Titel der Ausgabe 
Judaica Bohemiae 59 (2024)

Anzahl Seiten
219 S.



Judaica Bohemiae
Czech Republic
Židovské muzeum v Praze Judaica Bohemiae U Staré školy 1, 3 110 01 Praha 1 Czech Republic Tel.: +420 221 711 576 (577)
Iveta Cermanova, Jewish History Department, Židovské muzeum v Praze / Jewish Museum in Prague

A new issue of the journal Judaica Bohemiae (Vol. 59/2024) came out in December 2024. It starts with a study by Marie Buňatová (Credit Networks of Prague Jewish Financiers during the First Two Decades of the Seventeenth Century), which provides insights into the intricate world of early modern Jewish finance, explaining in detail the credit practice of Prague Jews and their close connection to the economic environment of the Kingdom of Bohemia. The next paper by Marie Krappmann (Das Purimspiel „Mordche und Eßter“: Wie weit kommt man mit textzentrierter Analyse, wenn textexterne Kontextuierungen fehlen) analyzes the comic Purim play Mordkhe und Ester, showing how its text reflects the problems of Jewish life at the end of the 18th century. Martin Jemelka (Jewish Businessmen and Businesswomen in the Shoemaking Industry in the Bohemian Lands until the End of the First World War) illuminates the key role played by Jewish entrepreneurs in the development of the shoemaking industry in the Bohemian lands in the 19th century and the first quarter of the 20th. Veronika Seidlová (Between the Hazzan’s Pulpit and the Operatic Stage: A Biography of the Bimusical Singer Yitzhak Man) deals with the life and career of Yitzhak Man (1885–1963), the distinguished opera singer and hazzan who served as Chief Cantor of the Great Synagogue in Brno between 1927 and 1939, continuing with this activity in Mandatory Palestine and Israel. In the Documents section, an article by Pavel Sládek and Antonín Roos (An Unknown Hebrew Deliverance Narrative from 1772: The Story of Joseph Isaac Poppers’ Illness and Recovery) highlights an unknown manuscript that has been preserved in the collections of the Columbia University Libraries in New York, which contains a 1771 account of the illness and recovery of the prominent Prague Jewish merchant Yitzhak Poppers.

In the Reports section, Alicja Maślak-Maciejewska reports on the international conference Central European Jewish Communities in the Toleration and Emancipation Period, 1781–1938 (Olomouc, 24.–25.5.2023), Tomáš Krákora on the ninth Jews in Bohemia seminar (Karlovy Vary, 11.–13.10.2023) and Jakub Hauser on the international conference Preserving Memory. Holocaust Monuments and Memorials in Central Europe (Prague, 17.–18.9.2024).

The final section of the journal contains reviews of the following books: Olga Sixtová et al., Pinkasim a správa židovských obcí v českých zemích raného novověku: struktura a funkce [Pinkasim and the Administration of the Jewish Communities in the Early Modern Bohemian Lands] (Alexandr Putík – Lenka Uličná), Johannes Czakai, Nochems neue Namen. Die Juden Galiziens und der Bukowina und die Einführung deutscher Vor- und Familiennamen 1772–1820 (Iveta Cermanová), Nathan Shifriss, Solomon Judah Rapoport (Shir). Haskalah, Rabbinate, Nationalism (Pnina Markéta Younger), Radek Lipowsky, Malý velký Koloredov. Ekonomické vazby v protoindustriální oblasti na konci 18. století a v první polovině 19. století [Koloredov. Economic Relations in a Proto-Industrial Region at the End of the 18th Century and in the First Half of the 19th Century] (Daniel Baránek), Daniel Baránek, Překračování hranic ghetta. Proměna židovských sídelních struktur a akulturačních strategií židů [Crossing the Ghetto Borders: The Transformation of Jewish Settlement Structures and the Acculturation Strategies of Jews] (Ivana Ebelová) and Zdeněk Hudec, Historický estetismus. Reprezentace holokaustu v československém a českém hraném filmu 1948–2019 [Historical Aestheticism: Representations of the Holocaust in Czechoslovak and Czech Feature Films, 1948–2019] (Jakub Egermajer).

Published since 1965 by the Jewish Museum in Prague, Judaica Bohemiae focuses on Jewish history and culture in Bohemia, Moravia and the wider Central European area (the territory of the former Habsburg Monarchy). Originally a biannual journal, it came out annually in 1994–2008, and twice yearly in 2009–2022. As of 2023, it is once again an annual publication. The texts are published in English and German.



Marie Buňatová: Credit Networks of Prague Jewish Financiers during the First Two Decades of the Seventeenth Century

Marie Krappmann: Das Purimspiel „Mordche und Eßter“: Wie weit kommt man mit textzentrierter Analyse, wenn textexterne Kontextuierungen fehlen

Martin Jemelka: Jewish Businessmen and Businesswomen in the Shoemaking Industry in the Bohemian Lands until the End of the First World War

Veronika Seidlová: Between the Hazzan’s Pulpit and the Operatic Stage: A Biography of the Bimusical Singer Yitzhak Man


Pavel Sládek – Antonín Roos: An Unknown Hebrew Deliverance Narrative from 1772: The Story of Joseph Isaac Poppers՚ Illness and Recovery


Alicja Maślak-Maciejewska: International Conference ‘Central European Jewish Communities in the Toleration and Emancipation Period, 1781–1938’

Tomáš Krákora: The Ninth ‘Jews in Bohemia’ Seminar in Karlovy Vary

Jakub Hauser: International Conference ‘Preserving Memory. Holocaust Monuments and Memorials in Central Europe’


Olga Sixtová et al., ed. Pavel Sládek, Pinkasim a správa židovských obcí v českých zemích raného novověku: struktura a funkce [Pinkasim and the Administration of the Jewish Communities in the Early Modern Bohemian Lands] (Alexandr Putík – Lenka Uličná)

Johannes Czakai, Nochems neue Namen. Die Juden Galiziens und der Bukowina und die Einführung deutscher Vor- und Familiennamen 1772–1820 (Iveta Cermanová)

Nathan Shifriss, שי"ר חדש. שלמה יהודה רפפורט: רבנות, השכלה, לאומיות / Solomon Judah Rapoport (Shir). Haskalah, Rabbinate, Nationalism (Pnina Markéta Younger)

Radek Lipovski, Malý velký Koloredov. Ekonomické vazby v protoindustriální oblasti na konci 18. století a v první polovině 19. století [Koloredov. Economic Relations in a Proto-Industrial Region at the End of the 18th Century and in the First Half of the 19th Century] (Daniel Baránek)

Daniel Baránek, Překračování hranic ghetta. Proměna židovských sídelních struktur a akulturačních strategií židů [Crossing the Ghetto Borders: The Transformation of Jewish Settlement Structures and the Acculturation Strategies of Jews] (Ivana Ebelová)

Zdeněk Hudec, Historický estetismus. Reprezentace holokaustu v československém a českém hraném filmu 1948–2019 [Historical Aestheticism: Representations of the Holocaust in Czechoslovak and Czech Feature Films, 1948–2019] (Jakub Egermajer)

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