The American Historical Review 129 (2024), 4

Titel der Ausgabe 
The American Historical Review 129 (2024), 4

Washington DC 2024: Selbstverlag des Herausgebers



American Historical Review (AHR)
United States
American Historical Association (AHA), 400 A Street, S.E., Washington, D.C. 20003 (202-544-2422) American Historical Review Indiana University • 914 Atwater • Bloomington, Indiana USA 47401 Telephone: (812) 855-7609 • Fax: (812) 855-5827
Jakob Schneider, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin



From the Editor’s Desk: Special Issue
Mark Philip Bradley

Introduction: A Note from the Editorial Collective
Shelly Chan, Yoav Di-Capua, Catherine Cymone Fourshey, Joshua L Reid, Wendy Warren

Genealogies and Critiques of Resilience
Yoav Di-Capua, Wendy Warren

Resilience in African History
Catherine Cymone Fourshey

On Indigenous Resilience
Joshua L Reid


Resilience in Environmental History Discourse: Past, Present, and Future?
Lee Mordechai, John Haldon

Lines of Fate: Fengshui Forests and the Moral Ecology of Resilience in Subtropical Southern China
Ian M Miller, Chris Coggins

Between the Emergency and the Everyday: The Problems of Time, Memory, and Resilience in the Tsunami Memorial Halls of Miyagi Prefecture
Alex Jania

Ecologies of Resilience: The Many Colonizations of Rapa Nui (Easter Island), c. 1200–present
Gregory T Cushman, Trisha Jackson, Johannes J Feddema

History on the Lost Coast: Locating Wiyot Stories of Resilience in Nancy and Matilda Spear
Kathleen C Whiteley

Recognition as Resilience: How an Unrecognized Indigenous Nation is Using Visibility as a Pathway Toward Restorative Justice
Megan Renoir, Shelly Covert

State-led Development and Migrants’ Resilience in the City of the Forest: c. 1910s–1930s
Thaís R S de Sant’Ana

Kenyan Nubians and the Myth of Nubian Resilience
Tammy Wilks

The Lancashire Plague Petitions: Life after the Plague in Early Modern England
Rachel Anderson

Love, Joy, and Hope: Kipp Dawson and Social Movement Resiliency since the 1950s
Jessie B Ramey, Amelia Golcheski

Exploring Submerged Resilience: The Atlas of Drowned Towns
Bob H Reinhardt

Setting History in Motion: Social Movements and Popular Art in Urban Brazil, 1970s–1990s
Daniel McDonald


Alrutheus Ambush Taylor: A Pioneer in Reconstruction History
W Fitzhugh Brundage

“To Read Them Again Is to Learn Anew”: Revisiting Charles H. Wesley’s Durable Interpretations of the Long Black Freedom Struggle in Neglected History
Pero G Dagbovie

Birthing a Better Nation: New Works on the History of Reproductive Governance in Brazil, Cuba and Mexico
Rasheed Hassan, Tyra Lewis, Anyel Miranda Caballero, Bo Rodgers, Gisela Sarabia Sandoval ...

The Origins of Witchcraft Crisis 50 Years Later
Carla Gardina Pestana



Joseph M. H. Clark. Veracruz and the Caribbean in the Seventeenth Century.
Bethany Aram

Alberto García. Abandoning Their Beloved Land: The Politics of Bracero Migration in Mexico.
Ricardo J Álvarez-Pimentel

Christina M. Jiménez. Making an Urban Public: Popular Claims to the City in Mexico, 1879–1932.
Ingrid Bleynat

Cameron D. Jones and Jay T. Harrison, eds. At the Heart of the Borderlands: Africans and Afro-Descendants on the Edges of Colonial Spanish America.
Jeroen Dewulf

Tanalís Padilla. Unintended Lessons of Revolution: Student Teachers and Political Radicalism in Twentieth-Century Mexico.
Fernando Herrera Calderón

Edward P. Pompeian. Sustaining Empire: Venezuela’s Trade with the United States during the Age of Revolutions, 1797–1828.
Martín Bowen

Chelsea Schields. Offshore Attachments: Oil and Intimacy in the Caribbean.
Joan Flores-Villalobos

Yanna Yannakakis. Since Time Immemorial: Native Custom and Law in Colonial Mexico.
Amber Brian


Tshepo Masango Chéry. Kingdom Come: The Politics of Faith and Freedom in Segregationist South Africa and Beyond.
Lauren V Jarvis

Samuël Coghe. Population Politics in the Tropics: Demography, Health and Transimperialism in Colonial Angola.
Ricardo Roque

Matthew Unangst. Colonial Geography: Race and Space in German East Africa, 1884-1905.
Sara Pugach

Richard L. Roberts. Conflicts of Colonialism: The Rule of Law, French Soudan, and Faama Mademba Sèye.
David Newman Glovsky

Faeeza Ballim. Apartheid’s Leviathan: Electricity and the Power of Technological Ambivalence.
James Parker


Aomar Boum and Nadjib Berber (illustrator). Undesirables: A Holocaust Journey to North Africa.
Emily Gottreich

Sinem Arcak Casale. Gifts in the Age of Empire: Ottoman-Safavid Cultural Exchange, 1500–1639.
Emine Fetvaci

Vladimir Hamed-Troyansky. Empire of Refugees: North Caucasian Muslims and the Late Ottoman State.
Bedross Der Matossian

Rudi Matthee. Angels Tapping at the Wine-Shop’s Door: A History of Alcohol in the Islamic World.
Assef Ashraf

David J. Mattingly. Between Sahara and Sea: Africa in the Roman Empire.
Cassandra M M Casias

Murat Metinsoy. The Power of the People: Everyday Resistance and Dissent in the Making of Modern Turkey, 1923–38.
Serpil Atamaz

David S. Painter and Gregory Brew. The Struggle for Iran: Oil, Autocracy, and the Cold War, 1951–1954.
Matthew Shannon


John D. Blanco. Counter-Hispanization in the Colonial Philippines: Literature, Law, Religion, and Native Custom.
Stuart M McManus

Mark Dizon. Reciprocal Mobilities: Indigeneity and Imperialism in an Eighteenth-Century Philippine Borderland.
Stephanie Mawson

Stephanie Joy Mawson. Incomplete Conquests: The Limits of Spanish Empire in the Seventeenth-Century Philippines.
Alexandre Coello de la Rosa

Viren Murthy. Pan-Asianism and the Legacy of the Chinese Revolution.
Torsten Weber


Patrick O. Cohrs. The New Atlantic Order: The Transformation of International Politics, 1860–1933.
William Glenn Gray

Kathleen M. Crowther. Policing Pregnant Bodies: From Ancient Greece to Post-Roe America.
Janet Golden

Boyd Cothran and Adrian Shubert. The Edwin Fox: How an Ordinary Sailing Ship Connected the World in the Age of Globalization, 1850–1914.
Karel Davids

Arunima Datta. Waiting on Empire: A History of Indian Travelling Ayahs in Britain.
Brian Lewis

Dario Fazzi. Smoke on the Water: Incineration at Sea and the Birth of a Transatlantic Environmental Movement.
Perrin Selcer

Dean Hammer. Rome and America: Communities of Strangers, Spectacles of Belonging.
Martin M Winkler

David Holland. Imperial Heartland: Immigration, Working-class Culture and Everyday Tolerance, 1917–1947.
Sumita Mukherjee

Julie Kalman. The Kings of Algiers: How Two Jewish Families Shaped the Mediterranean World During the Napoleonic Wars and Beyond.
Alexander Martin

Eileen Kane, Masha Kirasirova, and Margaret Litvin, eds. Russian-Arab Worlds: A Documentary History.
Guy Laron

Firoozeh Kashani-Sabet. Heroes to Hostages: America and Iran, 1800–1988.
Perin E Gürel

Vivian Kong. Multiracial Britishness: Global Networks in Hong Kong, 1910–45.
Huei-Ying Kuo

Adrian De Leon. Bundok: A Hinterland History of Filipino America.
Karen Miller

Salar Mohandesi. Red Internationalism: Anti-Imperialism and Human Rights in the Global Sixties and Seventies.
Pedro Monaville

Simone M. Müller. The Toxic Ship: The Voyage of the Khian Sea and the Global Waste Trade.
Emily Brownell

Kathleen S. Murphy. Captivity’s Collections: Science, Natural History, and the British Transatlantic Slave Trade.
Samuel J Redman

William Jake Newsome. Pink Triangle Legacies: Coming Out in the Shadow of the Holocaust.
Kyle Frackman

Marcy Norton. The Tame and the Wild: People and Animals after 1492.
Chris Blakley

Paul J. Polgar, Marc H. Lerner, and Jesse Cromwell, eds. Beyond 1619: The Atlantic Origins of American Slavery.
Emily Berquist Soule

Teena U. Purohit. Sunni Chauvinism and the Roots of Muslim Modernism.
Sarah Waheed

Debbie Sharnak. Of Light and Struggle: Social Justice, Human Rights, and Accountability in Uruguay.
Molly Todd

Jonathan Sperber. The Age of Interconnection: A Global History of the Second Half of the Twentieth Century.
Carl Nightingale


Rowan Dorin. No Return: Jews, Christian Usurers, and the Spread of Mass Expulsion in Medieval Europe.
Sara Lipton

Miriam J. Groen-Vallinga. Work and Labour in the Cities of Roman Italy.
Seth Bernard


Rustam Alexander. Red Closet: The Hidden History of Gay Oppression in the USSR.
Roman Utkin

Deborah Barton. Writing and Rewriting the Reich: Women Journalists in the Nazi and Post-War Press.
Frank Bösch

Jadwiga Biskupska. Survivors: Warsaw under Nazi Occupation.
Joshua Zimmerman

H. B. Callaway. The House in the Rue Saint-Fiacre: A Social History of Property in Revolutionary Paris.
Judith A Miller

Elizabeth Cross. Company Politics: Commerce, Scandal, and French Visions of Indian Empire in the Revolutionary Era.
Ghulam A Nadri

Jean-Yves Frétigné. To Live Is to Resist: The Life of Antonio Gramsci.
Sara Salem

Susan R. Grayzel. The Age of the Gas Mask: How British Civilians Faced the Terrors of Total War.
M Girard Dorsey

A. Katie Harris. The Stolen Bones of St. John of Matha: Forgery, Theft, and Sainthood in the Seventeenth Century.
Amanda L Scott

Fredrik Albritton Jonsson and Carl Wennerlind. Scarcity: A History from the Origins of Capitalism to the Climate Crisis.
Trevor Jackson

Stephanie E. Koscak. Monarchy, Print Culture, and Reverence in Early Modern England: Picturing Royal Subjects.
Alexandra Walsham

Kyrill Kunakhovich. Communism’s Public Sphere: Culture as Politics in Cold War Poland and East Germany.
Jeff Hayton

Alison Li. Wondrous Transformations: A Maverick Physician, the Science of Hormones, and the Birth of the Transgender Revolution.
Kit Heyam

Erik Linstrum. Age of Emergency: Living with Violence at the End of the British Empire.
Philippa Levine

Henry J. Miller. A Nation of Petitioners: Petitions and Petitioning in the United Kingdom, 1780–1918.
Philip Harling

Joseph W. Peterson. Sacred Rivals: Catholic Missions and the Making of Islam in Nineteenth-Century France and Algeria.
Arthur Asseraf

Jan Plamper. We are All Migrants: A History of Multicultural Germany.
Christopher A Molnar

Nicholas Popper. The Specter of the Archive: Political Practice and the Information State in Early Modern Britain.
Randolph C Head

Ekaterina Pravilova. The Ruble: A Political History.
David W Darrow

Brandon M. Schechter. The Stuff of Soldiers: A History of the Red Army in World War II through Objects.
Alexander Hill

Erik R. Scott. Defectors: How the Illicit Flight of Soviet Citizens Built the Borders of the Cold War World.
Lisa A Kirschenbaum

James Stafford. The Case of Ireland: Commerce, Empire and the European Order, 1750–1848.
Patrick Walsh


Stefan Aune. Indian Wars Everywhere: Colonial Violence and the Shadow Doctrines of Empire.
John W Hall

Michael A. Blaakman. Speculation Nation: Land in the Revolutionary American Republic.
Gregory Ablavsky

Brooke L. Blower. Americans in a World at War: Intimate Histories from the Crash of Pan Am’s Yankee Clipper.
Andrew Johnstone

Tara A. Bynum. Reading Pleasures: Everyday Black Living in Early America.
Patricia Crain

Margot Canaday. Queer Career: Sexuality and Work in Modern America.
Sara Smith-Silverman

Timothy Compeau. Dishonored Americans: The Political Death of Loyalists in Revolutionary America.
Gregg L Frazer

William S. Cossen. Making Catholic America: Religious Nationalism in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era.
Adam L Tate

Delia Fernandez-Jones. Making the MexiRican City: Migration, Placemaking, and Activism in Grand Rapids, MI.
Ashley Johnson Bavery

Sandra Fox. The Jews of Summer: Summer Camp and Jewish Culture in Postwar America.
Steven Mintz

Matt Garcia. Eli and the Octopus: The CEO Who Tried to Reform One of the World’s Most Notorious Corporations.
Marcelo Bucheli

Ashley Brown. Serving Herself: The Life and Times of Althea Gibson.
Theresa Runstedtler

Vilja Hulden. The Bosses’ Union: How Employers Organized to Fight Labor before the New Deal.
Julie Greene

Stephen Kantrowitz. Citizens of a Stolen Land: A Ho-Chunk History of the Nineteenth-Century United States.
John P Bowes

Rebecca Kugel. Making Relatives of Them: Native Kinship, Politics, and Gender in the Great Lakes Country, 1790–1850.
Stephen Warren

Katherine C. Mooney. Isaac Murphy: The Rise and Fall of a Black Jockey.
Lane Demas

Crystal Marie Moten. Continually Working: Black Women, Community Intellectualism, and Economic Justice in Postwar Milwaukee.
Ashley Howard

John William Nelson. Muddy Ground: Native Peoples, Chicago’s Portage, and the Transformation of a Continent.
Jacob F Lee

J. T. Roane. Dark Agoras: Insurgent Black Social Life and the Politics of Place.
Justin Hosbey

Joseph P. Slaughter. Faith in Markets: Christian Capitalism in the Early American Republic.
Stewart Davenport

Michael A. Verney. A Great and Rising Nation: Naval Exploration and Global Empire in the Early US Republic.
Alicia Maggard

Chad L. Williams. The Wounded World: W. E. B. Du Bois and The First World War.
Le’Trice D Donaldson

Nick Witham. Popularizing the Past: Historians, Publishers, and Readers in Postwar America.
M J Rymsza-Pawlowska

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