation of new methods, and of interdisciplinary cooperation in the fields of geology, speleology, geography, geomorphology, and hydrogeology. Key words: geology, speleology, transfer of knowledge, scientific networks, Poland, Czechoslovakia
Martina ČECHOVÁ – Radana MERZOVÁ – Radomyr MOKRYK – Miroslav OLŠOVSKÝ – Helena PAZDIOROVÁ – Romana ŠTORKOVÁ-MALITI – Helena ULBRECHTOVÁ – Radomír VLČEK, Poloostrov Krym: od křižovatky kultur k ruské kolonii. Řecko – Řím – Byzanc – Osmanská říše – Krymský chanát – Ruské impérium – Sovětský svaz – Ukrajina – Ruská federace (Marek Příhoda) pp. 381–387
Petr WOHLMUTH, Východ proti Západu. Krymská válka (1853–1856) pohledem historické antropologie (Anežka Kotoučová) pp. 387–390
Josef BARTOŇ – Jiří K. KROUPA (eds.), Bible západoslovanská: jazyk a styl; Biblia zachodniosłowiańska: język i styl; Zapadosłowjanska biblija: rěč a stil; Pódwjecornosłowjańska biblija: rěc a stil; Západoslovanská biblia: jazyk a štýl (Martin Boukal) pp. 391–395
Robert ADAM – František MARTÍNEK – Petr PALACKÝ – Magdalena POKORNÁ – Lucie RYCHNOVSKÁ (eds.), Karel Havlíček. Korespondence IV 1848 (Matěj Matela) pp. 395–400
Eckart CONZE, Velká iluze. Versailles 1919 a nové uspořádání světa (Eva Hauerová) pp. 400–403
Chad BRYANT, Prague: Belonging in the Modern City (Tereza Juhászová) pp. 404–408
Jozef M. IROVIĆ, Od Národní knihovny a čítárny po Českou besedu Kruščice 1912–2021 (Marek Jakoubek) pp. 408–411
Đorđe BOROZAN (ed.), Leksikon diplomatije Crne Gore (Boris Vukićević – Miloš Zelenka) pp. 411–414
pp. 415–416
Letní škola žurnalistiky a sociokulturních studií Borise Němcova znovu v Praze The Boris Nemtsov Summer School of Journalism and Cultural Studies again in Prague (Marek Příhoda) pp. 417–420
Mezinárodní konference Polsko-czechosłowacka współpraca wojskowa u progu wojny w 1939 roku – Wrocław, 11. října 2022 International conference Polsko-czechosłowacka współpraca wojskowa u progu wojny w 1939 roku – Wrocław, October 11, 2022 (Pavel Kreisinger) pp. 420–421
Conference Balkan Express 2021: Neighbors and neighborhood in the Balkans (Prague, November 12-13, 2021) (František Šístek – Markéta Slavková) pp. 421–424