The Power of Space: Street Politics in Early Modern Europe (and Beyond): An Introduction Massimo Rospocher and Enrico Valseriati
Spatial Fluidity and Informal Places for Politics in Southern Italy Between the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period Bianca de Divitiis
Song as Social Media: Street Songs and Political Sociability in Early Modern Germany B. Ann Tlusty
The Everyday Struggle Over Urban Space: Neighbourhoods, Neighbours, and the Policing of Street Gambling Mobs in Early Modern Venice Umberto Cecchinato
Squares, Streets, and Mentideros: Political Communication in Public Space in Early Modern Spain Antonio Castillo Gómez
To the Field Sermon: Popular Reformation in the Low Countries between Urban Space and Countryside Anne-Laure Van Bruaene
On the Waterfront: Ottoman Port Politics and the Khan of Acre (1696–1702) Giancarlo Casale and Matteo Calcagni
Book Reviews
Book Review: An Intellectual History of Liberal Catholicism in Western Europe, 1789–1870 by Aude Attuel-Hallade, ed. Jacob Saliba
Book Review: Royal Fraud: The Story of Albania’s First and Last King by Robert C. Austin Samuel Foster
Book Review: The Soviet Myth of World War II: Patriotic Memory and the Russian Question in the USSR by Jonathan Brunstedt Mark Edele
Book Review: Divertirse en dictadura: el ocio en la España franquista by Claudio Hernández Burgos and Lucia Prieto Borrego, eds Matthew Kerry
Book Review: Kennan: A Life between Worlds by Frank Costigliola Stefan Messingschlager
Book Review: Przemyśl, Poland: A Multiethnic City During and After a Fortress, 1867–1939 by John E. Fahey Gregory Vitarbo
Book Review: Multicultural Cities of the Habsburg Empire, 1880–1914: Imagined Communities and Conflictual Encounters by Catherine Horel Robert Justin Goldstein
Book Review: The History of Iceland by Guðni Thorlacius Jóhannesson Paul Douglas Lockhart
Book Review: The New Roman Empire: A History of Byzantium by Anthony Kaldellis Anton Fedyashin
Book Review: The Eastern International: Arabs, Central Asians, and Jews in the Soviet Union’s Anticolonial Empire by Masha Kirasirova Mollie Arbuthnot
Book Review: After the Fall: The Legacy of Fascism in Rome’s Architectural and Urban History by Flavia Marcello R. J. B. Bosworth
Book Review: La tierra es vuestra. La reforma agraria. Un problema no resuelto. España: 1900–1950 by Ricardo Robledo Sergio Riesco Roche