New publication. The latest issue of World History Connected contains a special forum on "The American West in World History" edited by Vera Parham. You can find the open access articles here:
THE AMERICAN WEST IN WORLD HISTORY Introduction to the Forum: The American West in World History Vera Parham
Connecting Nordic Colonialism and the American West: Gustaf Nordenskiöld, Mesa Verde, and Colonial Entanglements Janne Lahti
Gone West Through the Tropics: The Isthmus of Panama and the History of the American West Graydon Dennison
Catastrophes with Consequences: Anglo-American trans-Oceanic Ambitions and the Failed Franklin and Strain Expeditions Henry M. Jacob
Global Connections: Humboldt's Scientific Interest in California and the West Sandra Rebok
Journey to the Center of the World: Memory and the Sacred in the Colorado Desert Matthew Herbst