Volume XLV, No. 1 May 2023
The Genius of Parliament? Cultures of Compromise in Britain and Germany after 1945by Constantin Goschler 3
The London Bills of Mortality: State of the Art and Future Directions of Researchby Martin Christ 39
Imaginaries of Belonging and Im/Mobility: New Approaches to Statehood and Migration in Modern Historyby Sina Steglich 76
Jace Stuckey (ed.), The Legend of Charlemagne: Envisioning Empire in the Middle Ages (Matthias Becher) 88
Steffen Patzold, Presbyter: Moral, Mobilität und die Kirchenorganisation im Karolingerreich (Rachel Stone) 93
Eugene Smelyansky, Heresy and Citizenship: Persecution of Heresy in Late Medieval German Cities (Ingrid Würth) 100
Richard Rex (ed.), Henry VIII and Martin Luther: The Second Controversy, 1525–1527 (Jonas Bechtold) 104
Michael Czolkoss-Hettwer, Transnationale Möglichkeitsräume: Deutsche Diakonissen in London (1846–1918) (Stefan Manz) 109
Kira Thurman, Singing Like Germans: Black Musicians in the Land of Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms (Martin Rempe) 114
Bettina Brockmeyer, Geteilte Geschichte, geraubte Geschichte: Koloniale Biografien in Ostafrika (1880–1950) (Robbie Aitken) 120
James Koranyi, Migrating Memories: Romanian Germans in Modern Europe (Oleksandra Krushynska) 126
Lucy Wasensteiner (ed.), Sites of Interchange: Modernism, Politics and Culture between Britain and Germany, 1919–1955 (Anke Blümm) 130
Alexandra Lloyd, Defying Hitler: The White Rose Pamphlets (Hildegard Kronawitter) 134
Peter Howson, Britain and the German Churches, 1945–1950: The Role of the Religious Affairs Branch in the British Zone (Peter Itzen) 141
Felix Fuhg, London’s Working-Class Youth and the Making of Post-Victorian Britain, 1958–1971 / Anna Braun, Von ‘Art School’ bis ‘Underground Club’: Räume der Interaktion von visueller Kunst und Popmusik im London der 1960er Jahre (Jörg Arnold) 146
Craig Griffiths, The Ambivalence of Gay Liberation: Male Homosexual Politics in 1970s West Germany (Merlin Sophie Bootsmann and Andrea Rottmann) 152
Katrin Sieg, Decolonizing German and European History at the Museum (Katarzyna Puzon) 160
Family and Disability: Comparing British and German Histories of Care for the Disabled by Raphael Rössel 165
Economic Narratives in Historical Perspective by Vivian Yurdakul 170
Violence against Women: Historical and Comparative Perspectives by Hannah Manzur 176
The Politics of Iconoclasm in the Middle Ages by Stephan Bruhn and Marcus Meer 183
Democratization, Re-Masculinization, or What? Masculinity in the Twentieth Century and Beyond by Martina Kessel 190