Space in medieval France

Space in medieval France

International Medieval Society
Université de Paris I - Sorbonne
From - Until
24.06.2009 - 26.06.2009
International Medieval Society

The International Medieval Society of Paris (IMS-Paris) is soliciting abstracts for individual papers and proposals for complete sessions for its 2009 Symposium organized around the theme of space in medieval France.

Questions about ideas of space have recently invigorated the field of medieval studies, challenging prevailing Modernist views that the concept of space only existed from the Renaissance onward. The Sorbonne's collection 'Constructions de l'espace au Moyen Age: pratiques et représentations' (2007) showcases recent historical research on spatiality, particularly regarding geographical limits and boundaries, as well as the role of space in social relations and practices, while Sarah Kay's 'Place of Thought' (2007) re-evaluates the complexity of the locus communis from a literary perspective. These publications complement ongoing investigations by historians of visual culture into the dynamic meanings, uses and phenomenologies of medieval space.

This symposium aims to generate an interdisciplinary forum on space in medieval France between c. 500 and c. 1500 that will enrich these ongoing debates and our knowledge of space in the Middle Ages by approaching the subject from a variety of perspectives. Papers should address France, Francia or post-Roman Gaul in some way, but they need not be exclusively limited to this geographic area.

We encourage papers on the following topics, as well as papers for open sessions in all disciplines:
- Public and private space
- Walls, boundaries, limits
- The shape of space in medieval art, architecture, and music
- Space or place?
- Astronomy
- Sacred and profane place
- Commercial space
- Performance and the use of space
- Space and identity in the medieval city

Abstracts in French or English of 300 words or less für a 20-minute paper should be e-mailed to no later than 1 February 2009. In addition to the abstract, please submit full contact information, a CV and a tentative assessment of any audiovisual equipment required for your presentation.

The deadline für abstract submission is 1 February 2009. The IMS will review submissions and respond via e-mail by 15 February 2009. Titles of accepted papers will be made available on the IMS web site. Authors of accepted papers will be responsible for their own travel costs and conference registration fee (35 euros, reduced for students).

The IMS-Paris is an interdisciplinary and bilingual (French/English) organization founded to serve as a centre for medievalists who research, work, study, or travel to France. For more information about the IMS and the schedule of last year's Symposium, please see our website:


Contact (announcement)

Julian Führer

Historisches Seminar, Universität Zürich
Karl Schmid-Str. 4, CH-8006 Zürich