This issue features a report on the RSJ PGR/ECR Article Prize winner for 2023 and a cluster on 'Royal Sexualized Bodies at the Tudor Court' curated by Valerie Schutte.
Report on the 2023 Royal Studies Journal and Winchester University Press Biennial Early Career and Postgraduate Researcher Article Prize, Dr. Zita Eva Rohr, 10(2): 1–6
Royal Sexualized Bodies at the Tudor Court, Valerie Schutte, 10(2): 7–80
Roman Culture in the Ottonian World, Laury Sarti, 10(2): 81–119
In the Intimacy of the Dār al-Nisā: The Residential Spaces of the Nasrid Sultanas at the Alhambra of Granada (Thirteenth-Fifteenth Centuries), Barbara Boloix-Gallardo, 10(2): 120–153
“Wishing to Defend Her Country”: Philippa of Hainaut, Royal Marital Partnership, and the Battle of Nevilles Cross (1346), Jordan Michelle Schoonover, 10(2): 154–188
Three Wedding Journeys, Three Financial Records: Logistics, Court, Princesss Agency, Patrik Pastrnak, 10(2): 189–238
“Large wen” or “swelling”? Exploring Myths and Misconceptions about Nicholas Sanders Description of Anne Boleyn and Its Link to Witchcraft, Sylvia Barbara Soberton, 10(2): 239–266
Marianas Linage: The Political Aspects of Claudio Coellos Portrait, Mercedes Llorente, 10(2): 267–290
Representing the Queen When the Queen Is Missing: The Duchess of Angoulême and Louis XVIII (1799–1824), Matthieu Mensch, 10(2): 291–341
Ephemeral Images: Zita of Bourbon-Parma and Picture Postcards, Lucy Sarah Valerie Coatman, 10(2): 342–381
The Power of the Dog: Caesar of Notts and the Mourning of Edward VII, Terri Sabatos, 10(2): 382–427
Book Reviews:
McGuigan, Máel Coluim III Canmore: An Eleventh-Century Scottish King, (Edinburgh: John Donald, 2021), Dauvit Broun, 10(2): 428–430
Hanley, Two Houses, Two Kingdoms: A History of France and England, 1100–1300 (London: Yale University Press, 2022), Gabrielle Storey, 10(2): 431–433
Alonge, Ambasciatori: Diplomazia e politica nella Venezia del Rinascimento (Rome: Donzelli, 2019), Wouter Wagemakers, 10(2): 434–437
Norrie, Harris, Laynesmith, Messer, and Woodacre, Tudor and Stuart Consorts (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022), Conor Byrne, 10(2): 438–440
Russo, The Afterlife of Anne Boleyn: Representations of Anne Boleyn in Fiction and on the Screen (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020), Aurore Brouet, 10(2): 441–443
Bergeron, The Duke of Lennox, 1574–1624: A Jacobean Courtiers Life (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2022), Amy Elizabeth Saunders, 10(2): 444–447
Welten, Vergessene Prinzessinnen von Thorn (1700–1794) (Regensburg: Schnell&Steiner, 2021), Cathérine Annette Ludwig-Ockenfels, 10(2): 448–450