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ZLATUŠE PROKŠOVÁ BRÁTKOVÁ, Jan Jiří Karl (Johann Georg Karl) – čtvrtý pražský purkmistr v letech 1811–1819 [Jan Jiří Karl (Johann Georg Karl) – the Fourth Prague Burgomaster in 1811–1819] Abstract: Johann Georg Karl was the fourth Prague burgomaster (his predecessor, Ondřej Steiner, served two non-consecutive terms before him) after the establishment of the regulated municipality and the merger of the Prague towns in 1784. Karl was born in 1750 and as an experienced city official and bureaucrat was named burgomaster by the governor in 1811, a post in which he served until October 1819. Johann Georg Karl was the type of experienced bureaucratic official who already fully identified with the principals of centrally controlled city administration, the powers of which were clearly defined from above. The year Karl became burgomaster was marked by state bankruptcy, currency reform and city finances and financial management that were in a generally dismal state. The city was forced to pay off its debts to the state tp the detriment of the standard of living of the Prague population. Although the Napoleonic Wars did not directly impact the capital of Prague, top city officials were charged with securing supplies for the troops and with the charitable, social and medical care related to wartime hardships. Despite the difficult financial situation, during Karl’s time in office work continued on the construction of the Prague sewerage system, water main and other city projects. Keywords: Prague – regulated municipality – burgomaster – city administration – pre-March period – Napoleonic Wars 13–55
MARTINA POWER, Pražská radnice v období bachovského absolutismu – „temná“ doba obecní správy? Náčrt přístupů k výzkumu pražské obecní samosprávy v padesátých letech 19. století [Prague City Hall in the Period of Bach Absolutism – a “Dark” Time for City Administration? An Outline of Approaches to the Study of Prague City Government in the 1850s] Abstract: The paper aims to outline the possibilities of a research approach to Prague city administration in 1850–1860, when the political system was once again absolutised in the Austrian monarchy. Rather than approaching the traditional understanding of this period as a ten-year stagnation of municipal administration, the paper tries to draw attention to the continuums from the previous years of the 1848/1849 revolution, extending into the period of the restoration of self-government after 1861. These can be found both at the personnel level (a number of representatives elected in 1848/1849 also sat on the city councils in the 1850s and ran for office again in 1861) and at the level of the modernisation proposals being discussed; although these were not implemented in the 1850s, city officials returned to them in the following years. Keywords: 1850–1860 – Prague – city government – city elections – urban elite 57–83
LUBOŠ VELEK, Národnostní renegátství v politice. K politické kariéře pražského purkmistra a poslance Karla Leopolda Klaudyho [Nationality Renegade in Politics. The Political Career of Prague Mayor and Member of Parliament Karel Leopold Klaudy] Abstract: The study aims to map the political career of Karel Leopold Klaudy in 19th-century Czech politics with an emphasis on his time as Prague mayor in 1868–1869. Klaudy is an exceptional case in which a politician who was also active in regional and empire-wide politics, a politician who ranked among the leaders of the National Party (the Old Czech Party), made a significant impact on Prague municipal politics. In addition to tracing Klaudy’s interactions with the Young Czech opposition in Prague, the emperor and state authorities (a state of emergency was declared in Prague), the study also attempts to understand the issue of Klaudy’s ethnicity, i.e. it follows his moves between individual national and eventually even political camps in Bohemia. Attention is also paid to his business and financial interests, which were intertwined with his public activities, even earning him a reputation as a politician who fought against corruption. Keywords: 19th century – Prague – Karel Leopold Klaudy – National Party (Old Czech Party) – national renegade 85–127
PETR KREUZ, Antonín Otakar Zeithammer (1832–1919). Zvolený pražský purkmistr nepotvrzený císařem [Antonín Otakar Zeithammer (1832–1919). Elected Prague Mayor Unaffirmed by the Emperor] Abstract: The study is devoted to the public and political life of Antonín Otakar Zeithammer, a lawyer and representative of the Old Czech (National) Party and one of the most most important Czech politicians of the second half of the 19th century. That his family was related to the family of František Palacký was only one factor leading him to a public and political life. Zeithammer reached two peaks in his political career: the first was serving in the post of deputy burgomaster of the Capital City of Prague in 1873–1879, the second his activity in the House of Deputies of the Imperial Council in Vienna in the years 1879–1891. The study takes a detailed look at Zeithammer’s activities in Prague city politics in the 1870s. In June 1876, Zeithammer was elected mayor of the Capital City of Prague, but at the time he was a completely unsuitable candidate for state authorities and was not confirmed in this position by the emperor. But while Zeithammer never became the head of Prague and remained a “grey eminence” in the background, he was a dominant figure in Prague city politics, essentially running things behind the scenes at city hall until 1879. In this position, Zeithammer attempted to transform the city government into a nationwide Czech political forum for the promotion of the objectives of the Czech national emancipation politics. He played a major role in enforcing and implementing the decision to tear down the Prague fortifications and he was also behind the construction of Palacký Bridge and the founding of the City of Prague Museum. Keywords: 19th century – Prague – Council of Elders – deputy mayor – town council – Old Czech Party – demolition of Prague fortifications 129–148
VIKTOR VELEK, Pražští purkmistři a primátoři (1848–1989) v hudbě a poezii zvěčnění [Prague Burgomasters and Mayors (1848–1989) Immortalised in Music and Poetry] Abstract: The study offers a comprehensive overview of musical compositions (and a small number of poems) written by Czech composers in commemoration of Prague burgomasters and mayors in office in the years 1848–1989. In terms of typology, these are compositions similar to those written for emperors, aristocrats, prominent figures in cultural and political life, the president, etc. These expressions of esteem typically take the form of marches for piano or orchestra, with exceptions being an exalting male choir, operetta and a type of cantastoria (story-singer). The study includes basic bibliographic information on the compositions, briefly introduces their authors, explains accompanying text and documents published sheet music and recordings. From the perspective of quantity, Mayor Karel Baxa, who served in office for nearly 20 years, was the subject of the greatest interest. While all of the circumstances surrounding the compositions are not yet precisely known, the evidence suggests that the works were performed at celebrations, anniversaries and similar events, and were also broadcast on the radio. Keywords: 19th–20th Century – Prague –Music – mayor – burgomaster 149–171
MAGDALÉNA ŠUSTOVÁ, Okresní vychovatelna na Královských Vinohradech v letech 1886–1923 [The District Boys’ Home in Royal Vinohrady in the Years 1886–1923] Abstract: The study details the history of the District Boys’ Home in Royal Vinohrady in operation in the years 1886–1923. The institution, the only one in the Czech lands established by a district (later districts), took care of boys under the age of 14 who fell into trouble with the law for minor offences (truancy, vagrancy, petty theft), as well as abandoned and orphaned boys. The second part of the study is devoted to the actual pedagogical work with the boys and the reasons that brought them to the institution. The boys’ home closed its doors in 1923 in connection with the founding of Greater Prague and the reorganisation of city social institutions. Keywords: 1886–1923 – Královské Vinohrady [Royal Vinohrady] – Žižkov – District Boys’ Home of the Archduchess Elisabeth – education – corrective pedagogy – social pathology – educational institutions 173–210
PAVEL MÜCKE, Normalizovaný cestovní ruch a pohostinství v Praze [Normalised Tourism and Hospitality in Prague] Abstract: The study provides an outline of the key aspects of the development of Prague tourism and to a certain extent also hospitality, with an emphasis on part of the “normalisation” period, especially the second half of the 1970s. In his research, the author draws on an analysis of available archival collections of archival provenance and also benefits from information from the contemporary press and from conducted and available oral history interviews. Among the key topics of the author’s analysis are visitor numbers in Prague, an outline of aspects related to the organisation of the most important events, characteristics of the development of tourism capacities (e.g. construction of new or the renovation of existing accommodation or food service facilities), a look into the area of cultural life, the provision of specialised visitor services ( e.g. selling souvenirs and tour guide services) and a probe into the issue of contemporary complaints and inspections. Keywords: second half of the 20th century – Prague – Czechoslovakia – tourism – hospitality – normalisation – contemporary history 211–245
PETR KREUZ, Korespondence Váši Příhody, Jindřišky Kreuzové/Příhodové a Otto A. Graefa s manželi Josefem a Marianne Erberovými z let 1936–1939. Příspěvek ke kulturním vztahům Prahy a Mnichova ve druhé polovině třicátých let 20. století [Correspondence of Váša Příhoda, Jindřiška Kreuzová/Příhodová and Otto A. Graef with Josef and Marianne Erber from 1936–1939. A Contribution to Cultural Relations Between Prague and Munich in the Second Half of the 1930s] Abstract: The edited collection of letters comes from the estate of the Munich sculptor Josef Floßmann, his daughter Marianne Erberová and son-in-law Josef Erber (NL-FLO Floßmann) held in the Munich Municipal Archives. This fund contains delivered letters of Czech violin virtuoso Váša Příhoda (1900–1960) and his longtime piano accompanist Otto A. Graef from 1936–1974. The subject of the annotated edition is seven letters from Váša and Jindřiška Příhoda to Josef and Marianne Erber of Munich from the years 1936–1938, supplemented by two smaller pieces of correspondence from Váša Příhoda addressed to the Erbers or specifically Josef Erber from the last quarter of 1939. This is the only known archive collection of Příhoda’s correspondence. The letters from 1936–1938 were penned by Příhoda’s second wife Jindřiška (Jetty) née Kreuzová (1905 1982). Keywords: the 1st half of the 20th century – Munich-Pasing – Váša Příhoda – the Příhodas – Josef and Marianne Erber – correspondence – edition 249–298
MARKÉTA KREJČOVÁ, Poválečná obnova knihovny Archivu hlavního města Prahy [Post-War Renewal of the Prague City Archive Library] Abstract: The article addresses the post-war period in the history of the Prague City Archive Library. Based on preserved correspondence, work reports and library inventories, the author traces the renewal of the library after the fire at the Old Town Hall on 8 May 1945 that destroyed nearly the entire library fund and all equipment. Particular attention is paid to acquisition activities aimed at replacing the lost fund of donations, purchases and confiscations, and efforts to ensure continuity with pre-war development. Keywords: 1945–1950 (1955) – Prague City Archive – Prague City Archive Library – Václav Vojtíšek – National Cultural Commission – history of libraries – organisation of libraries and library funds – property confiscation 301–344
ZORA DAMOVÁ – JAN SCHWALLER – KLÁRA HOLCOVÁ, In memoriam Kláry Holcové / Německý mužský tělocvičný spolek Praha (1888–1939) [In memoriam Klára Holcová / The German Male Physical Fitness Club Praha (1888–1939)] Abstract: We remember our young and promising colleague, archivist Klára Holcová (30. May 2003 – 21. December 2023), a victim of the senseless act of violence at the Charles University Faculty of Arts shortly before Christmas 2023. In her memory we are publishing the introduction to the inventory of the fund of the German Male Physical Fitness Club Praha (Deutscher Männerturnverein in Prag), which Klára had catalogued during her time in the Prague City Archives. Founded in 1888, this German sports club operated a number of sports as well as cultural activities. The club was cancelled in 1939, when it was incorporated into NS Turngemeinde Prag. The club’s documents are highly fragmented and contain in particular the minutes of general meetings and correspondence from 1936–1938. Older materials – annual reports from the years 1917 and 1919, a file on the history of the club from 1928 and informational brochures from 1918–1921, have survived purely by chance and represent a mere fraction of the club’s original activities. Nevertheless, the fund contains valuable information on the history of this sports club, which could also be a valuable source for the study of the Turnenschaften sports corps. The Prague City Archives also hold three other fragmentary funds of German sports organisations that Klára had planned to catalogue. Keywords: 1888–1939 – male physical fitness club – sport – Turnenschaften – education – nationalism – youth – Prague City Archives 345–352
Pavla Státníková – Olga Fejtová et al., Praha 1580–1680. Místo konfesijních střetů [Prague 1580–1680. Site of Religious Clashes] (Jiří Pešek) 355
Z archivu ke studentům a zase zpět. Věnováno Ivaně Ebelové k životnímu jubileu [From Archives to Students and Back Again. Dedicated to Ivana Ebelová in celebration of her birthday], (edd.) Zdeněk Hojda – Jan Kahuda – Zdeňka Kokošková (Jiří Pešek) 364
Města a měšťané perem badatelky. Příspěvky (nejen) k dějinám měst pražských a jejich elitám v raném novověku. K životnímu jubileu Olgy Fejtové [Towns and Burghers from the Pen of a Female Scholar. Articles and More on the History of the Prague Towns and Their Elites in the Early Modern Period. Dedicated to Olga Fejtová in celebration of her birthday], (ed.) Markéta Růčková (Jiří Smrž) 369
Richard Biegel, Město v bouři. Urbanismus a architektura historického centra Prahy 1830–1970 [The City in Upheaval. The Urbanism and Architecture of Prague’s Historical Centre 1830–1970] (Ondřej Hojda) 373
Jan Štemberk – Ivan Jakubec, Hotel Alcron. K dějinám symbolu českého a československého hotelnictví [The Hotel Alcron. On the History of a Symbol of the Czech and Czechoslovak Hotel Industry] (Jaroslava Veselá) 378
Jakub Šlouf, Praha v červnu 1953. Dělnická revolta proti měnové reformě, vyjednávání v továrnách a strukturální proměna dělnické třídy [Prague in June 1953. The Workers’ Revolt Against Currency Reform, Bargaining in Factories and the Structural Transformation of the Working Class] (Jan Ryba) 384
Jitka Schůtová, Zapomenutý muž. Tomáš Černý ve sbírce Oddělení dějin tělesné výchovy a sportu Národního muzea [Forgotten Man. Tomáš Černý in the Collection of the History of Physical Fitness and Sport Department of the National Museum] (Hana Gutová Vobrátilková) 388
Václav Aulický – Jakub Potůček – Rostislav Švácha, Žižkovská věž [The Žižka Tower] (Martin Franc) 392
Martin Dolejský, Komunisté v Praze. Činnost a postavení Komunistické strany Československa ve Velké Praze v letech 1921 až 1939 [Communists in Prague. The Activities and Position of the Czechoslovak Communist Party in Greater Prague in 1921–1939] (Tomáš Jelínek) 396
Dana Marešová, A přece mě ten krutý osud stihl… Ovdovělé pražské měšťanky ve druhé polovině 19. století v odrazu ego-dokumentů [Struck by That Cruel Fate… The Widowed Wives of Prague Burghers in the Second Half of the 19th Century in the Reflection of Egodocuments] (Marie Bahenská) 399
Michal Cihla et al., Praha kamenná. Topografie povrchu kamene a její aplikace v oblasti restaurování kamenných prvků [Stone Prague. The Topography of the Surface of Stone and Its Application in the Restoration of Stone Elements] (Zdeněk Dragoun) 402
Barbora Lašťovková et al., Pražský uličník. Encyklopedie názvů pražských veřejných prostranství [Prague Street Guide. Encyclopaedia of Names of Prague Public Spaces] (Tereza Klemensová) 405
Chrám umění Rudolfinum [Temple of Art Rudolfinum], (edd.) Jakub Bachtík – Lukáš Duchek – Jakub Jareš (Jiří Pešek) 415
Ingo Haar, Jüdische Migration und Diversität in Wien und Berlin 1667/71–1918. Von der Vertreibung der Wiener Juden und ihrer Wiederansiedlung in Berlin bis zum Zionismus (Ivana Ebelová) 431
Peter Csendes – Ferdinand Opll, Wien im Mittelalter. Zeitzeugnisse und Analysen; A Companion to Medieval Vienna, (edd.) Susana Zapke – Elisabeth Gruber (Martin Nodl) 439
Die Stadt und die Anderen. Fremdheit in Selbstzeugnissen und Chroniken des Spätmittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit, (Hrsg.) Andreas Rutz (Martin Nodl) 441
Geschichtsbilder in Residenzstädten des späten Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit. Präsentationen – Räume – Argumente – Praktiken, (Hrsg.) Gerhard Fouquet et al. (Martin Nodl) 444
Anna Paulina Orłowska, Johan Pyre. Ein Kaufmann und sein Handelsbuch im spätmittelalterlichen Danzig. Darstellung und Edition (Martin Nodl) 447
Stephan Nicolussi-Köhler, Marseille, Montpellier und das Mittelmeer. Die Entstehung des südfranzösischen Fernhandels im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert (Martin Nodl) 449
Eva Semotanová – Josef Žemlička et al., Věnná města českých královen [The Dowry Towns of the Bohemian Queens] (Marie Macková) 451
Zbyněk Sviták, Návštěva Marie Terezie na Moravě v roce 1748 [Maria Theresa’s Visit to Moravia in 1748] (Petra Vokáčová) 454
Tomáš Korbel, Čeští architekti a stavitelé v 19. století. Profesní a společenský vzestup [Czech Architects and Builders in the 19th Century. Their Professional and Social Rise] (Jaroslava Veselá) 457
Jessica Bock, Frauenbewegung in Ostdeutschland. Aufbruch, Revolte und Transformation in Leipzig 1980–2000 (Johana Jonáková) 465
Zdeněk Dragoun – Michal Tryml, Románský kostel v Dolních Chabrech a jeho předchůdci [The Romanesque Church in Dolní Chabry and Its Predecessors] (Jiří Varhaník) 467
Marek Brčák, Působení kapucínského řádu v Čechách a na Moravě 1599–1783 [The Work of the Capuchin Order in Bohemia and Moravia 1599–1783] (Jiří Wolf) 470
Michael Viktořík, Hinter den Wällen der Festungsstadt. Ein Beitrag zu Alltagsleben, Organisation und Einrichtung der Festungsstadt im 19. Jahrhundert (am Beispiel der Festung Olmütz) (Lukáš Fasora) 475
Marie Malivánková Wasková – Karel Waska – Eva Wasková, Historia Novoforensis. Dějiny města Úterý [Historia Novoforensis. The History of the Town of Úterý] (Karel Řeháček) 480
Zdeňka Míchalová, Měšťané, umělci, řemeslníci. Výtvarná kultura v Telči a Slavonicích v době renesance [Burghers, Artists, Craftsmen. Creative Culture in Telč and Slavonice in the Renaissance] (Lucie Rychnová) 486
Christian Landrock, Nach dem Kriege. Die Nachkriegszeit des Dreißigjährigen Krieges am Beispiel der kursächsischen Stadt Zwickau, 1645–1670 (Marek Ďurčanský) 489
František Kolář et al., Život uvnitř města. Typologie zástavby a kultura bydlení v městských historických jádrech moravskoslezského pomezí [Life Inside the Town. The Development Typology and Culture of Living in the Historical Urban Cores of the Moravian-Silesian Borderlands] (Pavel Kodera) 494
Die letzten Tage der zum Tode verurteilten. Das Tagebuch des Nürnberger Gefangenenseelsorgers Johann Hagendorn 1605–1620, (Hrsg.) Peter Schuster – Andrea Bendlage (Petr Kreuz) 499
Hana Studeničová, Kantoři, varhaníci, trubači. Hudební kultura moravských královských měst v letech 1500–1620 [Cantors, Organists, Trumpeters. The Musical Culture of Moravian Royal Towns in the Years 1500–1620] (Ludmila Sulitková) 503
Zdeněk Dragoun et al., Archaeological Research in Prague in 2021–2022 515–620
List of Authors 621