Special Issue on Gender, Nationalisms and National Identities reporting selected papers from a symposium supported by the Women's Studies Program at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, U.S.A.
Catherine Hall, Jane Lewis, Keith McClelland and Jane Rendall
Ann Curthoys Identity Crisis: Colonialism, Nation, and Gender in Australian History.
Carroll Smith-Rosenberg Captured Subjects / Savage Others: Violently Engendering the New American.
Mary Poovey Curing the 'Social Body' in 1832: James Phillips Kay and the Irish in Manchester
Catherine Hall 'From Greenland's Icy Mouintains...to Afric's Golden Sand': Ethnicity, Race and Nation in Mid-Nineteenth-Century England
Samita Sen Motherhood and Mothercraft: Gender and Nationalism in Bengal
Beth Baron The Construction of National Honour in Egypt
Joanna De Groot The Dialectics of Gender: Women, Men and Political Discourses in Iran c 1890-1930
Eleni Varikas Gender and National Identity in fin de siecle Greece
Also, the Journal 'Genders' frequently publishes articles on gender and nation.
Barbara Reeves-Ellington History Department State University of New York at Binghamton