Historia Aperta 47 (2022)

Titel der Ausgabe 
Historia Aperta 47 (2022)

Hradec Králové 2022: University of Hradec Králové
twice a year
Anzahl Seiten
101 S.


Kontakt allgemein

Czech Republic
Hradec Králové
Zuzana Dvorakova, University of Hradec Kralove

Historia Aperta is an open-access academic peer-reviewed journal focused on the history of Czech lands and (Central) European region. It is published twice a year by the University of Hradec Králové in both online and print versions. Prior to 2022, this journal appeared under the title Východočeské listy historické. While highly respected in Czech academic circles since its founding in 1996, the editorial board changed the periodical’s name to Historia Aperta to reflect their commitment to providing an open international forum for the global community of historians. The journal publishes expert and interdisciplinary papers, particularly those related to Digital Humanities, with a mission to present scientific articles, primary sources (material articles), reviews, and news concerning the historical discipline. Besides Czech, the journal accepts articles in English, German, Polish and Slovak. The ethics statement of the journal is based on the Code of Conduct guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). All journal papers are published under the terms of Creative Common License.



Dva soudy profesora Vrzalíka. Kolaborant, nebo oběť komunistické justice? (The Two Trials of Professor Vrzalík. Collaborant or victim of communist justice?)
Pages: 7 – 30

The study presents the life story of one of the pioneers of the Czech fascist movement and a representative of the First Republican Vlajka, Jan Vrzalík (1904−1971), who in the first half of the war tried to engage publicly in the Protectorate political scene. However, he was not found criminally responsible during the post-war retributions. He was arrested in 1959 and subsequently sentenced to an unconditional scene for anti-state activities, part of which he served in prison, although he was completely blind at the time.

Keywords: Jan Vrzalík (1904−1971); Czech fascism, Flag, National Appeal, National Action Committee, retributions, political prisoners of the communist régime

Vzdělanci mezi dělníky. Reflexe sociální otázky v letech 1845–1849 na příkladu vývoje myšlenkového světa a politického osudu dvou knihtiskařů (Stephan Born a Karl Scherzer) (Intellectuals among the workers. Reflection on the social question in the years 1845–1849 on the example of the development of the thought world and the political fate of two printers (Stephan Born and Karl Scherzer))
Pages: 31 – 61

The following study aims to capture the thought development of two members of the “seeking generation” coming of age intellectually and politically in the 1840s. The study traces the reflection on the social question of two skilled printers, journalists and, in the Revolution, politicians, Stephan Born (1824–1898) and Karl Scherzer (1821–1903). The study is based on the assumption that the social question became one of the central themes of the Central European public sphere shortly before 1848, which contributed to a large extent to the concretization of the content of the forming political ideologies. In a contemporary context, the views on the social question of the two actors in the years 1845–1849, when the topic was intensively addressed, are traced and analysed. The different stages of their lives and intellectual development in the period are analysed in chronological order. In the first part is devoted to their family background and intellectual resources, in the second part their first attempts at journalistic reflection on the social question are traced, and in the third part their views and fates in the revolution, when both stood at the forefront of workers’ organizational efforts.

Keywords: Stephan Born; Karl Scherzer; book printing; workers’ movement; Vormärz; Revolution 1848–1849, history of socialism; history of liberalism

Štefan Butkovič a Technické muzeum v Košiciach (Štefan Butkovič and Technical Museum)
Pages: 62 – 81

The presented contribution records the origin and operation of a specialized museum in Košice and its founder Štefan Butkovič, who played a significant role in the crystallization process of technical museology in Slovakia after the Second World War. The establishment of this museum significantly influenced and stimulated the development of knowledge through objects and exhibits of a technical nature. The article analyses the life and work of the founder and first director of the Slovak Technical Museum, who focused his center of interest on collecting and protecting the monuments of mining and industrial culture. Š. Butkovič was one of the leading authorities in the field of museology and the history of mining, and it is rightly ranked among the top in the Slovak museology. Throughout his life, he lived and worked in Slovakia in the city of Košice, which contributed to its considerable socio-cultural development. One of the reasons for choosing the topic was the fact that the life of this museologist and historian and its clear contribution not only to the establishment of the specialized museum, the first planetarium, but also its contribution to the museum and historical community has not yet been processed.

Keywords: Technical Museum, museology, Štefan Butkovič, Košice, history of knowledge

Vzdělávání učňů na odborném učilišti OEZ Letohrad v letech 1951–1958 (Education of apprentices at the vocational school OEZ Letohrad in the years 1951–1958)
Pages: 82 – 101

The presented paper tries to closer the development of apprenticeship education in the 1950s, which was one of the possibilities of educating a young person in socialism. The structure of the text consists of 2 parts: 1) time spent in school (teaching), followed by apprenticeship examinations and 2) time spent outside school (recreation, leisure activities, sport and cultural events). All sections of the school year are approached on the example of a vocational school of a successful East Bohemian company OEZ Letohrad. The text is supplemented by photographs of teaching aids, in the creation of which the apprentices participated themselves. All types of apprenticeship exams (written, practical and oral) are characterized and described to specific examples of assignments. Mention of competitions among apprentices is not missing, too.

Keywords: History, Education, Vocational School, OEZ, Letohrad

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