Workers of the World 13 (2024)

Titel der Ausgabe 
Workers of the World 13 (2024)

Campinas 2024: UNICAMP
open access



Workers of the World. International Journal on Strikes and Social Conflict
António Simões do Paço <>
Bernd Hüttner, Zentrum für Gesellschaftsanalyse und politische Bildung, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, 10243 Berlin

With a thematic dossier on classe struggle in war times, a interview with the economist Michael Roberts, several book reviews, and a republished text in honor of Eddie Webster.


01 The Argentine workers' anti-war movement during the Korean War (1950-1951) - Marina Kabat

02 From Ukraine to Gaza, stop the war! - António Louçã, Paulo Mendes, Nelson Silva

03 Cushion, Steve and Moos, Merilyn. On Strike Against the Nazis; Socialist History Society, 2021, [Reviwe] João Carlos Louçã

04 "...A display of temper..." - Buntu Siwisa

05 Report of the 6th International Association Strikes and Social Conflicts Conference

06 Edward Webster: South African intellectual, teacher, activist, a man of great energy and integrity, and the life and soul of any party Creators - [obituary] Karl von Holdt

07 Michael Roberts interview: Time is running out Raquel Varela

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