Behemoth. A Journal on Civilisation 11 (2018), 2

Titel der Ausgabe 
Behemoth. A Journal on Civilisation 11 (2018), 2
Weiterer Titel 
The Desire for Truth and the Political

Anzahl Seiten
140 S.
kostenloser Zugriff



Behemoth. A Journal on Civilisation
Mila Obert und Amelie Bihl Institut für Soziologie – Universität Freiburg Rempartstraße 15 79085 Freiburg E-Mail: <>
Susanne Krasmann, Christine Hentschel

The special issue sets out to cast a range of perspectives on the entanglements between truth, the political, affective publics and their subjectivities; in short, it looks for reorienting matters of truth in uncertain political times. This leads us to a productive reversion of the supposed tension between truth and politics and between the idea of a truth that is always contested, and therefore too weak, and at the same time despotic, and therefore too strong, to meet the political aspiration of consensus. If there is a sense of finitude today, there is also the force of truth waiting to be enacted, re-oriented and set on new paths.



Christine Hentschel, Susanne Krasmann
"Truth is where the funny lies". On the Desire for Truth in Serious Times

Frieder Vogelmann
The Problem of Post-Truth. Rethinking the Relationship between Truth and Politics

Peter Niesen
The Cautionary Use of Fakes

Norbert Paulo
Die Rationalität postfaktischen Denkens

Rainer Mühlhoff
Affekte der Wahrheit. Über autoritäre Sensitivitäten von der Aufklärung bis zu 4Chan, Trump und der Alt-Right

Mariana Valverde
Forms of Veridiction in Politics and Culture: Avowal in Today's Jargon of Authenticity

Janosik Herder
Information as Truth. Cybernetics and the Birth of the Informed Subject

Andreas Folkers
Rezension zu Ute Tellmann, "Life and Money"

Felix Fink
Rezension zu Rainer Mühlhoff, "Immersive Macht"

Janina Ruhnau
Rezension zu Karsten Schubert, "Freiheit als Kritik"

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