Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Holocaust and Genocide Studies


Holocaust and Genocide Studies
United Kingdom

The Museum’s scholarly journal, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, is published three times a year by Oxford University Press. Under the editorship of American University’s Professor Richard D. Breitman, who sits on the Academic Committee of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council, the journal is the major international, multidisciplinary forum for the publication of new scholarship on the Holocaust.

Specially discounted subscriptions are available to students and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum members on a one-calendar-year basis for U.S. $31.00. Send requests for subscriptions or a free sample copy to Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Journals Marketing, Oxford University Press, 2001 Evans Road, Cary, NC 27513.

Information about the journal, including instructions for contributors, as well as tables of contents and abstracts of articles going back to volume 10, number 1 (Spring 1996) can be found at http://www3.oup.co.uk/holgen/.

Beginning with volume 18, calendar year 2004, subscribers may have access to the entire journal content not only in print but also on-line, or on-line only, at the preceding website url.

Most individual articles from 1997 onward now are available to non-subscribers by mail or fax through on-line purchase at ingenta.com’s “uncover plus” service; a direct link to that site is available by clicking on those underlined words on the opening Academic Publications web page at the Museum’s website: http://www.ushmm.org/research/center. Scroll at left to “Academic Publications.” Beginning with volume 17, articles also are available on-line from Project Muse: http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/holocaust_and_genocide_studies/.

To receive advance electronic notification of future journal contents, sign up for the contents-alerting service at http://www.oup.co.uk/jnls/tocmail/; this is a free service available to subscribers and non-subscribers alike.

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Bestandsnachweise 8756-6583 (Print), 1476-7937 (Online)