Reminder : INVITATION 19./20. October 2016 - International Conference "Sex Still Sells. Paradoxical Right Wing Sexual Politics in Europe", Frankfurt (Oder)/Słubice

Reminder : INVITATION 19./20. October 2016 - International Conference "Sex Still Sells. Paradoxical Right Wing Sexual Politics in Europe", Frankfurt (Oder)/Słubice

Jennifer Ramme Cornelia Möser
Europa Universität Viadrina / Collegium Polonicum Słubice
From - Until
19.10.2016 - 20.10.2016
Cornelia Möser, Centre de recherches sociologiques et politiques de Paris, Centre national de la recherche scientifique

Sex Still Sells. Paradoxical Right Wing Sexual Politics in Europe.

International Conference at the European University Viadrina (Frankfurt/Oder, 19.10.2016) and Collegium Polonicum (Słubice, 20.10.2016).

In the past years right wing parties and organisations in most European countries managed to gain political weight. This conference examines their discourses, mobilisations and actors and inquires in which ways the sexual politics of the right have contributed to their success. Those politics appear paradoxical, because right wing actors organize campaigns against what they call “gender theory” that they denounce for destroying “family values”. They stand up against gay marriage and the equality of non heterosexual people, yet at the same time, they are also presenting liberal sexual and gender politics as a European or Western value in their anti-immigration discourses. The conference also presents and examines counter-discourses and critical theoretical approaches in order to determine useful analytical frameworks for dismantling right wing politics. European-wide research results, but also single country studies and analysis will be presented from EU-member states like France, Poland, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Spain, Slovenia, Hungary and Czech Republic.

Organized by: German-Polish Literary and Cultural Relations and Gender Studies, Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), Research group Genre, Travail, Mobilités at the Centre de recherches sociologiques et politiques de Paris and Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin.

For further information, please contact: Jennifer Ramme ( and Cornelia Möser ( or check the conference’s website:

With the kind support of Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin; Research group Genre, Travail, Mobilités at the Centre de recherches sociologiques et politiques de Paris (CNRS, UMR 7217), Paris, Viadrina Center for Graduate Studies, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder).



Wednesday, October 19th 2016:

Opening will be held at European University Viadrina (EUV), Room GDHs2,Europa-Universität Viadrina, “Gräfin Dönhoff”-Building, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany.

6.15 PM Official Opening with Insa Breyer (Viadrina Center for Graduate Studies) tbc, Sahra Damus (Equal Opportunity Commissioner EUV).

6.30-8:30 PM Introductory round table with Paula-Irene Villa (Department of Sociology, Ludwig-Maximilians University München, Germany), Manuela Caiani (Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences. Scuola Normale Superiore, Firenze, Italy), Jennifer Meyer (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France/University Erfurt, Germany) providing an overview on right wing networks and organisations on a European level, giving a historical perspective on right wing “feminism”, and elements on the complex body politics of gender and nation(alism) in right wing and conservative sexual politics. Moderation: Jennifer Ramme and Cornelia Möser.

Thursday, October 20th 2016:

Conference will be held at Collegium Polonicum (CP), Room 13, Collegium Polonicum, Kościuszki 1 Słubice, Poland.

9.30 Official OpeningKrzysztof Wojciechowski (Director of Collegium Polonicum), Bożena Chołuj (Chair of German-Polish Cultural and Literary Relations and Gender Studies, Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, EUV).

10-12.30 AM Anti-Gender Mobilisations in Europe: Actors, Networks and Politics.

In almost all European countries there have been right wing and religious extremist mobilizations against “gender theory” or at least against anti-discrimination measures for homosexuals and/or women. What changes if these mobilizations are part of anti-government protests or part of governmental politics themselves? What coalitions can be observed and what are the particular local but also European contexts and temporalities? What are key argumentations over which different actors build coalitions? What are recent practical strategies of the right wing.

Moderation: Paweł Lewicki (Europa- Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt/O., Germany)

Luca Trappolin, Francesco Cerchiaro, Dipartimento Di Filosofia, Sociologia, Pedagogia e Psicologi Applicata, University of Padova, Italy: The Anti-gender Fight in Italy: Subjects, Frameworks and Practices

Monica Cornejo, José Ignacio Pichardo Galán, Departamento Antropologia Social, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain: Anti-Gender Actors, Networks and Politics in Spain


Roman Kuhar, Peace Institut. Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies, Ljubljana, Slovenia: The Mobilizing Forces of a Scientifically-sounding Concept of Non-existent Gender Theory

Andreas Hechler, Dissens. Institute for Education and Research, Berlin, Germany:Cissexism and Inter*phobia within the (extreme) Right in Germany


12.30 AM-2 PM Lunch break

2 PM Openingwith Alexander Wöll (President of European University Viadrina).

2.10-4 PM Homo- and Femonationalism

The sexual politics of the right wing appear to be paradoxical. While they organize against what they call the “gender theory” or the “gender ideology” on the one hand, they call for sexual diversity as an occidental value in their discourses against Muslim immigrants and European Muslims more generally. This part of the conference will discuss different appearances of femo- and homonationalism in European societies but also the contradictory politics of states and other actors towards homosexuals and sexual minorities. How do right wing actors cover up these apparent paradoxes? How do LGBT and feminist actors cope with these paradoxes?

Moderation: Fatih Abay (Europa- Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt/O., Germany)

Judit Takács, Tamás P.Tóth, Center for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Science Budapest, Hungary: Homophobia and LGBT Migration in Europe

Dany Carnassal, Dipartimento Di Filosofia, Sociologia, Pedagogia e Psicologi Applicata, University of Padova, Italy: Non-heterosexual Asylum Seekers in Italy


Kateřina Nedbálková, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic: Feminists, Queers and the Ordinary People: On Class Wars in the Czech Republic

Eva Reimers, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Linköping University, Sweden: Femo- and Homo-nationalism as Post-feminist Politics Affirming Conceptions of the Tolerant and Modern Swedish Nation


4-4.30 PM Coffee Break

4.30-6 PM Sexual Modernity as a Political Strategy and its Limits

This last panel will build on the two earlier ones in discussing the benefits and pitfalls of rhetorics about sexual modernity. In which ways have feminist and queer thought and politics contributed to teleological understandings of modern emancipation? Have these sometimes underlying assumptions contributed to nowadays femo- and nationalist practices? Can feminist and queer thought contribute to a new understanding of these recent developments?

Moderation: Eva Šlesingerová (Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic)

Claudia Snochowska-Gonzalez, Institute of Applied Social Sciences, University of Warsaw, Poland, Jennifer Ramme, Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, European-University Viadrina, Frankfurt/O. Germany, Poland: The Constitution of the Polish Volk and Pitfalls of Feminist Counter-discourses.

Cornelia Möser, CNRS, Cresppa-GTM, Paris, France: Politicizing the Intimacy of Bodies and Sexualities. Feminist Analyses and Right Wing Discourses.

Anika Keinz, Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, European-University Viadrina, Frankfurt/O. Germany: Discomforting “liberation” or the Imperative of visibility. Reflections from Social and Cultural Anthropology on Processes of “Europeanization”.

6-7 PM Closing discussion on all the three panels with a quick report on the day from

Iva Šmídová, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

Contact (announcement)