The English Historical Review 120 (2005), 485

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The English Historical Review 120 (2005), 485
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The English Historical Review
United Kingdom
ARTICLES EDITOR: Dr Martin Conway Balliol College University of Oxford Oxford OX1 3BJ UK BOOK REVIEW EDITOR: Dr Catherine Holmes University College University of Oxford Oxford OX1 4BH UK ASSISTANT EDITOR Catherine Wright The English Historical Review Faculty of History The Old Boys' High School George Street Oxford OX1 2RL UK Oxford University Press Great Clarendon Street Oxford, OX2 6DP, UK Tel: +44 (0)1865 556767 Fax: +44 (0)1865 267485
Kahlert, Torsten

A new issue of The English Historical Review
has been made available:

February 2005; Vol. 120, No. 485



The Demise of the General Eyre in the Reign of Edward I
Caroline Burt, pp. 1-14.

Language, Politics and Society: the uses of the vernacular in the later Middle Ages
Malcolm Vale, pp. 15-34.

The Sind Blue Books of 1843 and 1844: The Political 'Laundering' of Historical Evidence
Sarah Ansari, pp. 35-65.


Seasonal Festivity in Late Medieval England: Some Further Reflections
Ronald Hutton, pp. 66-79.

The Earl of Huntly and the King of France, 1548: Man for Rent
Elizabeth Bonner, pp. 80-103.


Review: The Victoria History of the County of Somerset. Volume VIII: The Poldens and the Levels
J. H. Bettey, pp. 104-106.

Review: The Cross Goes North: Processes of Conversion in Northern Europe, AD 300-1300
J. Campbell, pp. 106-108.

Review: Alfred the Great: Papers from the Eleventh-Centenary Conference
D. P. Kirby, pp. 108-110.

Review: Senyoria de la terra i tinenca pagesa al Comtat de Barcelona (segles XI-XIII)
Paul Freedman, pp. 110-112.

Review: Dienst und Verdienst: Die Ministerialen Friedrich Barbarossas und Heinrichs VI
D. J. A. Matthew, pp. 112-114.

Review: Courts and Conflict in Twelfth-Century Tuscany
Paul R. Hyams, pp. 114-117.

Review: Vom inszenierten Konsens zum systematisierten Konflikt: Die englische-franzosischen Beziehungen und ihre Wahrnehmung an der Wende vom Hoch- zum Spatmittelalter
John Gillingham, pp. 117-119.

Review: The Conciliarist Tradition: Constitutionalism in the Catholic Church, 1300-1870
J. H. Burns, pp. 119-121.

Review: The Making of a Court Society: Kings and Nobles in Late Medieval Portugal
Susannah Humble Ferreira, pp. 122-123.

Review: Sanctifying Signs: Making Christian Tradition in Late Medieval England
Anne Hudson, pp. 123-125.

Review: Margaret of Anjou: Queenship and Power in Late Medieval England
John Watts, pp. 125-127.

Review: Studies in Italian History in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Vol. I: Political Thought and the Language of Politics. Art and Politics
George Holmes, pp. 127-129.

Review: Westminster Abbey: The Lady Chapel of Henry VII
D. M. Palliser, pp. 129-131.

Review: Beyond Florence: The Contours of Medieval and Early Modern Italy
Trevor Dean, pp. 131-133.

Review: Nuns' Chronicles and Convent Culture in Renaissance and Counter-Reformation Italy
Mary Laven, pp. 133-135.

Review: Republicanism: A Shared European Heritage. Vol.I: Republicanism and Constitutionalism in Early Modern Europe; Vol.II: The Values of Republicanism in Early Modern Europe
David Wootton, pp. 135-139.

Review: From Strangers to Citizens: The Integration of Immigrant Communities in Britain, Ireland and Continental America, 1550-1750
Andrew Pettegree, pp. 140-142.

Review: Leopold Ier (1640-1705): Fondateur de la puissance autrichienne
R. Portner, pp. 142-144.

Review: Science and Medicine in the Scottish Enlightenment
Thomas Ahnert, pp. 144-146.

Review: Golden Ages and Barbarous Nations: Antiquarian Debate and Cultural Politics in Ireland, c. 1750-1800
Colin Kidd, pp. 147-148.

Review: London Booksellers and American Customers: Transatlantic Literary Community and the Charleston Library Society, 1748-1811
Jack P. Greene, pp. 149-150.

Review: Enlightenment and Revolution: Essays in Honour of Norman Hampson
Martyn Lyons, pp. 150-152.

Review: Christianity and Revolutionary Europe c. 1750-1830
Geoffrey Ellis, pp. 153-156.

Review: Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1772-1844: A Visionary Naturalist
Robert Fox, pp. 156-158.

Review: Civilising Subjects: Metropole and Colony in the English Imagination, 1830-1867
Howard Temperley, pp. 158-160.

Review: An Elusive Victorian: The Evolution of Alfred Russel Wallace
Greta Jones, pp. 160-162.

Review: Europe Reconsidered
Jon E. Wilson, pp. 162-164.

Review: The Diaries of Edward Henry Stanley, 15th Earl of Derby (1826-93) between 1878 and 1893
Richard Shannon, pp. 164-168.

Review: The Rise of Conservation in South Africa: Settlers, Livestock, and the Environment, 1770-1950
Andrew Porter, pp. 168-169.

Review: The Empire of the Raj: India, Eastern Africa and the Middle East, 1858-1947
Edward Ingram, pp. 169-171.

Review: The Pity of It All: A Portrait of Jews in Germany 1743-1933
Steven Beller, pp. 171-173.

Review: The Coming of the Third Reich
Neil Gregor, pp. 173-175.

Review: The Victorians Since 1901: Histories, Representations and Revisions
Asa Briggs, pp. 175-177.

Review: Rising '44: 'The Battle for Warsaw'
E. D. R. Harrison, pp. 177-179.

Review: Nehru: A Political Life
D. A. Low, pp. 179-181.

Review: Parties and the Party System in France: A Disconnected Democracy?
D. S. Bell, pp. 181-183.

Review: An Affluent Society? Britain's Post-War 'Golden Age' Revisited
G. O'Hara, pp. 183-185.


Review: Scotland; From Prehistory to the Present
A. A. M. Duncan, p. 186.

Review: Oxford Before the University: The Late Saxon and Norman Archaeology of the Thames Crossing, the Defences and the Town
John Steane, pp. 186-187.

Review: Essays on Anglo-Saxon and Related Themes in Memory of Lynne Grundy
J. Campbell, p. 188.

Review: Families, Friends and Allies: Boulogne and Politics in Northern France and England, c. 879-1160
Kathleen Thompson, pp. 188-190.

Review: Political Assemblies in the Earlier Middle Ages
J. R. Maddicott, pp. 190-191.

Review: Symeon of Durham: Libellus de Exordio atque Procursus istius hoc est Dunhelmensis Ecclesie
Catherine Cubitt, pp. 191-192.

Review: Il secolo XII: La 'renovatio' dell'Europa cristiana
Colin Morris, pp. 192-193.

Review: De novitiis instruendis: Text und Kontext eines anonymen Traktates vom Ende des 12. Jahrhunderts
H. E. J. Cowdrey, pp. 193-194.

Review: English Episcopal Acta 24: Durham, 1153-1195; 25: Durham, 1196-1237
Frank Barlow, pp. 194-195.

Review: Receipt Rolls for the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Years of the Reign of King Henry III, Easter 1220, 1221, 1222
Robert C. Stacey, pp. 195-196.

Review: Heinrich Raspe--Landgraf von Thuringen und romischer Konig (1227-1247)
Jane Sayers, pp. 196-197.

Review: Le Crime de poison au Moyen Age
Jean Dunbabin, pp. 197-199.

Review: The Hanged Man: A Story of Miracle, Memory, and Colonialism in the Middle Ages
R. C. Finucane, pp. 199-200.

Review: Nobilta di Stato: Famiglie e identita aristocratiche nel tardo medioevo: La Sicilia
S. R. Epstein, pp. 200-201.

Review: L'Obrador d'un apotecari medieval segons el llibre de comptes de Francesc ses Canes (Barcelona, 1378-1381)
Peter Rycraft, pp. 201-202.

Review: The Beauchamp Pageant
Rosemary Horrox, p. 202.

Review: Kastellorizo, una isla griega baja dominio de Alfonso el Magnanimo (1450-1458)
Peter Rycraft, p. 203.

Review: Edward V: The Prince in the Tower
Rosemary Horrox, pp. 203-204.

Review: A Calendar of the Registers of the Priory of Llanthony by Gloucester, 1457-1466, 1501-1525
Benjamin Thompson, pp. 204-205.

Review: Lollards of Coventry, 1486-1522
Maureen Jurkowski, pp. 205-207.

Review: L'homme arme en Europe XIVe siecle-XVIe siecle
S. J. Gunn, pp. 207-208.

Review: European Warfare 1494-1660
D. J. B. Trim, pp. 208-209.

Review: Ivan the Terrible: Profiles in Power
Priscilla Hunt, pp. 209-211.

Review: Authority and Consent in Tudor England: Essays presented to C.S.L. Davies
A. G. R. Smith, pp. 211-212.

Review: Religion, Politics and Society in Sixteenth-Century England
David Loades, pp. 212-213.

Review: The Survey of Cornwall
Daniel Woolf, pp. 214-215.

Review: King James VI and I: Selected Writings
Kevin Sharpe, pp. 215-216.

Review: Early Modern Women's Manuscript Writing: Selected Papers from the Trinity/Trent Colloquium
James Daybell, pp. 216-218.

Review: Widowhood and Visual Culture in Early Modern Europe
C. Peters, pp. 218-219.

Review: Architecture and Image-Building in Seventeenth-Century Hertfordshire
Giles Worsley, pp. 219-220.

Review: The Duel in Early Modern England: Civility, Politeness and Honour
V. G. Kiernan, pp. 220-222.

Review: The Printed Plans of Norwich, 1558-1840: A Carto-Bibliography
J. Campbell, p. 222.

Review: Visite et Gouvernement dans la Royaume de Naples (XVIe-XVIIe siecles)
H. G. Koenigsberger, p. 223.

Review: Auctoritas e potestas: Marcantonio de Dominis fra l'Inquisizione e Giacomo I
A. D. Wright, p. 224.

Review: Kampf gegen Windmuhlen: Der niedere Adel Kastiliens in der fruhen Neuzeit
Henry Kamen, pp. 224-225.

Review: Studies of the Jews of Venice, 1382-1797
Brian Pullan, pp. 225-226.

Review: Il buon governo: Organizzazione e legitimazione del rapporto fra sovrano e comunita nello stato pontificio (secc. XVI-XVIII)
A. D. Wright, pp. 226-228.

Review: The Scottish Exile Community in the Netherlands, 1660-1690
R. A. Houston, pp. 228.

Review: Quellenkunde der Habsburgermonarchie (16.-18. Jahrhundert): Ein exemplarisches Handbuch
R. Portner, pp. 229-230.

Review: An Admiral for America: Sir Peter Warren, Vice-Admiral of the Red, 1703-1752
Philip Woodfine, pp. 230-231.

Review: Women and Urban Life in Eighteenth-Century England: 'On the Town'
J. M. Ellis, pp. 231-232.

Review: The Forgotten Commissioner: Sir William Mildmay and the Anglo-French Commission of 1750-1755
John Rogister, pp. 233-234.

Review: The Maiden of Tonnerre: The Vicissitudes of the Chevalier and the Chevaliere d'Eon
John Rogister, pp. 234-235.

Review: 'Pedlar in Divinity': George Whitefield and the Transatlantic Revivals, 1737-1770
Frank Cogliano, pp. 235-236.

Review: The Great Tour of John Patteson, 1778-1779
Andrew Moore, pp. 236-237.

Review: Old Believers, Religious Dissent and Gender in Russia, 1760-1850
Lindsey Hughes, pp. 237-239.

Review: Die Waffen der Publizitat: Zum Funktionswandel der politischen Literatur unter Joseph II
Derek Beales, pp. 239-240.

Review: The Oxford History of the French Revolution
Norman Hampson, pp. 240-241.

Review: The European Linen Industry in Historical Perspective
L. A. Clarkson, pp. 241-243.

Review: British Friendly Societies, 1750-1914
Susannah Morris, pp. 243-244.

Review: Cities of Ideas: Civil Society and Urban Governance in Britain, 1800-2000. Essays in Honour of David Reeder
Anthony Sutcliffe, p. 245.

Review: Pitt the Younger: A Life
Emma Vincent Macleod, pp. 245-246.

Review: Fra Regola e Licenza: Chiesa e vita religiosa, feste e beneficenza a Napoli e in Campania (secoli XVIII-XX)
Christopher F. Black, pp. 246-248.

Review: Robert Stephenson: The Eminent Engineer
R. Angus Buchanan, pp. 248-249.

Review: Madame Tussaud and the History of Waxworks
Colin Haydon, pp. 249-250.

Review: Catholic Intellectuals and the Challenge of Democracy
Sheridan Gilley, pp. 250-251.

Review: Auf der Suche nach dem 'wahren' Liberalismus: Demokratische Bewegung und liberale Politik im viktorianischen England
Stefan Berger, pp. 251-253.

Review: Palace of the People: The Crystal Palace at Sydenham, 1854-1936
Asa Briggs, pp. 253-254.

Review: Missionary Women: Gender, Professionalism and the Victorian Idea of Christian Mission
Elizabeth Buettner, pp. 254-255.

Review: Social Investigation and Rural England, 1870-1914
Alun Howkins, pp. 255-256.

Review: The Place of Enchantment: British Occultism and the Culture of the Modern * Review: A Science for the Soul: Occultism and the Genesis of the German Modern
Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke and Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, pp. 256-258.

Review: Christabel Pankhurst: Fundamentalism and Feminism in Coalition
Martin Pugh, pp. 258-259.

Review: The Christian Communities of Jerusalem and the Holy Land
Bernard Wasserstein, pp. 260-261.

Review: Sowing the Wind: The Mismanagement of the Middle East, 1900-1960
Ritchie Ovendale, pp. 261-262.

Review: Medicine and Medical Ethics in Nazi Germany: Origins, Practices, Legacies
Paul Weindling, p. 262.

Review: A Topography of Memory: Representations of the Holocaust at Dachau and Buchenwald in Comparison with Auschwitz, Yad Vashem and Washington, DC
Rainer Schulze, pp. 263-264.

Review: Cold Peace: Stalin and the Soviet Ruling Circle, 1945-1953
Alexander Hill, p. 265.

Review: Pauvrete et inegalites en Grande-Bretagne, 1942-1990
Rodney Lowe, p. 266.

Review: Russia, America and the Cold War, 1949-1991
John W. Young, pp. 266-267.

Review: The Parlour and the Suburb: Domestic Identities, Class, Femininity and Modernity
F. M. L. Thompson, pp. 267-268.

Review: Writing Ottoman History: Documents and Interpretations
Amy Singer, pp. 268-269.

Review: Postmodernism and History
John Stevenson, pp. 269-270.

Review: Esquisse d'une histoire universelle
John A. Hall, pp. 270-271.

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