The Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies invites applications for the position of
Professor of Jewish Art (m/w/d)
starting October 1, 2025.
Depending on the successful candidate’s qualifications and experience, the position will either be filled at the level of a W2 professorship, or a W1 professorship with tenure track leading to W2 level. The employment relationship will fall under private law.
The professorship in Jewish Art at the Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies serves as a fundamental building block toward an integrative conception of Jewish Studies. The successful candidate will be expected to represent the entire spectrum of Jewish Art as a field of study and possess a broad range of expertise in cultural history. This expertise should enable the candidate to analyze artistic activity within Jewish cultures methodologically with respect to theoretical discourses, as well as to discuss transcultural interrelations and the relationship between majority and minority, or the question of internal vs. external definitions of Jewish Art.
This professorship is intended to contribute toward the positioning and further development of the academic field of Jewish Art within the international context, in both teaching and research. Experience in museology and Jewish museological history are desired, as well as a close cooperation with Heidelberg University in teaching and research, e.g. through the Heidelberg Center for Cultural Heritage (HCCH) and the Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies (HCTS).
The following are required qualifications:
- In addition to the general employment requirements laid out in § 47 of the LHG [state higher education law of Baden-Württemberg], a completed program of university studies and doctoral degree in Judaic/Jewish Studies with a concentration in Jewish Art, or Art History with Judaic qualifications, or a comparable scholarly profile.
- Very good knowledge of Hebrew.
- A profound knowledge of recent theories in cultural studies.
A further desired qualification is experience with conducting research projects and procuring outside funding.
If filled as a W1 professorship with tenure track, the position will initially be limited to a period of four years. Upon successful conclusion of an intermediate evaluation, it will be extended by an additional two years. After a successful tenure evaluation, the appointment to a tenured W2 position will then take place in a streamlined manner, without reopening the position for a further round of the application process. For more information on the tenure-track procedure, see our homepage:
Interested parties are asked to e-mail their application in the form of a PDF containing the usual documents, including a detailed overview of course proposals and research plans for the coming years, by February 28th 2025 to: Rektor der Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg Dr. Andreas Brämer,
The Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies is committed to equal opportunity and diversity. Applicants with severe disabilities will be given preference over equally qualified non-disabled applicants.