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    Rez. von Boris Braun, Geographiches Institut, Universität zu Köln
    • Cook, Margaret; Frost, Lionel; Gaynor, Andrea; Gregory, Jenny; Morgan, Ruth A.; Shanahan, Martin; Spearitt, Peter: Cities in a Sunburnt Country. Water and the Making of Urban Australia, Cambridge 2022
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    Rez. von Steve Estes, History Department, Sonoma State University
    • Booth, Doug: Bondi Beach. Representations of an Iconic Australian, Singapore 2021
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    Rez. von Christopher V. Hill, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
    • Beattie, James: Empire and Environmental Anxiety. Health, Science, Art and Conservation in South Asia and Australasia, 1800-1920, Basingstoke 2011