An (Un)Natural History: Tracing the Magical Rhinoceros Horn in Egypt Taylor M. Moore pp.: 469–489
Animals, Film, Audiences: Regulating Cruelty and Morality through Science and Law in Interwar Britain Anin Luo pp.: 490–512
Monstrosity in Medical Science: Race-Making and Teratology in the Nineteenth-Century United States Miriam Rich pp.: 513–536
Science in the Church: The Sacred Spaces of Sonorous Experiment and the Formation of Modern Acoustics Edward J. Gillin and Fanny Gribenski pp.: 537–558
Ernst Mach’s Popular Science Zachary Barr pp.: 559–577
Climate Conscious: Caribbean Commodities and Holdridge Life Zones, 1940s–1960s Oliver Lucier pp.: 578–598
Early Modern Resources: An Introduction Sebastian Felten and Renée Raphael pp.: 599–603
Eco-Prospecting in Early Modern Wetlands Lydia Barnett pp.: 604–610
“To Embrace and Protect”: Managing Wind, Water, and Trees in the Ryukyu Kingdom BuYun Chen pp.: 611–618
Negotiating Pearls in the Early Jesuit Missions of California Nydia Pineda de Ávila pp.: 619–625
Managing Mineral Growth in Early Modern Mining Sebastian Felten pp.: 626–630
A Plague of Meat: Food, Politics, and Warfare in Early Modern Italy Bradford Bouley pp.: 631–637
Mining Mercury for the Common Good: Debating the Public Good and Wealth in Huancavelica Renée Raphael pp.: 638–645
News of Profession
History of Science Society Annual Meeting, 2022 Donald L. Opitz and Jaipreet Virdi pp.: 646–653
Book ReviewsRens Bod. World of Patterns: A Global History of Knowledge, trans. by Leston Buell Arne Kent Jarrick pp.: 654–655
Neil Tarrant. Defining Nature’s Limits: The Roman Inquisition and the Boundaries of Science Maria Pia Donato pp.: 655–657
Jennifer Nelson. Disharmony of the Spheres: The Europe of Holbein’s “Ambassadors.” Claudia Swan pp.: 657–658
Marisa Anne Bass; Anne Goldgar; Hanneke Grootenboer; Claudia Swan. Conchophilia: Shells, Art, and Curiosity in Early Modern Europe Anna Echterhölter pp.: 658–660
Justin K. Stearns. Revealed Sciences: The Natural Sciences in Islam in Seventeenth-Century Morocco Ellen Amster pp.: 660–661
Montserrat Cabré; María Cruz de Carlos, eds. Maria Sibylla Merian y Alida Withoos: Mujeres, Arte y Ciencia en la Edad Moderna Elena Serrano pp.: 661–662
Phil Dodds. The Geographies of Enlightenment Edinburgh Dean W. Bond pp.: 662–663
Alexander Pavuk. Respectably Catholic and Scientific: Evolution and Birth Control between the World Wars Sarah Walsh pp.: 664–665
Matthew C. Hunter. Painting with Fire: Sir Joshua Reynolds, Photography, and the Temporally Evolving Chemical Object Nancy Rose Marshall pp.: 665–666
E. Claire Cage. The Science of Proof: Forensic Medicine in Modern France Mitra Sharafi pp.: 666–668
Moritz von Brescius. German Science in the Age of Empire: Enterprise, Opportunity and the Schlagintweit Brothers Hans Pols pp.: 668–669
Roland Jackson; Nicola Jackson; Daniel Brown, eds. The Poetry of John Tyndall Ruth Barton pp.: 669–670
Matthew Wale. Making Entomologists: How Periodicals Shaped Scientific Communities in Nineteenth-Century Britain Deirdre Coleman pp.: 670–671
Samuël Coghe. Population Politics in the Tropics: Demography, Health, and Transimperialism in Colonial Angola Jorge Varanda pp.: 672–673
Guillaume Lachenal; Cheryl Smeall. The Doctor Who Would Be King Sarah Runcie pp.: 673–674
Victor Seow. Carbon Technocracy: Energy Regimes in Modern East Asia Grace Yen Shen pp.: 674–676
Karen Hunger Parshall. The New Era in American Mathematics, 1920–1950 Jemma Lorenat pp.: 676–677
Marci R. Baranski. The Globalization of Wheat: A Critical History of the Green Revolution Helen Anne Curry pp.: 677–679
Noortje Jacobs. Ethics by Committee: A History of Reasoning Together about Medicine, Science, Society, and the State Alfred Freeborn pp.: 679–680
Renny Thomas. Science and Religion in India: Beyond Disenchantment Kiran Kumbhar pp.: 680–681
Samantha Muka. Oceans under Glass: Tank Craft and the Sciences of the Sea Antony Adler pp.: 681–683
Sarah Pinto. Daughters of Parvati: Women and Madness in Contemporary India Maura Finkelstein pp.: 683–684
Janet Vertesi. Shaping Science: Organizations, Decisions, and Culture on NASA’s Teams Asif Siddiqi pp.: 684–685