1 Postdoctoral Research Fellow "Political Science" (Univ. of Greifswald)

Postdoctoral Research Fellow MAGnituDe: Migration, Affective Geopolitics and European Democracy in Times of Military Conflicts

University of Greifswald (Interdisciplinary Centre for Baltic Sea Region Research (IFZO))
Interdisciplinary Centre for Baltic Sea Region Research (IFZO)
Gefördert durch
EU Horizon Europe
Vom - Bis
01.04.2025 - 31.03.2027
Alexander Drost, Interdisziplinäres Forschungszentrum Ostseeraum (IFZO), Universität Greifswald

At the University of Greifswald’s Interdisciplinary Centre for Baltic Sea Region Research (IFZO), there is a job vacancy expected to be available by 1 April 2025, limited to a period of 2 years, for a full-time Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Payment will be made according to pay group 13 TV-L Wissenschaft. The post is also suitable for part-time employment.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow MAGnituDe: Migration, Affective Geopolitics and European Democracy in Times of Military Conflicts

The IFZO at the University of Greifswald is an interdisciplinary research centre with strong international ties that investigates the dynamics of the Baltic Sea region and addresses current challenges faced by society.

The position on offer belongs to the EU third-party funded project MAGnituDe: Migration, Affective Geopolitics and European Democracy in Times of Military Conflicts. As a postdoc researcher at the University of Greifswald, your primary responsibility will be to conduct project-specific research in the context of Germany and additionally, you will be expected to contribute methodologically and theoretically to the overall project. MAGnituDe explores the consequences of mass migration caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine for European democracy. MAGnituDe utilises the feminist concept of affective geopolitics to analyse how geopolitical narratives and imaginations shape everyday human encounters through which social, political, and cultural identities are constructed and contested. The project explores human encounters on 3 levels: 1) migrant-state, 2) migrant-migrant and 3) migrant-host societies.

Job description:
- Analyses of migration policies related to displacement from Ukraine, including interviews with policy makers
- Qualitative and quantitative analyses of political discourses and popular culture
- Coordinating tasks with project partners, internal communication and exchange of research data between the work packages
- Dissemination and publication of project results

Job requirements:
- PhD-degree (doctorate) in political science or related discipline
- Documented experience of policy analyses
- Skills in qualitative and quantitative methods of social sciences
- Very good English (C1) and German (C1) language skills

Further requirements which may have an impact on the decision-making process:
- Knowledge of political and media landscapes in one or more other countries of the Baltic Sea region (Finland, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden) as well as
- Swedish language skills or any other language of the Baltic Sea region

The position is open to all persons, irrespective of gender. Severely disabled applicants with the same qualifications will be considered with preference.

In accordance with § 68(3) PersVG M-V, the Staff Council will only be involved in staff matters of the academic or artistic staff on request.

Unfortunately, the application costs (e.g. travel expenses for interviews) will not be reimbursed by the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

For further information, please contactDr. Alexander Drost-Wollbrecht, IFZO (+49 3834 420 3341, alexander.drost@uni-greifswald.de).

Please submit the following documents:
- Curriculum vitae
- Proof of professional qualifications (copies of master’s and PhD degree certificates or similar)
-Contacts of two referees who can provide recommendation for shortlisted candidates
- Doctoral thesis
- Up to 3 recent academic publications or other relevant documents that enable the assessment of the candidate’s suitability for the position

Applications must be sent with reference to the job advertisement number 24/E24 by 27 January 2025 via email (one PDF file) to:

Universitaet Greifswald
Interdisziplinaeres Forschungszentrum Ostseeraum
Dr. Alexander Drost
Bahnhofstrasse 51
17489 Greifswald



Alexander Drost-Wollbrecht, IFZO (+49 3834 420 3341, alexander.drost@uni-greifswald.de)

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