Toward a New American Century? The US Hegemon in Motion
Guest Editor: Bernd W. Kubbig (Frankfurt/Main)
BERND W. KUBBIG Introduction: The US Hegemon in the 'American Century.' The State of the Art and the German Contributions
RUDOLF WITZEL Blueprints of American Global Policy since 1945
BEATE NEUSS 'Benign Hegemonic Power': A Means of Refashioning Western Europe in the Image of the United States?
JULIA ANGSTER 'Safe By Democracy': American Hegemony and the 'Westernization' of West German Labor
CHRISTOPHSCHERRER DoubleHegemony? State and Class in American Foreign Economic Policymaking
HELMUT HUBEL, MARKUS KAIM and OLIVER LEMBCKE The United States in Regional Orders: Pax Americana as an Analytical Concept
SEBASTIAN HARNISCH The Hegemon and the Demon: US Nuclear Learning vis-à-vis North Korea
BERND W. KUBBIG, MATTHIAS DEMBINSKI and ALEXANDER KELLE The Primacy of Unilateralism: The American Superpower and the International Organizations in the Clinton Era
REINHARD WOLF Hegemon without Challengers? US Leadership in the Twenty-First Century
BERND W. KUBBIG Between Self-Restraint and 'All Options Open': Positioning the US Hegemon in the Democratic/Non-Democratic Divide. Conclusions
DIETER K. BUSE Manfred Boemeke, Roger Chickering, and Stig Förster, eds., Anticipating Total War: The German and American Experiences, 1871-1914
OLAF STIEGLITZ Fiona Venn, The New Deal
JESSICA GIENOW-HECHT Volker Depkat, Amerikabilder in politischen Diskursen: Deutsche Zeitschriften von 1789 bis 1830
MANFRED REDELFS Jessica Gienow-Hecht, Transmission Impossible: American Journalism as Cultural Diplomacy in Postwar Germany, 1945-1955
HELMUT KLUMPJAN Colin Campbell and Bert A. Rockman, eds., The Clinton Legacy
Bibliography CARMEN BIRKLE and MANFRED SIEBALD Publications in American Studies from German-Speaking Countries, 2000