Alexis Hofmeister, Departement Geschichte, Lehrstuhl für Osteuropäische Geschichte (Prof. F. Benjamin Schenk), Universität Basel
June 9th, 2021 (Wednesday)
10:00 am Welcome-Address
JOACHIM TAUBER - Nordost-Institut (IKGN e.V.)
10:15–11:00 am Keynote
Significant Others? Entangled Histories of Germans and Jews in Central and Eastern Europe
Panels (a panel includes two short presentations as well a commentary and subsequent discussions)
11:30 am–01:15 pm Panel I
REBEKKA HAHN Adolescent Narratives of Value Genesis and Development – Biographical Perspectives on Transmission and Transformation in the Context of Russian-German Families and Churches
BIANCA RAFFAELA HEPP Construction of Belonging and Non-Belonging to Communities of Remembrance
01:15–02:15 pm Break
02:15–03:45 pm Panel II
KATJA GROSSE-SOMMER Anticipation of anti-Jewish Violence during the Ukrainian Civil War, 1917–1921
ARSENIJ STARKOV The Struggle Against Anti-Semitism in the Soviet Home Front During the Initial Period of the Great Patriotic War, 1941–1942
03:45–04:15 pm Break
04:15–05:45 pm Panel III
AMBER N. NICKELL "Counterrevolutionary," "Fascist," "Trotskyite," "Spies"? Ethnic Germans and Jews in Southern Ukraine, 1928–1941
JUDITH THERESE VÖCKER Rights and Laws Within a Disenfranchised Community: Jews Under German Law in the General Government 1939–1944
June 10th, 2021 (Thursday)
9:15–10:45 am Panel IV
MAGDALENA BURGER “That we in Prague first have to find out from women what a club is!” - The Importance of German and Jewish Women's Associations for the Cultural Life in Prague (1890–1938)
JOHANNES CZAKAJ Galician Jews and their German Family Names
11:15 am–12:45 pm Panel V
TADEUSZ SKWARA State anti-Semitism or Paradise for Jews? Pictures of Jewish Life in the USSR in the 1930s in the Publications of Willi Schlamm and Lion Feuchtwanger
PAOLA FERRANDI Vasily Grossman’s “Berdichev—Not as a Joke, but Seriously” and “Ukraine without Jews” - Acknowledging and Addressing Jewish Existence in the Soviet Union between Journalism and Literature
01:00–01:45 concluding discussion - farewell