Parliaments, Estates & Representation

Parliaments, Estates & Representation
3 issues a year


Parliaments, Estates & Representation
Josef Pauser []

Parliaments, Estates & Representation - Parlements, Etats et Representation is the journal of the International Commission for the History of Representative and Parliamentary Institutions (ICHRPI) - Commission internationale pour l'histoire des Assemblees d'Etats (CIHAE). The aims of the journal, as of the Commission, are to promote research into the origin, growth and development of representative and parliamentary institutions throughout the world in all periods. In particular, it encourages the study of the development of representative institutions in a wide and comparative way. It facilitates the international exchange of bibliographical information. It is concerned with the political theory and institutional practice of representation as well as with the internal organization, political culture and the social and political background to parliaments and assemblies of estates. Representative urban institutions and international parliamentary organizations also fall within its remit. The journal publishes scholarly articles covering the whole spectrum of the history of representative institutions up to the present day. The journal welcomes all contributions which fall within its field of interest, including papers presented at conferences of the ICHRPI. Articles may be submitted in English, French or German.

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Bestandsnachweise 0260-6755