NORA - Nordic Journal of Women's Studies

NORA - Nordic Journal of Women's Studies
3 issues per year
Institutional: US$110/£67; Individual: US$65/£39


NORA - Nordic Journal of Women's Studies
United Kingdom
Editorial address: NORA, Attn. Susanne V. Knudsen, Dept of Educational Anthropology, The Danish University of Education, Emdrupvej 101, DK-2400 Copenhagen, Denmark. Tel: +45 39 69 66 33. Fax: +45 39 69 25 50. E-mail: and

Nora is an interdisciplinary journal of gender and women's studies and a channel for high-quality research from all disciplines.

Emphasis is placed on giving a Nordic profile to feminist research, with regard to both contents and theoretical and methodological approaches. Nora aims to discuss and examine the realities and myths of women's and men's lives in the Nordic countries, historically and today.

At the same time Nora is international in scope, offering a forum for theoretical dialogue and debate on research of general interest to feminist scholars and scientists. Nora acknowledges the need to speak across borders, challenging academic, linguistic and national limits and boundaries. Considering the diversity of women's experiences within the Nordic countries and the broad spectrum of viewpoints and approaches that characterize modern research on women and gender, Nora especially encourages papers that have an interdisciplinary perspective and are theoretically self-reflective.

Nora publishes original research articles, short communications and review essays. Review essays encompassing books published in one of the Nordic languages are encouraged in order to promote transnational communication among feminist scholars and activitists in the Nordic countries and across the world. Several issues of Nora will focus on a specific theme related to gender. For further information, please go to Themed Issues.

The editors welcome reviews of books with a nordic gender perspective. Reviews should not exceed two and a half pages or 2000 words. Authors should submit the manuscript in electronic form by e-mail to the editors.

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Bestandsnachweise 0803-8740 (Print), 1502-394X (Online)