Einladung: Mitgliedschaft in der neugegründeten Memory Studies Association

Jenny Wustenberg

Become a Member of the Memory Studies Association!

Why should you become a paying member of the Memory Studies Association? There are several tangible benefits to membership already available as well as in the works. These include:
-discounted registration fees for the annual meeting
-access to members-only materials, including job listings, discussion forums, career advice, teaching resources, reading recommendations and more!
-potential future discounted subscription to Memory Studies (under review).

But, as enticing as these tangible benefits are, the real reason to become a paying member of the Association is that you want it to exist. Like any professional association, the MSA will depend on the support and devotion of its members.

Our future depends on your membership!
How will membership dues be spent (and administered)? Like any professional association, the MSA has administrative and operating costs (e.g. website, payment portal, mailing, registrations, etc). The largest expense will be planning costs and subsidies for the annual meeting, in particular for the attendance of graduate students and colleagues from around the world, as well as our support for the Ph.D. workshop before the annual meeting. Funds will be administered by the co-chairs with the advice and oversight of the executive board and an audit committee, in accordance with Dutch law. To be clear, neither the co-chairs nor executive board members will receive any compensation, nor even expenses (for instance for attendance at board meetings or the annual meeting). All accounts of the Association will be fully disclosed annually to the membership.

Once again, the main question is whether you want the MSA to succeed. If so, now is the time to step up and become a paying member. We also urge as many of you who can manage it to choose the more expensive “sustaining member” category, or even the “benefactor” level.
While membership does provide a discount on the conference fee, we also urge you to become a member whether or not you plan to attend the conference this year. And by the way, one does not have to have submitted a proposal to attend— all are welcome!*

Jeff Olick, Aline Sierp & Jenny Wüstenberg (Co-Chairs of the MSA)

*Let us know If you need to be on the program for the purposes of being on the preimbursement, e.g. as a presider or discussant.

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