This special volume of the Journal of Austrian Studies — the second of two volumes originally conceived to showcase “New Directions in Austrian Studies” — is dedicated to two complex issues, namely sociological diversity and its investigation in interdisciplinary scholarship. The authors who participated in this volume locate themselves in a variety of fields, including history, musicology, literature studies, cultural studies, anthropology, and sociology. Their articles cover topics as varied as dis/ability, fascism, film music, travel literature, environmental history, gender, war, kinship, and racism, which are explored through manifold theoretical lenses and methodological approaches including discourse analysis, the history of emotions, gender theory, (post-)migration, and oral history. In short, these articles showcase the profound diversity that has shaped modern Austria — and the equally profound diversity that has become so characteristic of the field of Austrian studies.
Tim Corbett “Introduction: Interdisciplinarity and Diversity in Austrian Studies”
Julia Heinemann “Historicizing Invalids in the Early Modern Habsburg Monarchy: A Dis/ability History Approach”
Britta McEwen “Feeling(s) Caught Between the Austrian First Republic and Fascism”
Ingeborg Zechner “Springing from the Land of Music: Hollywood’s Film Music Between ‘Austrian’ Entertainment and ‘German’ Arts”
Antonia Villinger “Literatur und Energie in Joseph Roths Der Rauch verbindet Städte (1926)”
Nicole Haring, Roberta Maierhofer, and Barbara Zach “Social and Cultural Narratives of Aging Masculinities in Austria”
Julia Anna Tyll-Schranz “‘Yugoslavia Does Not Exist Anymore, But Yugoslavia’s Capital Does, and It Is Called Vienna’: Revisiting Vienna through the Lens of (Post-)Yugoslav Migration Practices”
Darko Leitner-Stojanov and Robert Pichler “On the Dynamics of Kinship in Migration Processes: Some Perspectives from Historical-Anthropological Studies on North Macedonian Migrants in Austria”
Philipp Rohrbach “Life Stories of Children of Black US Occupation Soldiers and Austrian Women”
Sabrina Steindl-Kopf and Sanda Üllen “Romani Activism and Postmigration Experiences in Contemporary Austria”