Prof. Dr. Karin Friedrich

University of Aberdeen

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CFP: Reading the Ministry, 1550-1848
Centre for Early Modern Studies, University of Aberdeen
Aberdeen 29.11.2018 - 01.12.2018

Vorl: Lunchtime and Evening Lecture Series
Centre for Early Modern Studies, University of Aberdeen
Aberdeen, Scotland 11.10.2017 - 28.03.2018

CFP: 'What legacy shall I bequeath to thee?' - Shakespeare in the Context of his Time
Centre for Early Modern Studies, University of Aberdeen
Aberdeen, Scotland 22.10.2016 - 22.10.2016

Tagber: Ars effectiva et methodus: the Body in early modern science and thought
Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel; Centre for Early Modern Studies / Aberdeen Humanities Fund, University of Aberdeen.
Wolfenbüttel 30.06.2014 - 01.07.2014

CFP: Ars Effectiva et Methodus: The Body in Early Modern Science and Thought
Organised by Prof. Karin Friedrich (Aberdeen) with the support of the Herzog August Library, Wolfenbüttel, the Aberdeen Humanities Fund/Hunter Caldwell Awards, the Centre for Early Modern Studies, University of Aberdeen and the Research Institute for Irish and Scottish Studies, Aberdeen (Scotland)
Wolfenbüttel 30.06.2014 - 01.07.2014

Konf: Tradition and Cultural Memory: Representations, Reflections, and the Relationship to the Past
Centre for Early Modern Studies, University of Aberdeen
Aberdeen 16.03.2012 - 16.03.2012

CFP: What equality?
Centre for Citizenship, Civil Society and the Rule of Law, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, U.K.
Aberdeen 28.06.2011 - 29.06.2011

CFP: The Category of Violence
Centre for Citizenship, Civil Society and the Rule of Law, University of Aberdeen
Aberdeen 23.06.2011 - 24.06.2011

CFP: Musical, Cultural and Religious Networks in Early Modern Europe: in Celebration of Peter Philips's 450th Anniversary
Centre for Early Modern Studies / Department of Music, University of Aberdeen, Scotland; in cooperation with McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Aberdeen 01.03.2011 - 03.03.2011

CFP: Cultures of Correspondence in Early Modern Britian, 1550-1640
A Joint Conference organised by the Centre for Humanities, Music and Performing Arts at the University of Plymouth and the Centre for Early Modern Studies at the University of Aberdeen
Plymouth, England 14.04.2011 - 16.04.2011