The Journal of American History 111 (2024), 3

Titel der Ausgabe 
The Journal of American History 111 (2024), 3

Bloomington, IN 2024: Oxford University Press



The Journal of American History
United States
Bloomington, Indiana
1215 E. Atwater Avenue
(812) 855–2816
(812) 855–9939
Jakob Schneider, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Presidential Address

Where Have All the Women Gone? Let's Bring Them Back before It's Too Late
Anthea M Hartig


The Celestial Commons: Heaven and Earth in the Early United States
Trent MacNamara

Bad Roads: Building and Using a Carceral Landscape in the Plantation South
Aaron Hal

The Vigorous Approach to Cooking: Julia Child, Domesticity, and Gendered Labor at Midcentury
Tracey Deutsch

The War on Fatigue: Women, Work, and Energy in the 1980s
Natasha Zaretsky

Public History Reviews


Preoccupied: Indigenizing the Museum
Kyle T Mays

Stonewall National Monument Visitors Center
Kristyn Scorsone

The Blackwell School National Historic Site, Marfa, Tex.
Frank G Pérez

Book Reviews

“The Amazing Iroquois” and the Invention of the Empire State
José António Brandão

One Quarter of the Nation: Immigration and the Transformation of America
Kurt E Kinbacher

Immeasurable Weather: Meteorological Data and Settler Colonialism from 1820 to Hurricane Sandy
Matthew Mulcahy

Race, Rights, and Rifles: The Origins of the Nra and Contemporary Gun Culture
Nicholas Johnson

Gods of Thunder: How Climate Change, Travel, and Spirituality Reshaped Precolonial America
Susan Elizabeth Ramírez

The Extraordinary Journey of David Ingram: An Elizabethan Sailor in Native North America
Christopher L Pastore

The Cutting-Off Way: Indigenous Warfare in Eastern North America, 1500–1800
Paul Andrew Otto

The Opening of the Protestant Mind: How Anglo-American Protestants Embraced Religious Liberty
Jane E Calvert

Beauty and the Brain: The Science of Human Nature in Early America
Kevin Joel Berland

Seized with the Temper of the Times: Identity and Rebellion in Pre-Revolutionary America
Zach Hutchins

The Tory's Wife: A Woman and Her Family in Revolutionary America
Lucia McMahon

Democracy in Darkness: Secrecy and Transparency in the Age of Revolutions
Jordan E Taylor

Revolutionary Things: Material Culture and Politics in the Late Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World
Meave Kane

For the People, for the Country: Patrick Henry's Final Political Battle
Jason S Lantzer

Seeing Red: Indigenous Land, American Expansion, and the Political Economy of Plunder in North America
Brenden W Rensink

Tecumseh's War: The Epic Conflict for the Heart of America
Patrick Bottiger

The Religion-Supported State: Piety and Politics in Early National New England
Lilian Calles Barger

Adams and Calhoun: From Shared Vision to Irreconcilable Conflict
Kevin R C Gutzman

Murder in a Mill Town: Sex, Faith, and the Crime That Captivated a Nation
Lauren Henley

Slavery, Religion, and Race in Antebellum Missouri: Freedom from Slavery and Freedom from Sin
Kevin L Jones

The Problem of Immigration in a Slaveholding Republic: Policing Mobility in the Nineteenth-Century United States
Derek R Everett

Flee North: A Forgotten Hero and the Fight for Freedom in Slavery's Borderland
Angela F Murphy

A Man of Bad Reputation: The Murder of John Stephens and the Contested Landscape of North Carolina Reconstruction
Joe A Mobley

Oracle of Lost Causes: John Newman Edwards and His Never-Ending Civil War
Marc Dluger

Teaching White Supremacy: America's Democratic Ordeal and the Forging of Our National Identity
Joshua A Lynn

The Good Country: A History of the American Midwest, 1800–1900
Andrew C Rieser

Agriculture in the Midwest, 1815–1900
Megan Birk

The First Migrants: How Black Homesteaders' Quest for Land and Freedom Heralded America's Great Migration
Keith Edgerton

Mud, Blood, and Ghosts: Populism, Eugenics, and Spiritualism in the American West
Peter La Chapelle

Borders of Violence and Justice: Mexicans, Mexican Americans, and Law Enforcement in the Southwest, 1835–1935
Eric V Meeks

My Heart Is Bound Up with Them: How Carlos Montezuma Became the Voice of a Generation
Katherine Osburn

Beauty Regimes: A History of Power and Modern Empire in the Philippines, 1898–1941
Anne L Foster

Taking the Field: Soldiers, Nature, and Empire on American Frontiers
Brad D Lookingbill

We Pursue Our Magic: A Spiritual History of Black Feminism
Kameelah L Martin

Bringing Home the White House: The Hidden History of Women Who Shaped the Presidency in the Twentieth Century
Maurine H Beasley

American Indians and the American Dream: Policies, Place, and Property in Minnesota
Douglas Miller

Every Citizen a Statesman: The Dream of a Democratic Foreign Policy in the American Century
Edward A Goedeken

Banking on Freedom: Black Women in U.S. Finance before the New Deal
Madhavi Venkatesan

The Silver Women: How Black Women's Labor Made the Panama Canal
Natasha Zaretsky

Black Scare / Red Scare: Theorizing Capitalist Racism in the United States
Laura Jane Gifford

I Lay This Body Down: The Transatlantic Life of Rosey E. Pool
Drew Maciag

The Incorrigibles: Eugenics and Sterilization in the Kansas Industrial School for Girls
Karin Zipf

From Dust They Came: Government Camps and the Religion of Reform in New Deal California
Taylor Hollander

North to Boston: Life Histories from the Black Great Migration in New England
Lisa Boehm

Cooperating with the Colossus: A Social and Political History of U.S. Military Bases in World War II Latin America
Mark Peceny

Churchill's American Arsenal: The Partnership behind the Innovations That Won World War Two
Kenneth P Werrell

Black Rodeo: A History of the African American Western
Glenn Reynolds

The Sisterhood: How a Network of Black Women Writers Changed American Culture
Julie Armstrong

Making the Latino South: A History of Racial Formation
Genaro M Padilla

The First Atomic Bomb: The Trinity Site in New Mexico
Ryan Edgington

The Nuclear Club: How America and the World Policed the Atom from Hiroshima to Vietnam
David Krugler

The Birth of Psychological War: Propaganda, Espionage, and Military Violence from Wwii to the Vietnam War
Katy Doll

The Paradox of Urban Revitalization: Progress and Poverty in America's Postindustrial Era
Rebecca K Marchiel

In Levittown's Shadow: Poverty in America's Wealthiest Postwar Suburb
Matthew G Lasner

The Poverty of the World: Rediscovering the Poor at Home and Abroad, 1941–1968
Margaret Humphreys

Fire and Rain: Nixon, Kissinger, and the Wars in Southeast Asia
T Christopher Jespersen

Arming East Asia: Deterring China in the Early Cold War
Matthew Jagel

The Propaganda of Freedom: Jfk, Shostakovich, Stravinsky, and the Cultural Cold War
Daniel Aksamit

Revolutionary Feminists: The Women's Liberation Movement in Seattle
Tamar W Carroll

A New Kind of Youth: Historically Black High Schools and Southern Student Activism, 1920–1975
Brian Jones

Campus to Counter: Civil Rights Activism in Raleigh and Durham, North Carolina, 1960–1963
Charles W McKinney, Jr

Struggle for the Street: Social Networks and the Struggle for Civil Rights in Pittsburgh
Robert Gregg

Dixie Heretic: The Civil Rights Odyssey of Renwick C. Kennedy
Connor S Kenaston

The Year That Broke Politics: Collusion and Chaos in the Presidential Election of 1968
Robert J McMahon

An Army Afire: How the US Army Confronted Its Racial Crisis in the Vietnam Era
Simon Hall

Eli and the Octopus: The Ceo Who Tried to Reform One of the World's Most Notorious Corporations
Wilson Warren

The Toxic Ship: The Voyage of the Khian Sea and the Global Waste Trade
Elizabeth Mazzolini

The Ruined Anthracite: Historical Trauma in Coal-Mining Communities
James Sanders Day

Brutal Campaign: How the 1988 Election Set the Stage for Twenty-First-Century American Politics
Karen M Hult

Urban Homelands: Writing the Native City from Oklahoma
Liza Black

Resisting Change in Suburbia: Asian Immigrants and Frontier Nostalgia in L.A.
Vivian Truong

Free Joan Little: The Politics of Race, Sexual Violence, and Imprisonment
Cherisse Jones-Branch

Movie Reviews

The Incomparable Mr. Buckley
Stephen J Whitfield

The Synanon Fix: Did the Cure Become a Cult?
Jon Lewis

The Boys in the Boat
Daniel A Nathan

The League
Larry Greene

Digital History Reviews

Voyant Tools
Zoe LeBlanc



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Bestandsnachweise E-ISSN: 1945-2314, Print ISSN 0021-8723