The English Historical Review 139 (2024), 596

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The English Historical Review 139 (2024), 596

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The English Historical Review
United Kingdom
ARTICLES EDITOR: Dr Martin Conway Balliol College University of Oxford Oxford OX1 3BJ UK BOOK REVIEW EDITOR: Dr Catherine Holmes University College University of Oxford Oxford OX1 4BH UK ASSISTANT EDITOR Catherine Wright The English Historical Review Faculty of History The Old Boys' High School George Street Oxford OX1 2RL UK Oxford University Press Great Clarendon Street Oxford, OX2 6DP, UK Tel: +44 (0)1865 556767 Fax: +44 (0)1865 267485
Melanie Strauß, Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin



What’s in a Name? Tracing the Origins of Alfred’s ‘the Great’ border=
Matthew Firth

The Dark Trophies of The Battle of Evesham, the Northumbrian Cult of Simon de Montfort and the War of the Welsh Marches (1264–1265) border=
Sophie Thérèse Ambler

‘A Wall of Defence unto this Realm’: William Cecil, Conformity and the Protestant State in Early Elizabethan England border=
Alexandra Gajda

The Lutheran Experience in the Ottoman Middle East: Stephan Gerlach (1546–1612) and the History of Lutheran Accommodation border=
Richard Calis

Academic Collaboration in the Early Enlightenment: Daniel Waterland (1683–1740) and his Cambridge Tyros border=
Natasha Bailey

The Disappearance of Leo Africanus: Rival Repertoires of Historical Scholarship in the Mid-Twentieth Century
Anthony Ossa-Richardson


Medieval Sex Work Studies: The State of the Field border=
Lucia Akard

A French Neo-colonialism? The Controversial Concept of Françafrique border=
Timothy Gibbs


Corruption, Protection and Justice in Medieval Europe: A Thousand-Year History, by Jonathan R. Lyon
Trevor Dean

Couples et conjugalité au haut moyen Age (VIe-XIIe siècles), by Emmanuell Santinelli-Foltz
Elisabeth Van Houts

Historiography and Identity III: Carolingian Approaches ed. Rutger Kramer, Helmut Reimitz and Graeme Ward
Stuart Airlie

Kings as Judges: Power, Justice, and the Origins of Parliaments, by Deborah Boucouyannis
John Watts

Between Orders and Heresy: Rethinking Medieval Religious Movements, ed. Jennifer Kolpacoff Deane and Anne E. Lester
Jessalynn Bird

La familia urbana: Matrimonio, parentesco y linaje en la edad media, by Jesús Á. Solórzano Telechea, Jelle Haemers, Christian Liddy
José María Andrés Porras

Thinking about Animals in Thirteenth-Century Paris: Theologians and the Boundary between Humans and Animals, by Ian P. Wei
Cecilia Muratori

Keele’s Templar Window and the Templars: Jacques de Molay and Thomas Totty, by Robin Studd
David Palliser

Édouard III, le viol de la comtesse de Salisbury et la fondation de l’ordre de la Jarretière, by Jean-Marie Moeglin
Nicholas Vincent

Rethinking the Great Transition: Community and Economic Growth in County Durham, 1349–1660, by Peter L. Larson
Jane Whittle

Bishop John Vitez and Early Renaissance Central Europe: The Humanist Kingmaker, by Tomislav Matić
Paul W Knoll

Republics of Difference: Religious and Racial Self-Governance in the Spanish Atlantic World, by Karen B. Graubart
Alexander Samson

The Tsar’s Happy Occasion: Ritual and Dynasty in the Weddings of Russia’s Rulers, 1495–1745, by Russell E. Martin
Sergei Bogatyrev

The Mughals and the Sufis: Islam and Political Imagination in India, 1500–1750, by Muzaffar Alam
Jyoti Gulati Balachandran

The Madman and the Church Robber: Law and Conflict in Early Modern England, by Jason Peacey
Tim Stretton

I confini della salvezza: schiavitù, conversione e libertà nella Roma di età moderna, by Serena Di Nepi
Giulia Bonazza

Radicals in Exile: English Catholic Books during the Reign of Philip II, by Freddy Cristóbal Dominguez
Victor Houliston

Managing for Posterity: The Norfolk Gentry and their Estates, c.1450–1700, by Elizabeth Griffiths, ed. Jane Whittle
Patricia Croot

The Clergy in Early Modern Scotland, ed. Chris R. Langley, Catherine E. McMillan and Russell Newton
Margo Todd

Royalism, Religion and Revolution: Wales, 1640–1688, by Sarah Ward Clavier
Ronald Hutton

Beyond Babel: Translations of Blackness in Colonial Peru and New Granada, by Larissa Brewer-García
Gabriela Ramos

Samuel Wesley and the Crisis of Tory Piety, 1685–1720, by William Gibson
Peter Nockles

Impunity and Capitalism: The Afterlives of European Financial Crises, 1690–1830, by Trevor Jackson
Helen Paul

From the Holy Roman Empire to the Land of the Tsars: One Family’s Odyssey, 1768–1870, by Alexander M. Martin
Nancy S Kollmann

Napoleon at Peace: How to End a Revolution, by William Doyle
Howard G Brown

The Comforts of Home in Western Europe, 1700–1900, by Jon Stobart
Karen Lipsedge

Outrage in the Age of Reform: Irish Agrarian Violence, Imperial Insecurity, and British Governing Policy, 1830–1845, by Jay R. Roszman
Alex Middleton

Recovering Scottish History: John Hill Burton and Scottish National Identity in the Nineteenth Century, by Craig Beveridge
Colin Kidd

Ordinary Lives, Death, and Social Class: Dublin City Coroner’s Court, 1876–1902, by Ciara Breathnach
Vicky Holmes

Neighbours of Passage: A Microhistory of Migrants in a Paris Tenement, 1882–1932, by Fabrice Langrognet
Amit Prakash

Neighbours, Distrust and the State: What the Poorer Working Class in Britain Felt about Government and Each Other, 1860s to 1930s, by Marc Brodie
James Gregory

Millicent Garrett Fawcett. Selected Writings, ed. Melissa Terras and Elizabeth Crawford
Janet Howarth

Worlds of Social Dancing: Dance Floor Encounters and the Global Rise of Couple Dancing, c.1910–40, ed. Klaus Nathaus and James Nott
Theresa Jill Buckland

On Arid Ground: Political Ecologies of Empire in Russian Central Asia, by Jennifer Keating
Alexander Morrison

Children’s Experiences of Welfare in Modern Britain, ed. Siân Pooley and Jonathan Taylor
Ellen Boucher

The Shadow of a Taxman: Who Funded the Irish Revolution, by R.J.C. Adams
Francis M Carroll

The Age of Mass Child Removal in Spain: Taking, Losing, and Fighting for Children, 1926–1945, by Peter Anderson
Jorge Marco

Making Fascism in Sweden and the Netherlands: Myth-Creation and Respectability, 1931–1940, by Nathaniël D.B. Kunkeler
Carlos Martins

The Stalin Cult in East Germany and the Making of the Postwar Soviet Empire, by Alexey Tikhomirov, tr. Jacqueline Friedlander
Judith Devlin

Socialism Goes Global: The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the Age of Decolonization, by James Mark, Paul Betts, Alena Alamgir, Péter Apor, Eric Burton, Bogdan C. Iacob, Steffi Marung and Radina Vučetić
Szabolcs László

Latin America and the Global Cold War, ed. Thomas C. Field Jr, Stella Krepp and Vanni Pettinà
Jonathan C Brown

The Life and Death of the Shopping City: Public Planning and Private Development in Britain since 1945, by Alistair Kefford
James Greenhalgh

The Pope in Poland: The Pilgrimages of John Paul II, 1979–1991, by James Ramon Felak
Michał J Wilczewski

The Darker Angels of Our Nature: Refuting the Pinker Theory of History and Violence, ed. Philip Dwyer and Mark Micale
Gregory Hanlon


Jean Dunbabin: A Scholarly Appreciation
David D’Avray


Jean Dunbabin: Principal Publications
David D’Avray


Women in the English Historical Review
Rosemary Mitchell


Ireland’s Empire: The Roman Catholic Church in the English-Speaking World, 1829–1914, by Barr Colin
Christopher Korten

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