"China aktuell / Journal of Current Chinese Affairs" is an internationally refereed academic journal published by the GIGA Institute of Asian Studies, Hamburg. The quarterly journal focuses on current developments in Greater China. It has a circulation of 1,200 copies, making it one of the worlds most widely distributed periodicals on Asian affairs, and reaches a broad readership in academia, administration and business circles. Articles are written in German or English. "China aktuell Journal of Current Chinese Affairs" is devoted to the transfer of scholarly insights to a wide audience. The topics covered are therefore not only orientated towards specialists in Chinese affairs, but are also of relevance to readers with a practical interest in the region. The editors welcome contributions on contemporary China, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, that are concerned with the fields of international relations, politics, economics, society, contemporary history, education, environment or law. Articles should be theoretically grounded, empirically sound and reflect the state of the art in contemporary Chinese studies.