TSEG – The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History 21 (2024), 2

Titel der Ausgabe 
TSEG – The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History 21 (2024), 2
Weiterer Titel 
TSEG – Volume 21 – Issue 2 – 2024

Online: Open Access / Institutional Print Subscription: € 138,00 / Individual Print Subscription: € 69,00 / Student Print Subscription: € 40,00 / Per print issue: € 20,00 (excl. postage)


Kontakt allgemein

Annemie Vandezande, Leuven University Press

TSEG - The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History is the Dutch-Flemish journal of social and economic history. The journal publishes articles and reviews in the fields of social and economic history in the broad sense, with a particular but not exclusive focus on the Low Countries.


‘Ik ben zoo diep gezakt door deze oorlog’. Opvattingen over diefstal bij verdachten, reclasseerders en de Nederlandse rechterlijke macht, 1935-1949
Jan Julia Zurné

Toll Collection and Economic Development in Twelfth-Century Flanders
Elisa Bonduel

Plague and Epidemic Disease in the Northern Parts of the Low Countries, 1349-1450. Evidence, Limitations, and Implications
Daniel R. Curtis

Pioneers of Capitalism: A Debate
Introduction to the Debate on Pioneers of Capitalism
Bruno Blondé and Bas Spliet

Pioneers of Capitalism and the Low Countries’ Paradox
Bruno Blondé and Ive Marx

Would the Real Pioneers Please Stand up? Confronting the Ambiguous Narrative of the Dutch Sonderweg in the Late Middle Ages
Sam Geens

Inclusive and Extractive Institutions: A Reasonable Dichotomy?
Bas Spliet

A Moral Measure of Capitalism? Pioneers of Capitalism: The Netherlands, 1000-1800
Anne EC McCants

Rural Vulnerability and the Ambiguous Legacy of Capitalism. Reassessing the Impact on Countryside Development in the Transition Period to Capitalism
Maïka De Keyzer

Pioneers of Capitalism – A Response
Maarten Prak and Jan Luiten van Zanden

Book reviews

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Bestandsnachweise Online ISSN: 2468-9068 / Print ISSN: 1572-1701