An Imperial Adventus into a City of Warehouses: History, Modernity, and Urbanity in the Symbolic and Material Construction of Hamburg's Free Port Lasse Heerten pp 311 - 337
Afterlives of Anders als die Andern and of Weimar Sara Friedman pp 338 - 356
For Want of Membership and Money: The 1936 Hitler Youth Law and the Hitler Youth's Home Procurement Campaign Kara Ritzheimer pp 357 - 376
The West German and Italian Left in the “Two Cultures” Debate: Trasnationalization and Localization (1964–1969) Ettore Costa pp 377 - 398
Book Review
Olfaktorik und Entgrenzung. Die Visionen der Wienerin Agnes Blannbekin By Julia Seeberger. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2022. Pp. 364. Hardcover €50.00. ISBN: 978-3847114093. Jacob M. Baum pp 399 - 400
Comoedien, Curen, Correctionen. Ulms Fundenkinder in der Frühen Neuzeit By Maria Griemmert. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2022. Pp. 184. Paperback €46.00. ISBN: 978-3515129886. Thomas Max Safley pp 401 - 402
Intervention and State Sovereignty in Central Europe, 1500-1780 By Patrick Milton. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. Pp. xvi + 303. Cloth $115.00. ISBN: 978-0192871183. Stephen A. Lazer pp 402 - 404
Combating the Hydra: Violence and Resistance in the Habsburg Empire, 1500-1900 By Stephan Steiner. West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University Press, 2023. Pp. xxiv + 252. Paperback $49.99. ISBN: 978-1612498058. Maximilian Miguel Scholz pp 404 - 406
Iron and Blood: A Military History of the German-Speaking Peoples since 1500 By Peter H. Wilson. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2022. Pp. xlix + 913. Cloth $39.95. ISBN: 978-0674987623. Richard L. DiNardo pp 406 - 407
Eine Löwin im Kampf gegen Napoleon? Die Konstruktion der Heldin Katharina Lanz By Margareth Lanzinger and Raffaella Sarti. Vienna and Cologne: Böhlau, 2022. Pp. 392. Hardcover €50.00. ISBN: 978-3205206613. Jasper Heinzen pp 407 - 409
Przemyśl, Poland: A Multiethnic City During and After a Fortress, 1867-1939 By John E. Fahey. West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University Press, 2023. Pp. xiv + 210. Paperback $54.99. ISBN: 978-1612498096. Andrew H. Kless pp 409 - 411
Desert Edens: Colonial Climate Engineering in the Age of Anxiety By Philipp Lehmann. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2022. Pp. x + 244. Cloth $39.95. ISBN: 978-0691238289. Caroline Ford pp 411 - 413
The Invention of Marxism: How an Idea Changed Everything By Christina Morina. Translated from the German by Elizabeth Janik. New York: Oxford University Press, 2022. Pp. 560. Hardcover $37.99. ISBN: 978-0190062736. Warren G. Breckman pp 413 - 415
Robert Michels, Socialism, and Modernity By Andrew G. Bonnell. New York: Oxford University Press, 2023. Pp. viii + 282. Cloth $110.00. ISBN: 978-0192871848. William Smaldone pp 415 - 416
Eugenik und Sozialismus. Biowissenschaftliche Diskurse in den sozialistischen Bewegungen Deutschlands und Großbritanniens um 1900 By Birgit Lulay. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2021. Pp. 402. Cloth €75.00. ISBN: 978-3515130424. Andrew G. Bonnell pp 417 - 418
Consuming Landscapes: What We See When We Drive and Why It Matters By Thomas Zeller. Baltimore: John Hopkins Press, 2022. Pp. xi + 248. Cloth $55.00. ISBN: 978-1421444826. Luminita Gatejel pp 419 - 420
On a Knife Edge: How Germany Lost the First World War By Holger Afflerbach. Translated by Anne Buckley and Caroline Summers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. Pp. xiii + 557. Hardcover $29.95. ISBN: 978-1108832885. William Mulligan pp 420 - 422
Ein “bündischer Kulturmarkt” entsteht. Die deutsche Jugendbewegung und Jugendmusikbewegung als Katalysator für den Aufbau von Kulturmarktunternehmen 1918-1933 By Franziska Meier. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2022. Pp. 319. Paperback €64.00. ISBN: 978-3515133043. Julia Sneeringer pp 422 - 424
Moderate Modernity: The Newspaper Tempo and the Transformation of Weimar Democracy By Jochen Hung. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2023. Pp. 266. Hardcover $75.00. ISBN: 978-0-472-13332-1. Jennifer Lynn pp 424 - 425
Before the Holocaust: Antisemitic Violence and the Reaction of German Elites and Institutions during the Nazi Takeover By Hermann Beck. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2022. Pp. 569. Hardcover $41.99. ISBN: 978-0192865076. Olaf Blaschke pp 426 - 427
Writing and Rewriting the Reich: Women Journalists in the Nazi and Post-War Press By Deborah Barton. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2023. Pp. xiii + 360. Cloth $85.00. ISBN: 978-1487547219. Elisabeth Krimmer pp 427 - 429
Animals under the Swastika By J. W. Mohnhaupt. Translated by John R. J. Eyck. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2022. Pp. 196. Cloth $26.95. ISBN: 978-0299338008. Belinda Kleinhans pp 429 - 431
Germans against Germans: The Fate of the Jews, 1938-1945 By Moshe Zimmermann. Translated by Naftali Greenwood. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2022. Pp. ix + 245. Paperback $25.00. ISBN: 978-0253062307. Philipp Nielsen pp 431 - 432
Zwischen Fronten. Die deutsch-französische Grenzregion und der Weg in den Zweiten Weltkrieg By Johannes Groβmann. Göttingen: Wallstein, 2022. Pp. 541. Hardcover €48.00. ISBN: 978-3835352100. Devlin M. Scofield pp 433 - 434
Supreme Courts under Nazi Occupation Edited by Derk Venema. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2022. Pp. 340. Cloth €128.00. ISBN: 978-9463720496. Peter M. R. Stirk pp 435 - 437
German Blood, Slavic Soil: How Nazi Königsberg Became Soviet Kaliningrad By Nicole Eaton. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2023. Pp. xiii + 315. Cloth $35.95. ISBN: 978-1501767364. Robert L. Nelson pp 437 - 438
War, Genocide and Cultural Memory: The Waffen-SS, 1933 to Today By Claus Bundgård Christensen, Niels Bo Poulsen, and Peter Scharff Smith. London and New York: Anthem Press, 2023. Pp. 378. Hardcover $125.00. ISBN: 978-1785279669. Franziska Anna Zaugg pp 439 - 440
Rain of Ash: Roma, Jews, and the Holocaust By Ari Joskowicz. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2023. Pp. 368. Hardcover $32.00. ISBN: 978-0691244044. Sacha E. Davis pp 441 - 442
Das Schloss der Schriftsteller. Nürnberg ’46. Treffen am Abgrund By Uwe Neumahr. Munich: C. H. Beck. Pp. 304. Cloth €26.00. ISBN: 978-3406791451. Joan L. Clinefelter pp 442 - 444
Israel's Moment: International Support for and Opposition to Establishing the Jewish State, 1945-1949 By Jeffrey Herf. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. Pp. 450. Cloth $39.99. ISBN: 978-1316517963. Laura Almagor pp 444 - 445
Professor of Apocalypse: The Many Lives of Jacob Taubes By Jerry Z. Muller. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2022. Pp. viii + 637. Cloth $42.00. ISBN: 978-0691170596. John McCole pp 446 - 447
Ein Mantel des Schweigens. Der Umgang mit der NS-Geschichte in Opfer- und Täterfamilien By Johannes Reitter. Vienna and Cologne: Böhlau Verlag, 2022. Pp. 410. Cloth €45.00. ISBN: 978-3205215042. Volker Benkert pp 447 - 449
Trading Power: West Germany's Rise to Global Influence, 1963–1975 By William Glenn Gray. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. Pp. xiii + 498. Hardcover $44.99. ISBN: 978-1108424646. Christoph Laucht pp 449 - 450
Arbeit und Umwelt? Die Umwelt- und Energiepolitik der SPD zwischen Ökologie und Ökonomie 1969-1998 By Felix Lieb. Oldenbourg: De Gruyter, 2022. Pp. 451. Hardcover $135.00. ISBN: 978-3110774238. Stephen Milder pp 450 - 452
Brewing Socialism: Coffee, East Germans, and Twentieth-Century Globalization By Andrew Kloiber. New York: Berghahn, 2023. Pp. xiii + 206. Hardcover $135.00. ISBN: 978-1800736696. Robert W. Thurston pp 452 - 453
Culture from the Slums: Punk Rock in East and West Germany By Jeff Hayton. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. Pp. xvii + 364. Hardcover £81.00. ISBN: 978-0198866183. Anna Seidel pp 454 - 455