The Slavonic Review is the principal history peer reviewed journal published in the Czech Republic with a focus on the history of the nations of Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe. It was founded in October, 1898. In its nascence it contributed a wide spectrum of current information about political and cultural events in the Slavic world. In the 1960s it was transformed into a scholarly history journal, and at the beginning of the 1990s it became a periodical subjected to rigorous peer review. Besides analytical scholarly studies and articles it also prints material (source) texts, specialized discussions, reviews, reports, digests of domestic and foreign historiographical production and other important information from the scholarly world. The Slavonic Review endeavors to present the historic development of the Czech nation and other countries in its geographical area of interest in broad international-political and cultural interconnections and at the same time also serve as a platform where historians of different generations who use diverse methodological approaches can meet and exchange opinions. The journal is open to researchers from the Czech Republic and also from abroad. It publishes contributions in Czech, Slovak and English.
The Slavonic Review is currently issued three times yearly (The third issue offers more extensive and complex studies examining the history of Central, Eastern and Southeast Europe at a length of 50–100 standard pages.). Since 2009, abstracts of the essays and articles in the Slavonic Review have been publicized in the database The Central European Journal of Social Science and Humanities (CEJSH). The journal is also registered among internationally recognized scholarly periodicals in the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH PLUS) database, as a peer reviewed journal and also inside the List of Reviewed Non-impact Journals Published in the Czech Republic.