1–2 researchers "History of knowledge in the postwar period" (Lund University)

1–2 researchers "History of knowledge in the postwar period" (Lund University)

Lund University
Place of work
From - Until
01.03.2019 - 28.02.2021
Johan Östling

We are looking for 1–2 researchers in the History of Knowledge in the Postwar Period who want to be a part of the overarching programme “Knowledge in Motion”. The appointment is for 75 per cent of full-time for a minimum period of two years. In addition, there may be a teaching element, however this will account for no more than 25 per cent of a full-time position.

The appointment is linked to the research programme “Knowledge in Motion: Societal circulation of knowledge in postwar Sweden and Germany”, which is led by associate professor Johan Östling (Wallenberg Academy Fellow) and funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. The aim of the programme is both to improve the general understanding of the circulation of knowledge and make concrete contributions to research about the postwar knowledge society. At the centre of the programme is a series of comparative studies on how humanistic knowledge circulated in Sweden and West Germany in the 1960s and 1970s. The programme is a part of the general history of knowledge environment at the Department of History in Lund. For further information about the research programme, see:


Three specific things are expected of the researcher. Firstly, to pursue research of high international standard in a project that has been independently designed within the framework of the programme “Knowledge in Motion” (the successful candidate will finalise the design of the project in consultation with the research leader). Secondly, the researcher is expected to enrich the overarching programme and contribute to its general scholarly development. Thirdly, the researcher is expected to actively contribute to the history of knowledge environment in Lund. In order to meet these expectations, and as the researcher will cooperate closely with the research leader and others in the history of knowledge environment, it is a requirement that the applicant shall have a high and frequent presence at the Department of History in Lund.

Those qualified for appointment as researcher are individuals who have been awarded a PhD or a degree gained abroad that is deemed the equivalent of a PhD no more than five years before the end of the application period. If there are special reasons – parental leave, illness or similar – the PhD can have been awarded earlier. Certification that confirms these reasons shall in such a case be submitted with the application.

The applicant must have good and documented knowledge of reading both Swedish and German. If the applicant has a native language other than a Scandinavian language, there is a requirement for very good and documented English language skills.

A particular additional qualification is a PhD (or equivalent) in a subject with a historical specialisation.

The assessment criteria are research qualifications and a good ability to develop and carry out research of high international quality about the history of knowledge in the postwar period. The last-mentioned applies not only to the role as an individual researcher, but also as a member of the overarching research programme and as a part of the history of knowledge environment in Lund. The assessment is made on the basis of the submitted documents and in a possible subsequent interview.

The application is to be written in Swedish, Danish, Norwegian or English and contain the following:

– Signed curriculum vitae (maximum 2 pages).
– Certified copy of the PhD degree certificate.
– Personal letter (maximum 1 page).
– Project plan (maximum 5 pages) that describes the specific research to be conducted, and illustrates how this research can enrich the programme “Knowledge in Motion” and the history of knowledge environment in Lund in general.
– Complete list of publications in which the five most important research publications (including doctoral thesis) are marked with asterisks.

No publications are to be submitted with the application. In a later stage of the process the applicant may be requested to submit the five most important research publications (including doctoral thesis).

NB! The applicant is responsible for ensuring the application is complete in accordance with the instructions above and that everything has been scanned (as one PDF file) and received by the University at the latest on the closing date for applications.

Lund University welcomes applicants with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We regard gender equality and diversity as a strength and an asset. We kindly decline all sales and marketing contacts.

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Working languages
German, Swedish