Historia Aperta is an open-access academic peer reviewed journal focused on the history of Czech lands and (Central) European region.
It is published twice a year by the University of Hradec Králové in both online and print versions. Prior to 2022, this journal appeared under the title Východočeské listy historické. While highly respected in Czech academic circles since its founding in 1996, the editorial board changed the periodical’s name to Historia Aperta to reflect their commitment to providing an open international forum for the global community of historians. The journal publishes expert and interdisciplinary papers, particularly those related to Digital Humanities, with a mission to present scientific articles, primary sources (material articles), reviews, and news concerning the historical discipline. Besides Czech, the journal accepts articles in English, German, Polish and Slovak. The ethics statement of the journal is based on the Code of Conduct guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). All journal papers are published under the terms of Creative Common License and transparent rules for the peer review procedure.
DALIBOR JANIŠSnahy o zemskou bezpečnost v Čechách v předhusitské době a počátky plzeňského landfrýdu (Efforts for Land Security in Bohemia in the Pre-Hussite Era and the Beginnings of the Pilsen Landryd) Pages 9-35
DAVID PAPAJÍKHašek z Valdštejna a Kutná Hora (Hašek of Valdštejn and Kutná Hora) Pages 36-55
PAVEL DRNOVSKÝVybrané archeologické doklady válečných událostí z husitského období v severovýchodních Čechách. Bilance možností a limitů výzkumu (Selected Archaeological Evidence of War Events of the Hussite Period in Northeast Bohemia. Balance of Possibilities and Limits of Research Pages 56-73
DAVID KALHOUSMiroslav Kovář, Vlastislav Kracík, Benediktinský klášter v Opatovicích. Studie k architektuře a dějinám klášterů 3, Praha 2022 - Recenze (Miroslav Kovář, Vlastislav Kracík, Benedictine monastery in Opatovice. Studies on the architecture and history of monasteries, Prague 2022 - Review) Pages 76-79
JIŘÍ SLAVÍKMiloš Jiroušek, Kunětická hora od středověku po současnost. Stručné dějiny Kunětické hory a její záchrana Muzejním spolkem, Sychrov 2021 - Recenze (Miloš Jiroušek, Kunětice Mountain from the Middle Ages to the present. A brief history of Kunětice Mountain and its rescue by the Museum Association, Sychrov 2021 - Review) Pages 80-82
MARTIN ŠANDERADalibor Janiš, Landfrýdy jako pramen zemského práva na stavovské Moravě, Praha 2023 - Recenze (Dalibor Janiš, Landfrýdy as a source of land law in state Moravia, Prague 2023 - Review) Pages 83-85