Millennium 10 (2013)

Titel der Ausgabe 
Millennium 10 (2013)
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Berlin u.a. 2013: de Gruyter
€ 78,00



Udo Hartmann


Millennium 10 (2013)

Inhalt, v

Blaudeau, Philippe, Un point de contact entre collectio Avellana et collectio Thessalonicensis? Autour du cas d’Abundantius de Démétrias, 1

Brodka, Dariusz, Die Wanderung der Hunnen, Vandalen, West- und Ostgoten - Prokopios von Kaisereia und seine Quellen, 13

Burgess, R.W. / Dijkstra, Jitse H.F., The ‘Alexandrian World Chronicle’, its Consularia and the Date of the Destruction of the Serapeum (with an Appendix on the List of Praefecti Augustales), 39

Conterno, Maria, Three unpublished texts on Christ’s unique will and operation from the Syriac florilegium in the ms. London, British Library, Add. 14535, 115

Curta, Florin, The Beginning of the Middle Ages in the Balkans, 145

Effenberger, Arne, Zur Wiederverwendung der venezianischen Tetrarchengruppen in Konstantinopel, 215

Goetz, Hans-Werner, The Perception of Other Religions in the Earlier Middle Ages: Some Remarks on a Current Research Project, 275

Freudenberg, Bele / Goetz, Hans-Werner, The Christian Perception of Heathens in the Early Middle Ages, 281

Bade, Norman, Muslims in the Christian World Order. Comprehension and Knowledge of the Saracens in two Universal Histories of the Carolingian Empire, 293

Valenzuela, Claudia, The Faith of the Saracens. Forms of knowledge of Islam in the Christian kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula until the 12th century, 311

Aurast, Anna, What did Christian authors know about Jews and Judaism? Some remarks based on early medieval evidence, 331

Freudenberg, Bele, Unus grex et unum ovile? The Papacy’s Comprehension of the Greek-Orthodox Religion in the Eighth Century, 349

Goetz, Hans-Werner, What is Heretic in Christian Heresies? The Perspective of Early Medieval Catholic Authors, 373

Hillner, Julia, Confined Exiles: An Aspect of the Late Antique Prison System, 385

Jankowiak, Marek, Notitia 1 and the impact of the Arab invasions on Asia Minor, 435

Nadja Kimmerle, Epos oder Geschichtsschreibung? Antike Lucan-Kritik im Rahmen antiker Gattungsvorstellungen, 463

Mindt, Nina, Griechische Autoren in den Epigrammen Martials, 501

Autoren dieses Bandes, 557

Abkürzungen, 559

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