Perspectives on Uses and Users in the History of Office Buildings

Perspectives on Uses and Users in the History of Office Buildings

Jens van de Maele (C²DH, University of Luxembourg) (University of Luxembourg (C²DH) / KU Leuven (MoSa 1800-2000))
University of Luxembourg (C²DH) / KU Leuven (MoSa 1800-2000)
Funded by
FNR / The Research Foundation - Flanders
Takes place
In Attendance
From - Until
20.11.2023 - 21.11.2023
Jens van de Maele

An international workshop on the history of office building use(rs), organised by the BUREU team of the University of Luxembourg (C²DH) and the University of Leuven (MoSa 1800-2000).

Perspectives on Uses and Users in the History of Office Buildings

In 1984, the German literature scholar Hannes Schwenger wrote that “it cannot take long before the first museum on offices opens its doors – probably before the turn of the millennium”. Schwenger drew a parallel with 19th-century factory complexes, which were (by the mid-1980s) gradually becoming museum-worthy due to the ongoing deindustrialisation in Western countries. “Over the course of the 20th century,” Schwenger continued, “large offices have appeared alongside factories as the ‘other side’ of the modern world of work – and in them, too, one can discover a piece of cultural history worth documenting”. Even though the prediction concerning the heritage dimension of the modern office has not proven accurate, Schwenger’s observations remain relevant for their emphasis on the historicity of both office buildings and office work. At first sight, the modern office appears as a relatively static phenomenon, characterised by seemingly indestructible concepts such as open plan layouts and managerial efficiency. Yet, these concepts themselves were embedded in broader “office cultures”, whose essence evolved throughout time and space.

At the two-day workshop "Perspectives on Uses and Users in the History of Office Buildings", which will take in the Maison Schuman (Luxembourg city) on 20-21 November 2023, we aim to deconstruct the managerial and architectural determinants of the 20th-century office building. The analytical focus lies on the dialectic relationship between planning and usage. Concretely, we seek to investigate how clients, architects, and interior designers interacted with users of office buildings, and how they subsequently modified their conceptions (or failed to do so). Conversely, we are interested in the bottom-up perspective: how did office workers voice their opinion on the buildings in which they were housed?

Our perspective on the dialectics between design/planning and usage makes a connection between two current research strands. On the one hand, a growing interest in the history of office buildings and “the architecture of bureaucracy” has recently led to a number of works in which the “space cultures” of the office have been thoroughly conceptualised (e.g. Agarez, Floré & Devos 2022, Petermann & Baumeister 2022, Kaufmann-Buhler 2021, Robertson 2021 and Bernasconi & Nellen eds 2019). On the other hand, research on “experimental media archaeology” has pointed at the need to include users’ experiences and perspectives in historical analyses of technological artefacts such as consumer appliances (Fickers & Van den Oever 2022). Office buildings and their interiors could effectively be considered as technological artefacts in their own right: Delphine Gardey (2008) has for instance described the office as a “technical-organisational complex” determined by both managerial and architectural ideas and ideologies. Inspiring, in this context, is Dirk van Laak’s observation (2008) that “infrastructures” (e.g. architecture) are often conceived to exert control and power, but that these aims are not always achieved due to unforeseen deviations in usage.

In sum, the historical everyday experience of work and life in the office building, and its intimate relation to both architectural form and managerial principles, are what we aim to explore at our workshop.

Everyone is very welcome to attend the workshop, but please inform us by sending an email to by 15 November the latest.


Monday, 20 November 2023 (Venue: Maison Schuman, 21 Place Sainte Cunégonde, 1367 Luxembourg)

13.15: Welcome by Andreas Fickers (C²DH) and Martin Kohlrausch (Leuven); Introduction to the workshop theme and the ongoing research on office buildings at C²DH by Jens van de Maele (C²DH)

13.45: Negotiating the Vertical Bias of Capitalism: Using Information and Offices in Early 20th Century America.
Keynote by Craig Robertson (Associate Professor of Media Studies at Northeastern University, Boston, and author of the award-winning 2021 monograph The Filing Cabinet: A Vertical History of Information)

14.30: Session 1: Managerial Cultures (I) (Chair: Rika Devos, Brussels)

Building Better Worlds: CEOs, Their Visions and the Facilities They Provide for Their Workers
Ruth Baumeister (Aarhus)

The European Commission’s Office Space Between 1950s and 1960s: Building a European “Materialized Imaginary”
Marco Ninno (Leuven)

When Good Office Designs Go Bad: Labor Process Theory, the Scanlon Plan, and the Evolution of Herman Miller’s Action Office
Petra Seitz (London)

16.00: Coffee break

16.30: Session 2: Environmental and Psychological Aspects of Office Work (Chair: Fredie Floré, Leuven)

Managing Total Environments: Light, Sound and Focus in the Office, ca. 1970
Joeri Bruyninckx (Maastricht)

Permanent Spring? Bodily Negotiations of Climate Control in Tokyo Office Spaces
Tatsuja Mitsuda (Tokyo)

Surviving the Office: Workplace Design, Activism and the Health of Women Workers in Twentieth-Century Britain
Amy Thomas (Delft)

19.00: Dinner

Tuesday, 21 November 2023

09.30: Session 3: Managerial Cultures (II) (Chair: Stephanie Fransis, C²DH)

User Requests for Governmental Offices During the Portuguese Estado Novo, 1948-74
Ana Mehnert Pascoal (Lisbon)

The Paradoxes of Work Cultures in Modern Office Buildings in the Philippines
Philip Michael Paje (Manila)

From Taylorist to Dynamic Office Organization: Architectural Design Practice Learning from Office Management Methods. Some Cases From (Postwar) West Germany
Gernot Weckherlin (Dessau)

11.00: Coffee break

11.15: Session 4: Computers and Office Technologies After the 1960s (Chair: Andreas Fickers, C²DH)

The Computerized Office: Planning, Office Work and Visions for Technology, 1980-2000
Christiane Berth (Graz)

Measuring, Evaluating and Configuring: The Debate About Screen Work in West Germany From 1974 to 1996
Bernd Holtwick (Dortmund)

12.15: Concluding remarks by Rika Devos, Andreas Fickers, Fredie Floré and Martin Kohlrausch (Chair: Jens van de Maele)

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