Journal of Urban History 44 (2018), 2

Titel der Ausgabe 
Journal of Urban History 44 (2018), 2
Weiterer Titel 
Special Section: African American Urban Electoral Politics in the Age of Jim Crow

Thousand Oaks 2018: Sage Publications
Six times a year: January, March, May, July, September, November.
Individual: One Year £70/US$102



Journal of Urban History
United States
Wolff, Sarah

Journal of Urban History (JUH), peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly, provides scholars and professionals with the latest research, analyses, and discussion on the history of cities and urban societies throughout the world. JUH presents original research by distinguished authors from the variety of fields concerned with urban history. Each insightful issue offers the latest scholarship on such topics as public housing, migration, urban growth, and more.



Special Section Introduction

African American Urban Electoral Politics in the Age of Jim Crow
Lisa G. Materson and Joe William Trotter, Jr.

Special Section Articles

“This Independent Fight We Are Making Is Local”: The Election of 1920 and Electoral Politics in Black Baltimore
Dennis A. Doster

“The Crusade Is Now Begun in Philadelphia”: Municipal Reformers, Southern Moderates, and African American Politics
Julie Davidow

No Longer Pliant Tools: Urban Politics and Conflicts over African American Partisanship in 1880s Boston, Massachusetts
Millington Bergeson-Lockwood

“The Servant Campaigns”: African American Women and the Politics of Economic Justice in Washington, D.C., in the 1930s
Mary-Elizabeth Murphy


Photography and the Spatial Transformations of Ghent, 1840–1914
Steven Jacobs and Bruno Notteboom

Emplacing Risks in the City: Class, Politics, Risk, and the Built Environment of Women’s Residential Clubs, 1896–1917
Robin Bartram

“Crashing America’s Back Gate”: Illegal Europeans, Policing, and Welfare in Industrial Detroit, 1921–1939
Ashley Johnson Bavery

The Men Who Lived Underground: The Chicago Police Torture Cases and the Problem of Measuring Police Violence, 1970–2016
Andrew S. Baer

“Only the Most Morbid Among the Rich Will Find It Entertaining”: Interpreting 1930s Urban Homelessness in Museums
Meighen S. Katz

Landscapes of Production: Filming Dubai and the Trucial States
Todd Reisz

Review Essays

See Yourself: Toward Uncovering a New Boston That History Almost Forgot
Karilyn Crockett

Cities as Republics in Early Modern Europe
Christopher R. Friedrichs

Caught in the Cross-Fire: American Police and Social Conflicts
Barry Latzer

New Histories of the Urban Soundscape
James G. Mansell

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