Český časopis historický 122 (2024), 2
ČESKÝ ČASOPIS HISTORICKÝ / THE CZECH HISTORICAL REVIEWhttps://doi.org/10.56514/cchročník 122 č. 2/2024 S. 223-463
DRAGNEA Mihai Emotional Memory and Religious Identity in the Saxon Marches (10th–11th centuries) [Emoční paměť a náboženská identita v Saských markách (10.–11. století)] S. 227
This paper examines the connection of memories to emotions as they were transmitted by chroniclers through narratives. Emotional memories played a significant role in the recollection of some brutal events connected to ecclesiastical policies in eastern Saxony and across the Elbe, where the socalled Wends lived. The paper focuses on the interactions of cognition and emotion. It shows that emotional memories were not only rhetorical devices, but also didactic tools in the process of creation of Wendish idolatry as a Christian construct of a socioreligious identity. Certain negative events from the past placed within theological frameworks were intended to provoke hostile emotional responses towards the Wends. Preserving memory on ecclesiastical matters, with faith and obedience as central elements of identification, was an ethical mission of all those in charge of writing history, usually clergymen.
Keywords: Saxon Marches – Ottonians – Wends – emotional memory – religious identity – idolatry – apostasy – Christianity – conversion
RESUMÉTato studie se zaměřuje na propojení vzpomínek s emocemi tak, jak je předávali kronikáři prostřednictvím svých příběhů. Při připomínání některých brutálních událostí spojených s činností církve ve východním Sasku a za řekou Labe, na území Vendů, hrály významnou roli vzpomínky nabité emocemi. Tato studie zkoumá vzájemné působení kognice a emocí. Ukazuje, že emoční vzpomínky nebyly v procesu utváření vendské idolatrie jako křesťanského konstruktu společensko-náboženské identity pouze nástrojem rétorickým, ale také nástrojem didaktickým.
Pamatování si současných událostí bylo méně důležité než vzpomínka na křesťanské hříchy přitahující boží trest. Na základě této myšlenky se středověcí autoři, za účelem vyvolání žádoucích emocí, často uchylovali k rétorickým trikům. Jejich posluchači tak museli naslouchat jediné verzi minulosti. Vzpomínka na mučednictví, stejně jako připomínka jakéhokoliv druhu utrpení a pronásledování křesťanů, udržovala jednotu mezi světskou a církevní mocí, které spolu byly často ve střetu.
Některé negativní události z minulosti, zasazené do teologických rámců, měly vyvolat nepřátelské emoční reakce vůči Vendům, a tím i ospravedlnit (často) brutální saskou odpověď. Autoři vzájemně propojovali všechny vendské nájezdy a prezentovali je jako vzpoury, neboť tím chtěli zdůraznit, že právoplatnými vlastníky celého území za řekou Labe jsou saské šlechtické rody. Uchovávání paměti o církevních záležitostech, s vírou a poslušností jako ústředními identifikačními prvky, bylo etickým posláním všech, kdo byli pověřeni psaním dějin, obvykle duchovních.
HRBEK Jiří Stát jako výsledek kulturního procesu: Vyústění diskuze o absolutismu v evropské historiografii [The State as a Result of a Cultural Process: the Outcome of Discussion on Absolutism in European Historiography] S. 251
The study builds on the author’s earlier research, in which he reflected on professional discussions about the term “absolutism” in European historiography of the 20th century. It tries to capture the broader context of the political history of the early modern period, especially the creation of the state as (to this day) the dominant political discourse and the basic communication structure of society. In his study, the author presents a summary of different approaches to the problem of the emergence of the state, especially the sociological and the culturally anthropological approaches. At the same time, he touches on areas that, thanks to these views to the political history of the early modern period, have undergone significant methodological changes in recent decades, such as the history of administration, the history of diplomacy or the history (emergence) of the public. An integral part of the treatise is also a critical reflection of terms that historians, sociologists, and cultural anthropologists use to describe the development of the state in the 16th to 18th centuries, such as bureaucratisation, the fiscal-military state, the mediality of power or competition of norms.
Keywords: the state – political culture – political anthropology – historiographical discussions – history of ideas – history of administration – the public in the early modern period
RESUMÉAn important part of the discussion of the term “absolutism”, the next phase of which slowly died down after 2000, was the search for suitable alternatives to the given term, as well as the discussion about the nature and definition of the early modern state as a unique product of the political culture of the 16th to 18th centuries, as well as on its relation to the modern or even contemporary, postmodern state. At the same time, the medieval or early modern state cannot be viewed through the Hegelian prism of the result of the state-building process, and from the perspective of the 19th and 20th centuries, it cannot be characterized as a deficient organization that lacks the essential features of state organisation, i.e., as an imperfekt embryo of what was subsequently completed only thanks to its connection with the nation. Whether we are assessing the English or British constitutional monarchy, or the absolutist states located on the European continent, the early modern state must always be approached as a problem of a special kind and freed from the categories that we associate with the state of the beginning of the 21st century.
In the second half of the 20th century, historiography gradually received stimuli that came from sociology (from Max Weber, Norbert Elias or Niklas Luhmann) and tried to apply its conclusions to historical material. It was interested, for example, in the process of social discipline and ways of implementing norms, negotiations between social actors on the shape of the political system and their participation in building the state. Among other things, it resulted in a new approach to the history of administration, the “densification” of which was one of the features of the newly created organisational structure of the state. Its domain represented a gradually dominant social practice, which accompanied, for example, a new definition of corrupt behaviour or the emergence of a central lens through which the authorities monitored their objects. In addition to examining the organisation of the state, no less attention was also paid to the behaviour and actions of the people it included and their ideas about power.
The second source of inspiration for assessing the historical context of today’s state was cultural anthropology, starting from a broad concept of culture as a human creation that emerges when a person gives certain meaning and signifikance to the things around him. In addition, it was the redefinition of important objects (symbols) that was a necessary prerequisite for a new understanding of the state. According to Pierre Bourdieu, it was precisely the state that then acquired the power to name things and gradually monopolized this symbolic power as well as all legitimate violence on its territory. The instrument for this cultural and political monopoly was not the administration (police), but the media, in the early modern period this was primarily written culture (e.g., the press), which helped to overcome distances, as well as public performances (e.g., festivities), during which important political subject matters were represented. Both were behind the emergence of a specific early modern public, which gradually accepted the state as the dominant political discourse. After all, it has remained that way to this day.
KARLACH Jan – PTÁČKOVÁ Jarmila Antropologie v socialistické Číně: Od ústřední úlohy při konstrukci národní identity po orámování globální Iniciativy pásmo a cesta [Anthropology in Socialist China: From Principal Role in National Identity Construction to Framing of the Global Belt and Road Initiative] S. 297
The core of the article analyzes the historical development of Chinese anthropology from 1949 until today. First, it maps the parallel development of the anthropological terminology, thinking and practices, which together provided a scientific-theoretical basis for the subsequent political-ideological formation of the structure of the Chinese nation. Its conception is a bricolage of ethnopolitical categories, which came into being through a synergy of gradually indigenized theories of Soviet, European and American humanities and social sciences. The text further demonstrates that the historical experience of Chinese anthropology is being projected beyond the China’s borders, where it theoretically underpins the global political-economic strategy, the „Belt and Road Initiative“.
Keywords: China – anthropology – bricolage – Chinese nation – history of science – ethnic corridor – Belt and Road Initiative
RESUMÉThe article maps the practices and development of Chinese anthropology mainly from the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in 1949 to the present. A historically contextualized analysis of the research practice of the most important Chinese anthropologists reveals how the nearly century-old bricolage of Chinese anthropology’s experience with various theoretical approaches frames the current geopolitical ambitions of the PRC.
The introduction provides the essential information from the formative period of Chinese anthropology under the mainland government of the Republic of China (1911–1949). The first part of the text is mainly devoted to the period of the 1950s, when anthropology was repackaged into Sovietized ethnology under the pressure of the Chinese tint of the ideology of Marxism-Leninism. The political need for the rapid completion of the national project started on the threshold of the 20th century paradoxically forced the scientists to benefit primarily from their rich experience with colonial British and American anthropology from the period before 1949. The result of their work was presented anyway as a merit of advanced science from the Soviet Union.
The second part of the article mainly describes the period of the 1980s and 1990s, when anthropology and its main protagonists were rehabilitated and recognised again after more than twenty years of political campaigns. The main figure of Chinese anthropology, Fei Xiaotong, built his theory of the Chinese nation as a “pluralistic unity” based on his own experience from field research in the 1930s and 1940s in southwestern China. The core of his vision is comprised of his interpretation of the historical economic relations between the ethnic groups through whose territories the trade routes (“corridors”) of the Chinese empire ran. Fei’s generalized vision of the Tibetan-Yi ethnic-economic corridor was from the beginning in harmony with the state-promoted Chinese branch of Marxist economic theory, and since the late 1980s it has been underwritten both by the economic policies of the PRC and by the related view of non-Han and later non-Chinese cultures.
The final part then points to the current visions of Chinese anthropology, whose accumulated experience with the construction of its own national identity – mainly following Fei’s theoretical considerations shaped by colonial anthropologies, Sovietized ethnology, and the subsequent phase of the renewal of anthropology as a science of state strategic importance – now frames the concept of Chinese political-economic a global strategy called the “Belt and Road Initiative”.
KOZÁK Petr Královské dvory Jiřího z Poděbrad, Vladislava II. a Ludvíka Jagellonského: Stav výzkumu [The Royal Courts of George of Poděbrady, Vladislaus II and Louis Jagiellon: State of Research] S. 323
The study presents an annotated summary of research results achieved by Czech historiography in the field of research into the courts of the Bohemian kings of the post-Hussite period: George of Poděbrady (1458–1471) and the Jagiellonian monarchs, Vladislaus II of Hungary (1471–1516) and Louis II of Hungary (1516–1526). The author notes the overall unsatisfactory state of research on the Bohemian royal courts of the late Middle Ages, especially when it comes to basic structural-personnel analyses. The paper points to the causes of this situation and draws attention to the interpretative limits that arise from it. It sees the starting point in basic source heuristice and work cooperation on the international level.
Keywords: royal courts – state of the research – Middle Ages – George of Poděbrady – Jagiellonians
RESUMÉThe presented material study presents an annotated summary of research results achieved by Czech historiography in the field of research into the courts of the Bohemian kings of the post-Hussite period: George of Poděbrady (1458–1471) and the monarchs from the House of Jagiellonian, Vladislaus II (1471–1516) and Louis II (1516–1526). The author notes the overall unsatisfactory state of research on the Bohemian royal courts of the period of the end of the Middle Ages, which is a natural legacy of the long-term underestimation of the importance of the role of the court power centre in the construction of the interpretation of Bohemian “national” history. Although this status has undergone substantial changes over the past decades, a significant disproportion remains in terms of chronological coverage of the material. In this way, the earliest time layer, i.e., the Přemyslid period of Bohemian history, has been explored in the most comprehensive way. In contrast to this, the courts of the Bohemian monarchs have not been treated since the middle of the 14th century, especially when it comes to performing basic structuralpersonnel analyses. The desideratum of research par excellence in this regard is mainly represented by the court of King Louis II of Hungary. However, very little reliable information is also available about the court society that surrounded King George of Poděbrady. Thanks to Josef Macek and Pavel Trnka, the court of King Vladislaus II of Hungary remains a significant exception, but only until the time he took over the reign in Hungary. The existence of a structural-personnel analysis of the court of King Vladislaus from 1471–1490 has made it possible to present considerations connected with the geographical horizon of this court, significantly marked by the conflict with the Hungarian (and Bohemian) King Matthias Corvinus. The author has also tried to outline the social profile of the members of the court society of the Jagiellonian monarch, when the numerical superiority of representatives of the lower nobility among the holders of court offices and courtiers without formally defined functions was confirmed. The limited awareness of the structure and personnel composition of the court of George of Poděbrady, on the other hand, convincingly pointed out the resulting interpretive limits, thanks to which the reflections on the court of this ruler often slip into a stereotypical reproduction of long-held assumptions. The way to change this situation should be, on the most general level, the implementation of basic research based on consistent source heuristics. The current challenge in this respect is represented by the prosopographic- biographical project of Hungarian historians targeting the Hungarian royal court during the reign of Matthias Corvinus and the Jagiellonian monarchs.
Tři edice pramenů k osobnosti Lva Thuna (1811–1888):
Brigitte MAZOHL – Christof AICHNER – Tanja KRALER (eds.) Die Korrespondenz von Leo von Thun-Hohenstein Projekt P 22554 (2010–2015)
Christof AICHNER – Brigitte MAZOHL (eds.) Die Korrespondenz des Ministers für Cultus und Unterricht Leo Thun-Hohenstein (1849–1860): Auswahledition zu den Reformen von Unterricht und Bildung in der Habsburgermonarchie
Michael PROKOSCH – Sieglinde KAPFERER (eds.) Das Tagebuch von Leo Thun-Hohenstein (1825–1842): Einblicke in die Jugendjahre des späteren Ministers für Cultus und Unterricht S. 349 (Otto Chmelík)
Gábor BARABÁS Delegated Papal Jurisdiction in Arpadian Hungary. Bishops – provosts – papal chaplains S. 361 (Peter Bučko)
Petr SKALICKÝ – Jan FIŘT – Anežka MIKULCOVÁ (eds.) Středověké nástěnné malby v Praze. Kapitoly S. 367 (František Šmahel)
Marek BRČÁK Působení kapucínského řádu v Čechách a na Moravě 1599–1783 S. 373 (Tomáš Černušák)
Hall BJØRNSTAD The Dream of Absolutism. Louis XIV and the Logic of Modernity S. 376 (Anna Z. Adamčiková)
Petr VOIT Boj o volnou plochu. Slepotisk na české knižní vazbě 16. století dle databáze NUSK a Strahovské knihovny v Praze S. 382 (Bořek Neškudla)
Amy HARRIS Being Single in Georgian England. Families, Households, and the Unmarried S. 389 (Michaela Žáková)
Christopher CLARK Frühling der Revolution. Europa 1848/49 und der Kampf für eine neue Welt S. 393 (Miroslav Šedivý)
Eduard KUBŮ – Jiří ŠOUŠA – Barbora ŠTOLLEOVÁ a kol. Za německou hroudu a zrno. Agrární hnutí Němců v českých zemích období habsburské monarchie: od hospodářských společností, odborných i politických spolků a exkluzivních politických reprezentací k agrárnímu stranictví (1848–1918) S. 399 (Lukáš Fasora)
Martin KLEČACKÝ a kol. Slovník představitelů politické správy v Čechách v letech 1849–1918 S. 404 (Jan Županič)
Zprávy o literatuřeS. 409
Libuše Hrabová (2. října 1928 Moravská Ostrava – 17. listopadu 2023 Hranice) (Antonín Kalous) S. 429
Robert Kvaček (5. července 1932 Dvorce – 27. dubna 2024 Lomnice nad Popelkou) (Jindřich Dejmek) S. 437
Knihy a časopisy došlé redakciS. 453