Ethnologia Balkanica 1 (1997)

Titel der Ausgabe 
Ethnologia Balkanica 1 (1997)
Weiterer Titel 

Münster 1997: Waxmann Verlag
jährlich (seit 1997)
Anzahl Seiten
228 S.
Institutionen 20 Euro, Einzelbezieher 16 Euro, Studenten 10 Euro



Ethnologia Balkanica. Journal for Southeast European Anthropology. Zeitschrift für die Anthropologie Südosteuropas. Journal d'ethnologie du sud-est européen.
Redaktion: Prof. Klaus Roth Institut für Volkskunde/Europ. Ethnologie, Universität München Oettingenstr. 67 D – 80538 München <> Prof. Dr. Ulf Brunnbauer Geschichte Südost- und Osteuropas Philosophische Fakultät III Universität Regensburg D – 93040 Regensburg Verlag: LIT Verlag Dr. W. Hopf Berlin Chausseestr. 128/129 D – 10115 Berlin
Helebrant, Tomislav


Preface - Vorwort - Avant-propos

1. The Danube - A Bridge of Cultural Interchange

Cvetena Georgieva, Sofia
The Danube River - A Boundary of the Bulgarian Space in the 15th-17th Centuries

Klaus Roth, Munich
Rivers as Bridges - Rivers as Boundaries. Some Reflections on Intercultural Exchange on the Danube

Tatjana Civian-Mihajlova, Moscow
The Danube - Symbol of the Mythical Road and a Mythological Frontier

Dagmar Burkhart, Mannheim
The River Danube in Balkan Slavic Folksongs

Marianne Mesnil, Brussels; Assia Popova, Paris
Les eaux-delà du Danube

Sabina Ispas, Bucharest
Danube, You Dustless Highway

Valentina Vasseva, Sofia
Adaptation in the Funeral Customs of Resettled Communities

Margarita Karamihova, Sofia
Culture Turning its Back on the Big Water

2. Ethnology of Modernisation and Transformation

Milena Benovska-Săbkova, Sofia
Tradition as a Means of Survival Under the Conditions of Economic Crisis in Bulgaria

Clarissa de Waal, Cambridge
Ground Level Economics in Post-Communist Albania. A Report

Christian Giordano, Fribourg; Dobrinka Kostova, Sofia
Bulgarian Land Reprivatization without Peasants

Karl Kraser, Graz
Family and Kinship in the Balkans. A Declining Socio-Cultural System?

Radost Ivanova, Sofia
Valiant Young Men, Wrestlers, Bodyguards, Thugs ... The Hero in the Bulgarian Daily Press

3. Ethnicity, Identity, and Interethnic Relations

Bernard Lory, Paris
Dangers d'ici-bas, promesses d'au-delà. Essai d'anthropologie religieuse des Confins bosniaques au XVII-e siècle

Ivan Čolović, Belgrade
L'espace ethnique et la mort. Essai de thanatologie politique

Ženja Pimpereva, Sofia
Traditional and Contemporary Models of Interaction Between Karakachans and Bulgarians

Svetla Rakšieva, Sofia
The Nomadic Aromunians' Ideas of a Territory Under Control

4. Reports

Paul Nixon, Cambridge
Ideology in Balkan Anthropological Research. Conference of the Association for Balkan Anthropology

Gheorghiţă Geana, Bucharest
Notes on Cultural Anthropology in Romania

Galaba Palikruševa, Skopje
The Development of Macedonian Ethnology and Folklore

Tea Škokić
Review of Ethnological Work in Croatia 1990-1995

Addresses of editors and contributors

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