Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte 45 (2023), 3–4
Dietmar Willoweit (1936–2023), in: ZNR 45 (2023), S. 173
MARTIN LÖHNIG, Regensburg „Ein Beamtenstand in der Justiz, welcher in keinem anderen deutschen Lande übertroffen wäre“ – Die Erstbesetzung des Appellationsgerichts Colmar 1871, in: ZNR 45 (2023), S. 174–211
The German Reichsanzeiger of 13 September 1871 names nineteen men who would take up their duties on 1 October 1871 at the Colmar Court of Appeal, the highest court located in the new “Reichsland Alsace-Lorraine“. Until then, they had been in the service of the French, Prussian, Bavarian, or Baden states. Now they were to form the core of a new elite. What kind of court were these men to belong to? What powers did it have? What can be learned about the origins and lives of the members of this first line-up of the Colmar Court of Appeal? What were the career paths of these men? How was it possible to design a judicial elite on the drawing board that was not surpassed by any other German country (Bismarck)?
PETER COLLIN, Frankfurt/Main Ambivalenzen des Schiedsgerichtsverständnisses im späten 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert – Das Beispiel der Schiedsgerichte der Sozialversicherung, in: ZNR 45 (2023), S. 212–233
The text starts from the observation that the concept of arbitration played an important role not only in the development of private conflict resolution, but also in the handling of sociopolitical conflict settings in which the state was involved. For such conflicts, public arbitration courts were created since the second half of the 19th century – as an alternative to both ordinary jurisdiction and administrative institutions of conflict resolution. In this article, the focus is on the arbitration courts of the social security system. The paper asks what role these arbitration courts played as forums of participation, it problematizes the independence of the arbitration courts, and it shows what procedural and material normative rationalities these arbitration courts followed. The article will show that the introduction of these arbitration courts contributed significantly to making the new social security system a success story. The simple and inexpensive procedure, the principle of official investigation and equal representation were decisive for the acceptance of the new jurisdiction. On the other hand, the arbitration courts did not function as popular instances of worker-friendly equity jurisprudence. Rather, they became transmission belts of a social policy defined and controlled largely autonomously by the Reich Insurance Office.
AHMET ARSLAN, Göttingen Ernst Eduard Hirschs und Eugen Ehrlichs Konzepte des „lebenden Rechts“ im Lichte der Rezeption westeuropäischen Rechts in der Türkei, in: ZNR 45 (2023), S. 234–258
In a historically unprecedented move, the Republic of Türkiye adopted a large number of codes from Western Europe beginning in 1926. The most important code adopted was the Swiss Civil Code. This global reception was part of the modernisation and secularisation of Türkiye. One of the protagonists who played a major role in this legal modernisation was the German professor Ernst Eduard Hirsch, who witnessed the legal development in Türkiye top down, where he had sought exile from the National Socialists. On the other hand, Eugen Ehrlich, with his concept of living law, argues that the legal development can primarily take place bottom-up. The aim of this article is to examine whether or not this top-down legal development has been successful in Türkiye from the perspective of the centenary, to show the motives of the Turkish legislator, the role of Hirsch in this reception, and to evaluate the views of Ehrlich and Hirsch about legal development through the Turkish reception. The successful top-down legal modernisation during the hundred years of the Republic of Türkiye confirms Hirsch’s views on legal development on the one hand, and falsifies Ehrlich’s on the other. However, the structure of the Swiss Civil Code is also conducive to the bottom-up legal development in Türkiye.
ANDRÉ LEPEJ, Heidelberg „[E]ine der komplexesten Erscheinungen der modernen Zeitgeschichte“ – Eduard Wahl als Gutachter im Nürnberger I.G. Farben-Prozess (1947/1948), in: ZNR 45 (2023), S. 259–279
As a special counsel for all defendants, the Heidelberg law professor Eduard Wahl (1903–1985) provided several expert opinions on the fundamental legal issues of the Nuremberg I.G. Farben-Trial 1947/1948 and commented on various occasions about the legal and social problems of the court case. Wahl, who commented on both the formal and the substantive legal issues, emerged as a sharp critic of the legal bases and procedural maxims of the Nuremberg courts. In addition to the objection to the prohibition of retroactive penal laws (ex post facto laws) and the tu quoque-objection, which demanded impunity with regard to the offenses also committed by the Allies and now punishable, Wahl defended the nullity of the Kontrollratsgesetz No. 10 on the basis of the iudex inhabilis-objection insofar as it punished the German war of aggression against Poland. On the occasion of Eduard Wahl’s 120th birthday, his expert opinions and other journalistic statements are to be evaluated in this treatise from a systematizing point of view and integrated into the contemporary discussion.
MATHIAS REIMANN, Ann Arbor Master Narratives und „Fragmentierung“ in der amerikanischen Rechtsgeschichtsschreibung. Ein Bericht aus der Neuen Welt, in: ZNR 45 (2023), S. 280–297
The article discusses both „master narratives“ and „fragmentation“ in US-American legal historiography; while it connects these two aspects to one another, it refrains from making broad claims about their causal relationship. „Master narratives“ can be understood in two ways. It can mean comprehensive works in the sense of treatises covering a large area of legal history; in the United States, such works are few and far between, they do not occupy a prominent place, and they do not provide the discipline with significant coherence. „Master narratives“ can also mean essential explanations or interpretations of legal history; there is no lack of such „narratives“, but their variety is so broad that they do not proffer much overall guidance for the discipline either. In recent decades, American legal historiography has been increasingly „fragmented“. Today, it consists overwhelmingly of individual (“micro“) studies. These studies are often of high quality but they are rarely being connected to overarching themes and thus produce little synergy. This situation is not primarily due to increasing specialization but rather to a pervasive, quasi-postmodern, doubt regarding the validity (or at least, utility) of general theories or explanations. As a result, current scholarship produces many interesting bits and pieces but very little insight into an understanding of the course and nature of American legal history writ large.
Metin Batkin, Die Rezeption „westlicher“ Verfassungsrechte in der Türkei. Die türkische Verfassung von 1961 (= Schriften zur Rechtsgeschichte 199). Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2021 (Christian Rumpf), in: ZNR 45 (2023), S. 298–301
Joachim Brüser, Reichsständische Libertät zwischen kaiserlichem Machtstreben und französischer Hegemonie. Der Rheinbund von 1658. Aschendorff Verlag, Münster 2020 (Gabriele Haug-Moritz), in: ZNR 45 (2023), S. 302–304
Marc Buggeln, Das Versprechen der Gleichheit. Steuern und soziale Ungleichheit in Deutschland von 1871 bis heute. Suhrkamp, Berlin 2022 (Franz Hederer), in: ZNR 45 (2023), S. 304–306
Katharina Flechsig, Von Causenflickern und Rittern der Rechte. Juristenkritik und Juristenideal in der Frühen Neuzeit. Universitätsverlag, Göttingen 2021 (Andreas Deutsch), in: ZNR 45 (2023), S. 306–308
Xunxiang Wu, Volkmars Vorarbeiten zum Allgemeinen Preußischen Landrecht von 1794 (= Schriften zur Preußischen Rechtsgeschichte 7), Peter Lang, Berlin etc 2022 (Bernd Mertens), in: ZNR 45 (2023), S. 308–310
Zeitschriftenschau, in ZNR 45 (2023), S. 311–352