Singlewomen in the Late Medieval Mediterranean Michelle Armstrong-Partida ; Susan McDonough
The Impossible Reformation: Protestant Europe and the Greek Orthodox Church border Richard Calis
The Maghrib in Europe: Royal Slaves and Islamic Institutions in Eighteenth-Century Spain Thomas Glesener; Daniel Hershenzon
Debasing Indigenous Statehood: Sovereign Monies, Markets and Imperial Power in the Indian Subcontinent, c. 1893–1905 border G Balachandran
Migrations of Decolonization, Welfare, and the Unevenness of Citizenship in the UK, France and Portugal border Claire Eldridge; Christoph Kalter; Becky Taylor
The Many Values of Night Soil in Wartime China border Nicole Elizabeth Barnes
Ghana Must Go: Nativism and the Politics of Expulsion in West Africa, 1969–1985 Samuel Fury Childs Daly
The New History of Old Inequality Trevor Jackson