1 PhD researcher "Power, gender and participation in the global history of the social work profession" (Univ. of Innsbruck)

PhD researcher: Power, gender and participation in the global history of the social work profession

University of Innsbruck
Vom - Bis
01.09.2025 -
Levke Harders, Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften und Europäische Ethnologie / Center Interdisziplinäre Geschlechterforschung Innsbruck, Universität Innsbruck

We're recruiting in gender history, gender studies and/or the history of social work!

We're looking for a PhD researcher to study "Power, gender and participation in the global history of the social work profession". See: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/308137.

PhD researcher: Power, gender and participation in the global history of the social work profession

Job Information
Organisation/Company: University of Innsbruck
Department: Department of History and European Ethnology
Research Field: History » Social history
Researcher Profile: First Stage Researcher (R1)
Positions: PhD Position
Country: Austria
Application Deadline: 3 Mar 2025 - 10:00 (Europe/Paris)
Type of Contract: Temporary
Job Status: Full-time
Offer Starting Date: 1 Sep 2025
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme Horizon Europe - MSCA
Reference Number: CocosoDC2
Marie Curie Grant Agreement Number: 101169183

Offer Description
This position is part of the COCOSO MSCA Industrial Doctoral Network - Co-construction in the field of social welfare.

PhD contracts start on 1. September 2025 and run for 36 months.

Doctoral candidate 2 (DC2) will be part of work package 1 (WP1): Develop a common understanding of co-construction.

- Consider gender, intersectional and global power inequalities in the evolution of the social work profession.
- Analyse archival materials concerning the historical evolution of the social work profession, for example in the archive of the International Federation of Social Workers, the Alice Salomon Archive in Berlin and archives of national social work associations.
- Conduct oral history interviews with key actors involved in creating legislative and policy frameworks for the social sector workforce at national and supranational level (e.g. European Union, Council of Europe and International Labour Organisation).
- Assess the role and influence accorded to the participation of users of social services within the evolution of the social work profession.
- Produce key lessons for policy engagement in building the social work workforce at national and international level.

Academic supervisor: Prof Levke Harders (History/Gender Studies), University of Innsbruck, https://www.uibk.ac.at/geschichte-ethnologie/institut/mitarbeiterinnen/univ-prof/harders-levke/index.html.en

Practice supervisor: Herbert Paulischin, President, CFCECAS, https://www.ifsw.org/herbert-paulischin-austria-and-romania-received-an-award-for-achievements-in-social-work-in-his-more-than-35-years-professional-career/.

Secondment: 18 months at CFCECAS, Bucharest, Romania (https://cfcecas.ro/). The secondment will provide insights into workforce development in the social sector. The researcher will work to improve publicly available historical materials about the development of social work, for example by digitally archiving documents and producing online video interviews with key actors. The secondment draws on CFCECAS experience in creating social sector training, standards and policy recommendations in different countries since the 1990s, including through its close collaboration with the International Federation of Social Workers

Practice output to be produced during the project: Guide on ‘what works’ in policy engagement

Academic outputs to be made: PhD thesis in English, submission of one journal article (single or co-authored)

Where to apply: cocosodc2@liste.parisnanterre.fr

Research Field: History » Social history
Education Level: Master Degree or equivalent
- Master degree in History or a related discipline with historical or archival content.
- Strong communication, teamwork and co-operation skills
- Ability to work independently and take initiative
- Readiness to travel internationally for archival research, network activities and other relevant events

Languages: ENGLISH, Level: Excellent
Languages: GERMAN, Level: Good

Additional Information
The minimum gross monthly salary amounts to €3,714.80 per month, paid 14 times in a calendar year (minimum gross annual salary = €52,007.20). The salary is in line with the salary for doctoral researchers (Group B1/1) outlined in the Collective Wage Agreement (Kollektivvertrag) for Austrian universities. The salary will be higher if you have worked in a similar position before.

The salary will be subject to taxation and social insurance contributions. The Workers’ Chamber of Austria provides an online tool for estimating the net salary in Austria, https://bruttonetto.arbeiterkammer.at/. This tool is for informational purposes only.

In addition, a tax-free mobility allowance of €600 per month will be paid to support the private mobility-related costs of the recruited researcher (i.e. travel and accommodation costs for living in Innsbruck and Bucharest).

A gross family allowance of €660 per month may be available if the researcher has persons linked to them by (i) marriage, or (ii) a relationship with equivalent status to a marriage recognised by the legislation of the country or region where this relationship was formalised, or (iii) dependent children who are actually being maintained by the researcher. This allowance is subject to taxation.

A special needs allowance may be requested to contribute to additional costs for the acquisition of special needs items and services for eligible recruited researchers with disabilities (people with long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments that have been certified by a competent national authority).

Eligibility criteria
These criteria will be will be followed strictly. Please provide proof in your application.
1. MSCA eligibility criteria:
- The selected candidate must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Austria for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before their start of recruitment date (start of employment contract).
- The candidate must not hold a PhD.

2. Other compulsory eligibility requirements :
- Master degree in History or a related discipline with historical or archival content. The applicant must have received his/her official Master diploma by the start date of his/her employment contract (1 September 2025, delay of 1-2 months only possible in exceptional cases).
- Strong communication, teamwork and co-operation skills
- Ability to work independently and take initiative
- Readiness to travel internationally for archival research, network activities and other relevant events

3. Compulsory language requirements:
- English: excellent written and spoken skills (Master degree in English language or certificate equivalent to the higher end of Level B2 in the CEFR framework, for example IELTS Academic 6.5 in Speaking and Writing).

4. Desirable eligibility requirements:
- Thematic knowledge of the history of social welfare.
- Experience of archival research and/or conducting oral history interviews
- Professional experience in social sector development.

5. Desirable language requirements:
- German: a good level of spoken German to be able to take part in PhD History courses at the University of Innsbruck.

Selection process
Application documents to submit:
Please send one PDF file containing the following parts:
- Motivation letter (maximum 3 pages, single-spaced, font size 12, minimum 2.5cm margins), explaining:
- Your interest in being part of the COCOSO network
- Interest in the PhD project
- Relevant research and/or professional experience for the PhD project
- Career plans after COCOSO
- How you meet the required and desirable requirements for the project, including relevant language competences.
- Eligibility information: country/ies of residence of the last 3 years

- Reflection on the PhD project description, covering what you see as key conceptual, methodological and ethical issues (max. 2 pages, single-spaced, font size 12, minimum 2.5cm margins)
- CV (including professional experience)
- One reference letter about your academic or professional experience

Separate annexes
- Master dissertation
- Any relevant academic and practice outputs in English or German
- Transcript of courses and marks for Bachelor and Master degrees
- English-language certificate, if available (not compulsory at time of application)
- Proof of knowledge of other language(s)
- Copy of Bachelor and Master diploma, or other proof of completion
- Proof of country of residence since 1st of September 2022 (e.g. work contract, proof of student registration, passport stamps)

Additional comments
The secondment requires 18 months of physical presence in Innsbruck (Austria) and 18 months of physical presence in Bucharest (Romania). Physical presence is required in both the university and secondment location (no remote working).The contract will specify working 100% full-time on the PhD project and COCOSO network. Website for additional job details: https://cfcecas.ro/

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