Annali.Recensioni.Online IV (2021), 1

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Annali.Recensioni.Online IV (2021), 1
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Trento 2021: FBK Press
3 issues per year (January, May, September)
Free Access



Bernardini, Giovanni

Annali Recensioni Online IV, 2021/1

Annali Recensioni Online provides a forum for discussion among historians and all those interested in history. The new electronic journal is devoted entirely to book reviews in keeping with a trend that is becoming widespread in international scientific publishing. Reviews of the newest scientific literature that until now were published in the "Annali dell’Istituto storico italo-germanico / Jahrbuch des italienisch-deutschen historischen Instituts" will henceforth be published exclusively in ARO.

ARO will appear three times a year and review mainly new publications focusing on European history, with special attention on the German- and Italian-speaking areas. Furthermore — not unlike its German-language cousin "sehepunkte" — ARO will have an epoch-spanning, interdisciplinary, and international orientation.

For further information:



Forum “Nature and the Iron Curtain”

Astrid Mignon Kirchhof, John R. McNeill (eds.), "Nature and the Iron Curtain"
Reviews by Marc Laundry, Anna Åberg, Matteo Gerlini


Egidio Ivetic, "Storia dell'Adriatico"
Review by Ivan Portelli

Patrick Milton, Michael Axworthy, Brendan Simms, "Towards A Westphalia for the Middle East"
Review by Fernando D'Aniello

Early Modern History (16th-18th Century)

Gerassimos D. Pagratis (ed.), "Le fonti della storia dell’Italia preunitaria"
Review by Magnus Ressel

Stefan Bauer, "The Invention of Papal History"
Review by Damiano Acciarino

Andrea Savio, "Tra spezie e spie"
Review by Enrico Valseriati

Renaud Adam, Chiara Lastraioli (eds.), "Itinéraires du livre italien à la Renaissance"
Review by Massimo Scandola

Davide Arecco, "La corona e il cannocchiale"
Review by Paolo Luca Bernardini

Frank Sobiech, "Jesuit Prison Ministry in the Witch Trials of the Holy Roman Empire. Friedrich Spee SJ and his Cautio Criminalis (1631)"
Review by Hilmar Pabel

Randolph Conrad Head, "Making Archives in Early Modern Europe"
Review by Rossella Ioppi

19th Century

Tommaso Caliò, "Santi in posa"
Review by Ignazio Veca

Wolfgang Behringer, "Tambora and the Year without a Summer"
Review by Giacomo Bonan

Contemporary History (20th-21st Century)

G. Albertoni, M. Bellabarba, E. Curzel (eds.), "La storia va alla guerra"
Review by Anna Grillini

Oswald Überegger, "Im Schatten des Krieges. Geschichte Tirols 1918–1920"
Review by Marco Bellabarba

Andrea Martini, "Dopo Mussolini"
Review by Roberta Mira

John Foot, "L'Italia e le sue storie"
Review by Andrea Di Michele

Patrizia Gabrielli (ed.), "Elette ed eletti"
Review by Eleonora Belloni

John J. Curley, "Global Art and the Cold War"
Review by Stefano Pisu

Jacopo Perazzoli, "Il socialismo europeo e le sfide del dopoguerra"
Review by Francesco Leone

Mimmo Franzinelli, Alessandro Giacone, "1960"
Review by Luigi Giorgi

Giuliano Garavini, "The Rise and Fall of OPEC in the Twentieth Century"
Review by Rüdiger Graf

Francesco Lefebvre D'Ovidio, Antonio Varsori (eds.), "La questione dell'Alto Adige/Südtirol 1964-1969"
Review by Federico Scarano

Ilvo Diamanti, Marc Lazar, "Popolocrazia"
Review by Giovanni Bernardini

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