2 PhD position & 1 postdoctoral position "Global history / Violence studies project" (Univ. of Basel)

PhD position: Global History/Violence Studies with a regional focus on South America

Departement Geschichte, Universität Basel
Vom - Bis
01.04.2025 - 31.03.2029

PhD position: Global History/Violence Studies with a regional focus on the Southwestern Pacific

Departement Geschichte, Universität Basel
Vom - Bis
01.04.2025 - 31.03.2029

Postdoc position: Global History/Material Culture/Violence Studies/Human-Animal Studies

Departement Geschichte, Universität Basel
Vom - Bis
01.04.2025 - 31.03.2029
Departement Geschichte, Universität Basel

The Department of History at the University of Basel, Switzerland, invites applications for two PhD position and one postdoctoral position in a global history project "Killing to Keep - Violent Field Practices and Natural History in the Age of Empire" led by Prof. Dr. Marie Muschalek (principal investigator, PI) and financed by the Swiss National Research Foundation, to be filled as of April 1st, 2025 or by agreement.

PhD position: Global History/Violence Studies with a regional focus on South America

The project explores the life-worlds of nature experts who killed animals in order to keep and study them in the long nineteenth century. Team members will research the practices, people, and objects of this endeavor in multiple places in the world:

Case study 1: Birds in the tropical dry and moist forests of Northern South America
Case study 2: Fish and mollusks in the shallow and deep waters of the Southwestern Pacific
Case study 3: Large mammals in the mixed wood and grasslands of Southern Africa (done by the PI)

We seek researchers interested in: 1) daily practices in the field, manual skills and techniques of capturing, shooting, skinning, and preserving animals, 2) the men and women, indigenous and intruder alike, involved in the business of collecting animals-turned-specimens, and/or 3) the specimens, trophies, and marketable commodities they produced. Our goal is to account for the complexities of human curiosity and the many different and culturally specific histories of violence against nonhuman and human life within the broader framework of colonial subjugation and its politics of difference.

Your position

As a PhD candidate you will research the collection of birds in the tropical forests of Northern South America in the second half of the nineteenth century. You will investigate the hunt for those colorful feathers and difficult-to-reach, fleeting specimens in the context of post-independence states and their remote indigenous forest communities. Your research can build on preliminary work done by the PI and her collaboration partners in Ecuador on the history of German-speaking Jesuits, Creole and indigenous Ecuadorians who captured specimens together in the forests surrounding Quito, sometimes as far as the Galápagos Islands.

You will be expected to

conduct independent archival research and complete the dissertation within the funding period;
actively participate in advancing the project's overall research goals, collaborate closely with your teammates;
help with administrative tasks, conference organization, communication tasks, webpage content management.

You will be encouraged to

conduct fieldwork, seek contact and respectfully collaborate with local experts in the geographical area of your work package;
publish one peer-reviewed article or book chapter;
present your findings at international conferences.

Your profile

You must hold a Master's degree (or equivalent) in History or a related discipline.
You must be fluent in English, our team's working language. Additional language proficiencies relevant to your work package, notably Spanish, are very welcome.
You must take residence in Basel during your entire contract period and be able to travel for the project's field research.
You should have some experiences in archival research and a familiarity with the historiography of South America's (post-)colonial past.
You should be keen to learn, open to creative, experimental work, and eager to actively participate in the team effort.

We offer you

A fully funded PhD position (4 years) at the History Department at the University of Basel, Switzerland.
A motivated, interdisciplinary team that will support your ideas, research, and career in a stimulating, welcoming and multicultural environment.
You pursue your dissertation project within a collaborative framework, affiliated as a member of the Basel Graduate School of History.
Salary and social benefits are provided according to Swiss standards and University of Basel rules.

Application / Contact

Please submit your complete application documents including a letter of motivation, CV, publication list (if existent), relevant diplomas, sample of writing (max. 10 pages), contact details of two references.

Application deadline is September 15th, 2024.
All applications must be submitted through the University of Basel Employment Portal.
Interviews will be held in person or via Zoom on October 8th and 9th, 2024. The expected starting date is April 1st, 2025.

If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Marie Muschalek (marie.muschalek@unibas.ch). You can also find out more about us at https://dg.philhist.unibas.ch/de/.

Puesto de doctorando: Historia Global/Estudios de la Violencia/Estudios Humanos-Animales/América del Sur

El proyecto Killing to Keep – Violent Field Practices and Natural History in the Age of Empire, financiado por la Fondo Nacional Suizo para la Investigación Científica explora los mundos vitales de los expertos en naturaleza que mataban animales para conservarlos y estudiarlos a lo largo del siglo XIX. Los miembros del equipo investigarán las prácticas, las personas y los objetos de esta empresa en múltiples lugares del mundo:

Estudio de caso 1: Aves de los bosques tropicales secos y húmedos del norte de Sudamérica
Estudio de caso 2: Peces y moluscos en las aguas someras y profundas del Pacífico Sudoccidental
Estudio de caso 3: Grandes mamíferos en el bosque mixto y las praderas del sur de África (a cargo de la IP)

Buscamos investigadores interesados en: 1) las prácticas cotidianas en el campo, las habilidades manuales y las técnicas de captura, disparo, desollado y conservación de animales, 2) los hombres y mujeres, indígenas e intrusos por igual, involucrados en el negocio de la recolección de animales convertidos en especímenes, y/o 3) los especímenes, trofeos y mercancías comercializables que producían.
Nuestro objetivo es dar cuenta de las complejidades de la curiosidad humana y de las muchas historias diferentes y culturalmente específicas de violencia contra la vida no humana y humana dentro del marco más amplio de la subyugación colonial y su política de la diferencia.

Su posición

Como candidato a doctor investigará la recolección de aves en los bosques tropicales del norte de Sudamérica en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Investigará la caza para obtener esas plumas de colores y especímenes fugaces y difíciles de alcanzar en el contexto de los estados post-coloniales y sus remotas comunidades indígenas de los bosques. Su investigación puede basarse en la investigación preliminar realizada por la IP y sus socios colaboradores en Ecuador sobre la historia de los jesuitas alemanes, los criollos y los indígenas ecuatorianos que cazaban juntos especímenes en los bosques que rodean Quito, así́ como en las Islas Galápagos.

Es compromiso del doctorando:
llevar a cabo una investigación independiente en archivos y completar la tesis dentro del periodo de financiación;
participar activamente en el avance de los objetivos generales de investigación del proyecto, colaborar estrechamente con sus compañeros de equipo;
ayudar en tareas administrativas, organización de conferencias, tareas de comunicación, gestión de contenidos de páginas web.

Se apreciará también que se encargue de:
realizar trabajo de campo, buscar contactos y colaborar respetuosamente con expertos locales de la zona geográfica de su paquete de trabajo;
publicar un artículo o capítulo de libro revisado por pares;
presentar sus resultados en conferencias internacionales.

Su perfil

Debe poseer un máster (o equivalente) en Historia o una disciplina relacionada.
Debe dominar el inglés, la lengua de trabajo de nuestro equipo. Se valorarán positivamente otros conocimientos lingüísticos relacionados con su paquete de trabajo, especialmente el español.
Debe estar dispuesto a residir en Basilea durante todo el periodo de su contrato y poder viajar para la investigación de campo del proyecto.
Debe tener alguna experiencia en investigación de archivos y estar familiarizado con la historiografía del pasado (post)colonial de Sudamérica.
Debe tener ganas de aprender, estar abierto al trabajo creativo y experimental y participar activamente en el trabajo de equipo.


Un puesto de doctorado financiado íntegramente (4 años) en el Departamento de Historia de la Universidad de Basilea, Suiza.
Un equipo motivado e interdisciplinario que apoyará sus ideas, su investigación y su carrera en un entorno estimulante, acogedor y multicultural.
Realizará su proyecto de tesis en un marco de colaboración, afiliado como miembro a la Basel Graduate School of History.
El salario y las prestaciones sociales se conceden de acuerdo con las normas suizas y las reglas de la Universidad de Basilea.

Solicitud / Contacto

Por favor, envié su solicitud completa incluyendo una carta de motivación, CV, lista de publicaciones, diplomas relevantes, un ejemplo de un trabajo escrito (máx. 10 páginas), datos de contacto de dos referencias.
El plazo de solicitud finaliza el 15 de septiembre de 2024.
Todas las solicitudes deben presentarse a través del portal de empleo de la Universidad de Basilea.
Las entrevistas se realizarán en persona o vía Zoom los días 8 y 9 de octubre de 2024.
La fecha de inicio prevista es el 1 de abril de 2025.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, póngase en contacto con la Prof. Dra. Marie Muschalek (marie.muschalek@unibas.ch). También puede encontrar más información sobre nosotros en https://dg.philhist.unibas.ch/de/




PhD position: Global History/Violence Studies with a regional focus on the Southwestern Pacific

The project explores the life-worlds of nature experts who killed animals in order to keep and study them in the long nineteenth century. Team members will research the practices, people, and objects of this endeavor in multiple places in the world:

Case study 1: Birds in the tropical dry and moist forests of Northern South America
Case study 2: Fish and mollusks in the shallow and deep waters of the Southwestern Pacific
Case study 3: Large mammals in the mixed wood and grasslands of Southern Africa (done by the PI)

We seek researchers interested in: 1) daily practices in the field, manual skills and techniques of capturing, shooting, skinning, and preserving animals, 2) the men and women, indigenous and intruder alike, involved in the business of collecting animals-turned-specimens, and/or 3) the specimens, trophies, and marketable commodities they produced. Our goal is to account for the complexities of human curiosity and the many different and culturally specific histories of violence against nonhuman and human life within the broader framework of colonial subjugation and its politics of difference.

Your position

As a PhD candidate you will research the collection of fish and mollusks in the Southwestern Pacific, which was the stage of sustained and intense seafaring exploration and multi-imperial penetration throughout the entire nineteenth century. Possibly including the collectors of Hamburg's Godeffroy Museum, you will follow those naturalist journeys that crossed the vast seas between islands, littorals, archipelagos in search for marine life, while critically relying on indigenous navigation and fishing skills and animal knowledge.

You will be expected to
conduct independent archival research and complete the dissertation within the funding period;
actively participate in advancing the project's overall research goals, collaborate closely with your teammates;
help with administrative tasks, conference organization, communication tasks, webpage content management.

You will be encouraged to
conduct fieldwork, seek contact and respectfully collaborate with local experts in the geographical area of your work package
publish one peer-reviewed article or book chapter
present your findings at international conferences

Your profile

You must hold a Master's degree (or equivalent) in History or a related discipline.
You must be fluent in English, our team's working language. Additional language proficiencies relevant to your work package are welcome.
You must take residence in Basel during the entire contract period and be able to travel for the project's field research.
You should have some experiences in archival research and a familiarity with the historiography of the Southwestern Pacific's (post-)colonial past.
You should be keen to learn, open to creative, experimental work, and eager to actively participate in the team effort.

We offer you

A fully funded PhD position (4 years) at the History Department at the University of Basel, Switzerland.
A motivated, interdisciplinary team that will support your ideas, research, and career in a stimulating, welcoming and multicultural environment.
You pursue your dissertation project within a collaborative framework, affiliated as a member of the Basel Graduate School of History.
Salary and social benefits are provided according to Swiss standards and University of Basel rules.

Application / Contact

Please submit your complete application documents including a letter of motivation, CV, publication list (if existent), relevant diplomas, sample of writing (max. 10 pages), contact details of two references.

Application deadline is September 15th, 2024.
All applications must be submitted through the University of Basel Employment portal.
Interviews will be held in person or via Zoom on October 8th and 9th, 2024. The expected starting date is April 1st, 2025.

If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Marie Muschalek (marie.muschalek@unibas.ch).
You can also find out more about us at https://dg.philhist.unibas.ch/en/.

Poste de doctorant∙e : Histoire globale/études sur la violence avec un focus régional sur le Pacifique Sud-Ouest

Le projet Killing to Keep - Violent Field Practices and Natural History in the Age of Empire, financé par le Fonds national suisse, explore le monde des experts de la nature qui tuaient les animaux afin de les garder et de les étudier au cours du long XIXe siècle. Les membres de l’équipe du projet étudieront les pratiques, les personnes et les objets de cette activité naturaliste dans plusieurs endroits du monde :

Étude de cas n° 1 : oiseaux des forêts tropicales sèches et humides du nord de l’Amérique du Sud
Étude de cas n° 2 : poissons et mollusques dans les eaux du Pacifique Sud-Ouest
Étude de cas n° 3 : grands mammifères dans les prairies d’Afrique australe (réalisée par la PI)

Nous recherchons des chercheurs∙euses intéressé∙es par : 1) les pratiques quotidiennes sur le terrain, les compétences manuelles et les techniques de capture, de tir, d'écorchage et de conservation des animaux, 2) les hommes et les femmes, autochtones et intrus, impliqués dans la collecte d’animaux devenus spécimens, et/ou 3) les spécimens, trophées et produits commercialisables qu’ils produisaient.
Notre objectif est de rendre compte des complexités de la curiosité humaine et des nombreuses histoires différentes et culturellement spécifiques de la violence contre la vie humaine et non humaine dans le cadre plus large de la domination colonial et de sa politique de la différence.

Votre poste

En tant que candidat∙e au doctorat, vous ferez des recherches sur la collecte de poissons et de mollusques dans le sud-ouest du Pacifique, qui a été le théâtre d’une exploration maritime soutenue et intense et d’une pénétration multi-impériale tout au long du XIXe siècle. Vous suivrez les voyages naturalistes, y compris éventuellement ceux des collectionneurs acharnés du musée Godeffroy de Hambourg, qui traversaient les vastes mers entre îles, littoraux et archipels à la recherche de vie marine, tout en s’appuyant sur les compétences indigènes en matière de navigation et de pêche, ainsi que sur leurs connaissances des animaux.
Vous devrez
mener des recherches indépendantes dans les archives et achever la thèse au cours de la période de financement ;
participer activement à l’avancement des objectifs généraux du projet, en collaborant étroitement avec vos coéquipiers∙ères;
participer aux tâches administratives, à l’organisation des conférences, aux tâches de communication et à la gestion du contenu des pages web.

Vous serez encouragé à
effectuer un travail sur le terrain, prendre contact et collaborer respectueusement avec des experts locaux dans la zone géographique de votre projet ;
publier un article ou un chapitre de livre évalué par les pairs ;
présenter vos résultats lors de conférences internationales.

Votre profil

Vous devez être titulaire d’un master (ou équivalent) en histoire ou dans une discipline connexe.
Vous devez parler couramment l’anglais, la langue de travail de notre équipe. D’autres compétences linguistiques en rapport avec votre travail sont les bienvenues.
Vous devez être disposé à résider à Bâle pendant toute la durée de votre contrat et être en mesure de voyager pour les recherches sur le terrain.
Facultativement, vous devez avoir une certaine expérience de recherche dans les archives et une bonne connaissance de l’historiographie du passé (post-)colonial du Pacifique Sud-Ouest.
Vous devez être désireux d’apprendre, ouvert à un travail créatif et expérimental, et vouloir participer activement à l’effort de l’équipe.

Nous offrons

Un poste de doctorant∙e entièrement financé (4 ans) au département d’histoire de l’université de Bâle, en Suisse.
Une équipe motivée et interdisciplinaire qui soutiendra vos idées, votre recherche et votre carrière dans un environnement stimulant, accueillant et multiculturel.
Vous poursuivez votre projet de thèse dans un cadre collaboratif, affilié en tant que membre de la Basel Graduate School of History.
Le salaire et les avantages sociaux sont fournis selon les normes suisses et les règles de l’Université de Bâle.

Candidature / Contact

Veuillez soumettre votre dossier de candidature complet comprenant une lettre de motivation, un CV, une liste de publications (si existante), les diplômes pertinents, un échantillon d’écriture (max. 10 pages), les coordonnées de deux références.
La date limite de candidature est le 15 septembre 2024.
Toutes les candidatures doivent être soumises via le portail d’emploi de l’Université de Bâle.
Les entretiens auront lieu en personne ou via Zoom les 8 et 9 octobre 2024.
La date d’entrée en fonction est prévue pour le 1er avril 2025.

Si vous avez des questions, veuillez contacter la Prof. Dr. Marie Muschalek (marie.muschalek@unibas.ch). Vous pouvez également en savoir plus sur nous à l’adresse suivante : https://dg.philhist.unibas.ch/de/.




Postdoc position: Global History/Material Culture/Violence Studies/Human-Animal Studies

The project explores the life-worlds of nature experts who killed animals in order to keep and study them in the long nineteenth century. Team members will research the practices, people, and objects of this endeavor in multiple places in the world:

Case study 1: Birds in the tropical dry and moist forests of Northern South America
Case study 2: Fish and mollusks in the shallow and deep waters of the Southwestern Pacific
Case study 3: Large mammals in the mixed wood and grasslands of Southern Africa

We seek researchers interested in: 1) daily practices in the field, manual skills and techniques of capturing, shooting, skinning, and preserving animals, 2) the men and women, indigenous and intruder alike, involved in the business of collecting animals-turned-specimens, and/or 3) the specimens, trophies, and marketable commodities they produced. Our goal is to account for the complexities of human curiosity and the many different and culturally specific histories of violence against nonhuman and human life within the broader framework of colonial subjugation and its politics of difference.

Your position

"Material Genealogies of Animal Specimens: Science, Art & Craftsmanship":
As a postdoctoral researcher you will engage in uncovering naturalist field practices by working closely on the collected artefacts themselves, that is, on a selection of specimens with provenance from one of the geographical foci of the overall project. Paying attention to the different materials, surface textures and interiors, colors, and any traces of handling, you will seek to understand violent practices of humans towards other animals as an activity which connected science with art, material techniques and craftsmanship with intellectual thought processes and knowledge production.

You will be expected to
conduct independent research and complete two peer-reviewed articles/ book chapters or a short monograph within the funding period;
actively participate in advancing the project's overall research goals, collaborate closely with your team mates;
help with administrative tasks, conference organization, communication tasks, webpage content management.

You will be encouraged to
take on a co-advising role for one of the project's two doctoral students, teach courses;
act as liaison with colleagues in other disciplines at the University of Basel and beyond, notably in Art History, Media Studies, Cultural Anthropology;
work closely with natural history museums.

Your profile

You must hold a PhD (or equivalent) in Art History, Material Culture or Museum Studies, or a related discipline.
You must be fluent in English, our team's working language. Additional language proficiencies relevant to your work package are very welcome.
You should have expertise in working with natural history specimens and bring some practical skills with digital tools for handling museum collections.
You should have some experience working in mid-size research teams and be eager to help the PI shape the team's work culture and the overall project goals.

We offer you

A fully funded postdoctoral position (4 years) at the History Department at the University of Basel, Switzerland.
A motivated, interdisciplinary team that will support your ideas, research, and career in a stimulating, welcoming and multicultural environment.
Salary and social benefits are provided according to Swiss standards and University of Basel rules.

Application / Contact

Please submit your complete application documents including a letter of motivation, CV, publications list, relevant diplomas and PhD certificate, sample of writing (max. 10 pages), contact details of two references.

Application deadline is September 15th, 2024.
All applications must be submitted through the University of Basel employment portal.
Interviews will be held in person or via Zoom on October 15th, 2024.
The expected starting date is April 1st, 2025.

If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Marie Muschalek (marie.muschalek@unibas.ch). You can also find out more about us at https://dg.philhist.unibas.ch/de/.



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Weitere Informationen
PhD position: Global History/Violence Studies with a regional focus on South America
Land Veranstaltung
PhD position: Global History/Violence Studies with a regional focus on the Southwestern Pacific
Land Veranstaltung
Postdoc position: Global History/Material Culture/Violence Studies/Human-Animal Studies
Land Veranstaltung