Historia Aperta is an open-access academic peer-reviewed journal focused on the history of Czech lands and (Central) European region. It is published twice a year by the University of Hradec Králové in both online and print versions. Prior to 2022, this journal appeared under the title Východočeské listy historické. While highly respected in Czech academic circles since its founding in 1996, the editorial board changed the periodical’s name to Historia Aperta to reflect their commitment to providing an open international forum for the global community of historians. The journal publishes expert and interdisciplinary papers, particularly those related to Digital Humanities, with a mission to present scientific articles, primary sources (material articles), reviews, and news concerning the historical discipline. Besides Czech, the journal accepts articles in English, German, Polish and Slovak. The ethics statement of the journal is based on the Code of Conduct guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). All journal papers are published under the terms of Creative Common License.
MICHAL VOKURKA Rybníky perspektivou environmentálních dějin. Od obecných otázek k vybraným příkladům ze sasko-lauenburských panství (Ponds in the Perspective of Environmental History. From General Questions to Selected Examples from the Saxe-Lauenburg Estates.) Pages: 9 – 27
Abstract: Ponds are one of the traditional themes of Czech historiography, but they have been studied so far mainly from an economic point of view and less so as part of the cultural landscape. The presented study attempts to approach the topic from the perspective of environmental history, which makes it possible to take advantage of the rich tradition of scholarship and at the same time to address new issues related to water management, prevention of water-related risks and the treatment of fish. The issue of maintenance of ponds and their surroundings, especially banks and dams, is not left aside.
Keywords: ponds; water management; early modern period; environmental history; risk management; natural hazards
FILIP BINDER Kulturní a vědecký transfer mezi českými zeměmi a Evropou na příkladu našich nejstarších krajinářských parků a jejich tvůrců (Cultural and Specific Transfer between Czech Lands and Europe on the Example of our Oldest Landscape Parks and their Creators) Pages: 28 – 53
Abstract: The article deals with the oldest landscape parks created at the end of the 18th and early 19th centuries in the Czech lands, and uses the example of foreign cultural and natural science influences that played an important role in their creation. The text focuses primarily on travel as a means of conveying fashionable trends, or on literature, which had the same function and also provided an opportunity to learn about the ideas of landscape theorists. The study deals mainly with the influence of Great Britain, the Holy Roman Empire and Germany on the landscape design in the Czech lands.
Keywords: landscape parks; landscaping; botany; dendrology; cultural transfer; scientific transfer
MICHAL NGUYEN Obraz šlechty v sylabech českých hradů a zámků z období normalizace (The Image of the Nobility in the Syllabus of Czech Castles and Chateaux from the Normalization Period) Pages: 54 – 71
Abstract: Accessible monuments are an important educational element and a mediator of our history. A picture of the nobility and their life is presented in castles and chateaus, among the other things. This study focuses on the creation of this image during the period of normalization and presents the strategies and narratives used by the communist regime in Czechoslovakia to present noble individuals.
Keywords: image, nobility, guide text, noble mansions, normalization
IVANA ČORNEJOVÁ Karel Bonaventura Buquoy a jeho doba, Pavel Marek – Anna Nováková (edd.), České Budějovice, Nakladatelství a vydavatelství Veduta, 2022, 268 s. +24 s. obrazových příloh. ISBN 978-80-88030-68-3. Pages: 75 – 78
TIKOVSKÝ ONDŘEJ Michal VOKURKA, Barokní krajinotvorba na sasko-lauenburských panstvích 1635–1740, Praha, Academia 2022, 252 stran. ISBN 978-80-200-3306-2. Pages: 79 – 83
STANISLAV SVOBODA Markéta ŠANTRŮČKOVÁ – Zdeněk HOJDA – Martin KRUMMHOLZ a kol., Jan Rudolf Černín a jeho Krásný Dvůr. Krajinářský park v Čechách v ohnisku vlivů a cestovních inspirací 1770–1830, Praha, Nakladatelství Lidové noviny 2023, 397 s. ISBN 978-80-7422-865-0. Pages: 84 – 91