Prof. Dr. Wolf Gruner

University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA

Zuletzt veröffentlicht

CFP: Genocide and Survivor Communities: Agency, Resistance, Recognition
International Network of Genocide Scholars (INoGS)
Los Angeles, CA 23.06.2024 - 26.06.2024

Konf: Digital Approaches to Genocide Studies. International Conference
USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research
Los Angeles 23.10.2017 - 24.10.2017

CFA: Call for Papers for an Edited Book on Petitions Resisting Genocide: Negotiating Self-Determination and Survival in Societies under Oppression
Wolf Gruner (University of Southern California), Thomas Pegelow-Kaplan (Appalachian State University)
Los Angeles 01.05.2016

CFP: Music as Resistance to Genocide. International Workshop
USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research; in collaboration with the Thornton School of Music at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles 26.10.2015

Konf: Third international workshop 'Resisting the Path to Genocide': Individual Resistance
The interdisciplinary research cluster “Resisting the Path to Genocide” at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles 26.09.2013 - 28.09.2013

CFP: Second annual workshop 'Resisting the Path to Genocide: Groups'
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, California 06.09.2012 - 08.09.2012

CFP: Second annual workshop 'Resisting the Path to Genocide': Groups
Interdisciplinary research cluster “Resisting the Path to Genocide” at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, California 06.09.2012 - 08.09.2012

CFP: Resisting the Path to Genocide: The Case of States and Societies
Interdisciplinary research cluster: “Resisting the Path to Genocides”
Los Angeles 05.05.2011 - 07.05.2011

CFP: CfP: Aufsatz zu Danzig-Westpreußen: Die NS-Judenpolitik und ihre Rückwirkungen auf die Herausbildung der „Volksgemeinschaft“ (Arbeitstitel)
Wolf Gruner, Jörg Osterloh (Hg.), Die NS-Judenpolitik in den angegliederten Gebieten und ihre Rückwirkungen auf die Herausbildung der „Volksgemeinschaft“ (Sammelband in der Wissenschaftlichen Reihe des Fritz Bauer Instituts).
Frankfurt am Main / Los Angeles, California 20.08.2008