Zu diesem Heft:
Dieter Nelles, Hartmut Rübner, Heinz Sünker Organisation des Terrors im Nationalsozialismus. Neuere Untersuchungen zum Verhältnis von Gestapo, Bürokratie und Bevölkerung (5-27)
Abstract In order to answer the question of how the national socialist regime functioned in practice, it is essential to consider the police as the key organization in the state monopoly of power, since, unlike any other institution, it operates at the interface of state and society. This essay reviews several recent books in order to shed light on the impact of state police persecution, organized and executed by the Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo) and the formation of the national socialist "Volksgemeinschaft" (folk community). The article also provides a summary of the latest results from research on terror and genocide and the role that the Gestapo and ordinary German citizens played in implementing Hitler's policies. In the scientific community a heated debate has occured over the collaboration structures between these two spheres that made possible, either on voluntary or coercive basis, the penetration of social contexts.
Informers with double identities took a significant part in Gestapo activities by assisting the state police in the tracking of dissident behaviour and the detection of conspirational practices. Whereas one perspective within the literature attributes an overwhelming influence to this alleged extended spy network and sees this as indicative of an all-powerful police state, other perspectives argue that society was self policing, based on widespread consent and acceptance within the population. As an alternative to this range of perspectives, we suggest that future research should focus on the exchange processes in the sytemic network connecting state politics, bureaucratic administration, party officials and informal participants in the dictatorship.
Michael Winkler Familie - zur Geschichte und Realität eines flexiblen Systems (29-40)
Abstract While the history and the social reality of family did not attract much attention of research in Germany social sciences in France have focussed on these themes for at least two decades. In the middle of the eighties the four volumes of "The History of Family" have been published offering a work of reference with unattained singularity up today. Using on a wide diversity of methodical approaches the work follows an interdisciplinary concept referring to anthropology, ethnology, sociology, psychology and educational research; it offers wide perspectives on the different features of family in the course of history as well on the complex structure of that social phenomenon in different societies. Only the fourth volume considering family life in the twentieth century may be valued as disappointing because it does not reach the level of a critical theory of modern society. A more realistic view of the difficulties of growing up in families will be found in Hoops' "Between Zero Tolerance and Zero authority". Based on a project using methods of qualitative research the book shows in an impressive way the very different, how families deal and cope with delinquent behaviour of children and youngsters.
Andrea Liesner, Christian Rohde Die Wiederkehr des Heiligen: Zur Zukunft der Bildung in Philip Wexlers Mystical Society (41-52)
Abstract This review discusses Philip Wexler's new book, Mystical Society: An Emerging Social Vision, in which Wexler presents the sociological utopia of a new type of society which turns against the alienation processes characteristic of modernity with the help of a return to religious modes of experience. Wexler identifies in this resacralization movement the opportunity for a radical transformation of everyday life, and pleads for a spiritual social and educational theory which can support this change. The review outlines the study's methodological approach (I) and then focuses on Wexler's consideration of educational theory, which revolves around the question of the future of education under postindustrial conditions (II). Finally, three exemplary aspects of Mystical Society are discussed - Wexler's specific reception of classical sociology of religion, his naturalistic terminology and his particular critique of rationality - which show it to be a problematic new turn in sociological theory.
Hauke Brunkhorst Die Wiederkehr des praktischen Optimismus Hardt und Negris philosophisch gescheiterter, praktisch gelungener Versuch, den revolutionären Marxismus zu erneuern (53-56)
Abstract Imperialism as we knew it is over, but empire is alive and well. The book, ,Empire', that Hardt and Negri have published represents one of the new, far-reaching and controversial analyses in the field of social theory. As they put it, globalisation is an on-going but as yet incomplete process that has yet to realise the full strength of its potential. They see this unfulfilled potential of globalisation as a problem for the resistance of the multitude (masses) as well. The author of this essay deals with the outcomes of Hardt`s and Negri`s analysis. In his opinion, Hardt and Negri are able to renew a revolutionary Marxism in a practical sense but they fail to underpin their analysis with adequate foundations and, as a consequence, for him they end up in metaphysics.
Menachem Rosner Das Streben nach der guten Gesellschaft und die Kibbuzerfahrung (57-71)
Abstract The aim of this article is to analyze the lessons of the contemporary kibbutz experience in Israel, within the framework of the ancient utopian aspirations and dreams of humanity toward a good, just and egalitarian society. Today the kibbutz movement is passing through a period of crisis and change, but during a long period of social and economic growth the kibbutz communities and organizations developed unconventional patterns in different spheres of life. The kibbutz experience illustrated: 1. The potential of non-monetary rewards as factors of motivation. 2. The efficiency of non-hierarchical role structures and of self-management. 3. The feasibility of dissociation between personal contribution and need satisfaction. 4. The importance of social cohesion and of education toward pro-social behaviour. Similarities can be found between these patterns and post-industrial trends in western societies such as: the growing importance of non-monetary rewards, non-hierarchical organizational restructuring, demands for a guaranteed income independent of employment, etc. The kibbutz served also as a source of inspiration for many innovative developments in contemporary societies such as alternative communities and organizations, new forms of education and of transition toward aging.
Bernhard Claußen Konzepte für die Bedeutungslosigkeit der Politischen Bildung? Defizite, Fragwürdigkeiten und Perspektiven der Trendentwicklung der Didaktik der Sozialwissenschaften (73-111)
Abstract The development of political education in the Federal Republic of Germany has gained increasing scientific momentum over the yerars, a process finding reflection in a wide spectrum of ideas. Parallel to the separating lines between the fundamental interests and the actual network of power in society, these concepts concentrate, for the most part, on affirmative and, to a lesser degree, on emancipatorial perspectives. Major developments and, in particular, the prevailing situation, which are subject to a critical synopsis, analysis and assessment in this essay, indicate a general trend toward a preference for didactic drafts propagating a reproduction of the existing system for the benefit of the loyal acceptance of established structures of rule in state, economy and society. Lately, one cannot fail but notice a clear adaptation of political education to the socio-political imperative of economy-bent neo-liberalism, as expressed in an inclination towards learning cultures and their corresponding elements of methodics. Stagnation and regression do not only mark everyday political awareness, but also, to a broad extent, the didactics of politics. This very circumstance bears the danger of an acceleration of the already threatening abolition of political education, in spite of its dire need - naturally when freely and critically applied - to progressively and adequately encounter the challenges emerging from globalisation, in general. The reflections made, therefore, link criticism of the cultural decline within the theory of political education with references to modalities of a revival and reinforcement of critical emancipatorial thought that is not exhausted in a mere practice-orientation, but that culminates in a self-reflexive investigation of the essential reality of theory and practice in favour of a modernisation which does not simply catch up on developments.
Einzelbesprechungen (113-126)
Frank Stern: Dann bin ich um den Schlaf gebracht (Georg Bollenbeck) Pierre-André Taguieff: Die Macht des Vorurteils (Mark Terkessidis) Johannes Claßen: Erich Fromm - Erziehung zwischen Haben und Sein (Ewald Titz) Christoph Butterwegge, Michael Klundt: Kinderarmut und Generationengerechtigkeit (Ulrich Otto) Martina Löw: Raumsoziologie (Heinz-Hermann Krüger) Valerie Mainz, Griselda Pollock: Work and the Image (Klaus Türk) Hansjosef Buchkremer: Versuchung zum Guten (Eric Mührel)
Autorinnen / Autoren dieses Heftes (128) Bibliographie zur Sozialpädagogik / Sozialarbeit (129-148)