Introduction: Redesigning the Past : History in Political Transitions Richard J. Evans University of Cambridge, England 5
Redesigning History in Contemporary Russia Catherine Merridale University of Bristol, UK 13
The Origins of the Two 'World Wars' : Historical Discourse and International Politics David Reynolds Christ's Church College, Cambridge, UK 29
The Third Reich in German History Textbooks since 1945 Bodo von Borries Hamburg University, Germany 45
Former GDR Historians in the Reunified Germany : An Alternative Historical Culture and its Attempts to Come to Terms with the GDR Past Stefan Berger University of Glamorgan 63
Entangled Memories : Versions of the Past in Germany and Japan, 1945-2001 Sebastian Conrad Free University of Berlin, Germany 85
Popular Representations of the Past : The Case of Postwar Japan Naoko Shimazu University of London 101
Old Ghosts, New Memories : China's Changing War History in the Era of Post-Mao Politics Rana Mitter University of Oxford 117
Post-Colonial Histories of South Asia : Some Reflections Sugata Bose Harvard University 133
The Absolution of History : Uses of the Past in Castro's Cuba Nicola Miller University College London 147